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Slowest season

Started by KySongDog, May 11, 2009, 06:23:50 AM

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The spring KY turkey season ended yesterday and left me bewildered.  After the first 3 days or so the birds seem to shut down.  Well, at least where I was hunting anyways.  I ended up with one jake that was a "bird in the hand......"  I am now glad I took that shot. 

I enjoyed getting out in the woods as always.  But I have to admit, I can't say I hunted as hard as I have in years past.  Perhaps if I put in more effort (i.e. more time in the woods) I may have found a willing bird to work and a great story to post.   In years past I would spend all day afield.  If they don't gobble, or gobble and shut up, my interest this year faded fast as well.  For some reason, I seem to have lost the patience to sit long hours in a blind overlooking decoys and wait.  However, I know turkey hunting is all about patience.  I am going to have to rethink my strategy next year and get back to basics.  What I did this season obviously didn't work. 

Any one else experiencing what you would say is a slow turkey season?   :wo:

Hawks Feather

I would say that it is a VERY slow season and I don't even have a jake yet.  The Toms seemed to hen up really quickly and as soon as that happened they said "no way" to me.  There are some birds where I hunt, but they are in several flocks with a Tom that tells them where to go.  I won't be back out till later this week and it is getting pretty green and the growth is taking off which will make it a little harder to work.



Very slow till today......and I screwed up BIGTIME! :doh2:


Slow for me too. Unless it's just my crappy calling.  :eyebrownod:  I let a Jake walk early in the season & I'm glad I did. I've been hunting public land & had walked into the no hunting zone thru the woods. I realized it when I made it out to the road.  :doh2:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Just been a strange season.  I've only been hunting on Wednesdays so that not much time in, but the birds havent been acting right.  The weather has alot to do with it, been cold and wet. 
I still havent seen a fawn yet, and have only seen 2 broods of gooslings.
I recall in past years near the end of turkey season seeing chicks already hatched.  :shrug:


Picture this.....I dove under a fence at a dead run from a black angus bull Again today....... :laf: :laf:

My calling is 3 yelps then put the call away for at least 10 min. and do not move waiting for those silent birds...and if I hear one then I make my plan before calling...it has been working some...accept I cant shoot :doh2:


Well at least I don't feel like the Lone Ranger. Isn't it kinda "funny" that it's happening to a lot
of us, from several different states/locations. It's been getting tougher, and tougher here, every year for the last
several years. A friend of mine that I do most my huntin with didn't even buy a tag this year. Mainly because
of how it's been goin the last few years, and how it's been goin for me this year. Another friend's already talkin
about not buyin a tag next year. I was halfway excited yesterday afternoon when I left to go try out another spot.
After settin up my blind and decoys in one spot for a couple hours, haulin my bow and blind over several hills, stoppin,
callin, no response, no birds, no nothin, I was questioning whether or not I was havin any fun.  :confused: :shrug:  :sad:
Don't get me wrong, I know it's not just about the killin, and I love being in the outdoors period, but the frustration
was really takin away from it. As I was walkin around I think I spent about as much time checkin out the dear trails,
lookin at the trimming I need to do on some stands for next deer season etc. heck I can have fun out there doin that
without gettin my butt kicked by these turkeys.  :eyebrownod:
Sorry for ramblin, but yeah, I'd say it's been a slow season.  :nono:


Same here birds all henned up....getting thick green fast...ticks..black flies...rain....i blame it on obama!...