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Sometimes you never know whats coming in

Started by Carolina Coyote, April 24, 2009, 03:35:18 PM

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Carolina Coyote


You have got to be shi*&t#@ me Carl?

I wanna hear this :yoyo:
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Hawks Feather

So, are you saying that you have been hunting ducks while they are out of season?


Edit:  I just noticed your support crew.  Patting you on the back and saying keep pulling only a couple more feet to go.    :roflmao:


 :roflmao: :roflmao: Ducks out of season.. :rolleye:

I want to hear more!!! we need a story here!!!
Yotehntr calls... put something pretty on your lips :wink:



That right there makes me appreciate the snow we got this morning.  I sure want to read more about this.
I say what I think not think what I say.


yeah come on theres got to be an interesting story to go with these cool pics we want  :readthis:
there's something you better understand about me, 'cause it's important and one day your life may depend on it. I am definitely a madman with a box!

Proud member of Bills Custom Calls Pro Staff

Hawks Feather

Just a guess, but by looking at the first picture, I am thinking that he was just out looking for a piece of tail.    :shck:   Did I enter that?

Name not give to protect my identity.

Carolina Coyote

I have finally decided that you need to be prepared for anything down where I hunt, never know what you are going to run into, this guy was 7 ' long and I did not weight him but as you can see from the picture I could barely pick him up, I was out looking for beavers as we have been having problems with the Beavers stopping the overflows out of the Lakes. It was about daylight and I went out to one of the lakes and was sitting on the bank looking for Beavers and this guy came cruising down the lake, at first I was in disbelief at what I was seeing but after scoping him over there was no doubt that it was a gator. Only his nose and eyes were showing and I squeezed off the first round at him and he disappeared, no wake no rolling nothing, and I'm think it could not have been that easy, i sat down on the bank and waited to see if he would come back up and after about 45 mins I saw him all the way across the lake 150 to 200 yards angling away from me, this time I really took my time and when I squeezed the trigger the water exploded and he was rolling and tumbling and actually cutting cartwheels in the water. I was pretty excited at that point  :yoyo: :yoyo: and was sure I had got him, well about 10 min I saw him surface again about 225 yards, squeezed off another round,he started rolling again the water just boiling.  :yoyo: :yoyo: After about five min he surfaced again, squeezed off another round and I saw him just sink in the water. By then I was beginning to wonder if I was ever going to let the air out of him, sure enough in about 10 min. he surfaced about 50 yards to my left and about 30 yards from the bank, another round and the water just boiled, the he surfaced right in front of me 25 yards off the bank, another round and this time he actually rolled over on his back all four feet sticking out of the water, :yoyo: :yoyo: Then he sank down out of site and I thinking finally and I figured by then he probably looked like a sifter with all the holes in him. well low and behold I saw the water start to boil around and he stuck his head up and started coming straight toward me when he got about 15 feet from the bank I fired another round right between the eyes. Finally I let all the air out of him, Thank goodness because I only had one more round, That was my first Gator. :biggrin: :eyebrownod:

Hawks Feather

Is there a season on them or are they considered open game?



Open season I hope.  :laf:
That's way cool. Never had the opportunity
to do it, but I've heard ya gotta pretty much
hit em in the brain. That's nice of him to keep comin closer to ya.  :yoyo:
Nice.  :congrats:



I'd think twice about going swimming there.  Are they common in your area?  Is gator tail good to eat??

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


That is just too cool. I hope you saved the duck. Looks like good soup starter :laf:

This is a heck of a deal to add to your resume Carl. :eyebrownod: What the heck did Ronnie say when ya told him about it anyway?
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Carolina Coyote

Gators are not common in this area, and we for sure don't want them to get common, we have been trying to attract Ducks to the area, not for hunting but just enjoy seeing them, we have turned out over a hundred Ducks trying to keep some in the area, we had one pair left and I had seen them the day before and I'm pretty sure the Duck in the gator was the Hen to that pair.He paid dearly for that meal. If you notice in the first picture laying beside the knife is a Furball that was in his gut also, it was big as a baseball and packed so tight you cut hardly cut it even with my knife which I keep as sharp as a razor. Not sure if the fur was Beaver or what? I don't know how the Gator got there, I do know there are gators on the Ogeekee river about 30 to 40 miles south of us and with the rain we have had this spring he may have came up a creek from there. I haven't talked with Ronnie lately, he is out of town working, but I'm sure he will be proud of me. I will let you know if they are good to eat later. CC