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First hunt of the season...

Started by Coulter, August 02, 2009, 10:32:58 AM

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I finally managed to get out and do some hog hunting for a couple hours today with a buddy from work. The first field was a bust, but I spotted one in the second field and got set up. It was an awfully long shot, so decided to retract the bipod and go prone. My buddy was behind me as a spotter with the binoculars. When I went prone I realized there was a slight rise in the terrain that prevented me from putting the hog in the crosshairs, so the bi-pod got deployed again. After I found him in the scope again I took the shot...now keep in mind the shot was a good six hundred yards with 60 mph wind gust and the hog was a pup about the size of a chipmunk. Oh yeah, and I bumped my rifle on the door of the truck while unloading. Not to mention my wife was calling me on my cell while I was attempting this difficult shot :doh2:. Needless to say...I missed clean. But we had fun anyway :biggrin:

Okay, the reality is the shot was stepped off by my hunting partner and his big monkey legs at 275 yards. There was little to no wind, but my wife did call and I did bump my gun and my partner claims that the hog looked to be the grandaddy of all hogs...I'm not buying that one though :wo: We are going to try again Wednesday and get practiced up for some real predator hunting that will be coming real quick. :wink:



I KNEW those were the conditions you were under Steve. Otherwise you just don't miss do ya??!!  :wink:

:laf: :laf:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Good to see you are getting out Coulter!!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!




Thanks for the great story Steve :laf:  I needed that after 1,000km or so drive.  Hero pic was pretty impressive too :wink:
I say what I think not think what I say.

Hawks Feather

So you are saying that you didn't bring home the bacon.  From what I hear there will be more piggie targets arriving shortly.



It felt good to be out and about doing what I love. We are going to go back out and try again on Wednesday and see what happens. I miss plenty Glen, but I prefer embellish the circumstances so I don't feel like such a lousy shot. That one was a tough shot (in reality), you should see the stories flying in waterfowl season..."a rogue wave came right as I pulled the trigger" or "an ice chunk hit the boat just as the ducks got in range." or "My back was frozen to the bottom of the boat and I couldn't sit up quick enough to get the shot off" :biggrin: I've got a ton of 'em. :eyebrow:



Quote from: Coulter on August 02, 2009, 10:32:58 AM
and the hog was a pup about the size of a chipmunk.


That was my favorite part :laf:

Hog hunting is still on my list of want to do's. Thanks for the story :wink:
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