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A Quickie in the Morning

Started by JohnP, October 07, 2009, 10:23:46 AM

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 Kinda funny how the meaning of a word changes the older you get :eyebrownod:  Got up early this morning and while I was having my coffee on the patio decided I would take a drive down the dirt road.  Wife has a doctor appointment and I needed to be home no later than 0800.  Threw the rifle and caller in the Blazer, poured myself another coffee and headed out.  First stand nothing so after about 15 minutes walked out to pick up the caller and flushed a covey.  Flushing a covey of quail was the last thing I expected  and as they went up the first thing that came to mind was a rattlesnake, damn near pissed my pants.  Second stand with FX3 playing pup in distress at full volume produced a coyote.  I saw him at about 300 yards out and at about 200 yards he stopped and just stood there looking in the direction of the caller.  Try as I may I couldn't get him to come any closer, tried a whole different  series of sounds all to no avail.  I had my old Rem700 Heavy Barrel  22-250, got as steady as an old man can and let one go.  He fell dead in his track, seems that a 55 grain Sierra has that effect on them.  The next big decision was do I want to walk out there and get "the picture", this would be a round trip walk of over 400 yards, through cactus, cat claw and the likes.  

My decision:

If you look down that dirt road there is a little knob on the left side, I was sitting about half way up.  
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


i must be younger than i thought!    :eyebrow:  :biggrin:

nice job.

the scenery there looks like some of what i saw when i was out in Wyoming with Jerry trapping.


Congrats on another one down Mr JohnP! I got out this morning as well with both of my sons. We had the wind swirling around us so bad on the first set we never had a chance. The second set the bottom fell out and it rained so hard that I couldn't hear the caller myself, not much danger in anything else hearing it. Glad to read your getting out some! It's good for what ails ya :wink:


GunDog said:  "Glad to read your getting out some! It's good for what ails ya"

Yes it is and yes it does. 

cathryn said:  "i must be younger than i thought!"

That's good! 
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


Good job!! Cute lil pup, he'd make a nice hat  :wink:
If it can be made from fur I can make it!!

Send me a fur and I will made you a hat or mitts for $50


Another one bites the dust.   :eyebrownod:   Good job, John.   That country sure looks different from Kentucky.    I was bow hunting this morning and could see all of 30 yards.   :biggrin:


congrats and glad you made the 400 yard trip for the pic! I told some people I work with about the panic button on the car keys for home defense! Thanks again for the cool ideas :yoyo:


You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!

Carolina Coyote

Great JP, that ankle must be getting a little better, either that or you are just a tough old fart.  :laf: cc


Semp said:  "I was bow hunting this morning and could see all of 30 yards."

I would be claustrophobic if thats all the further I could see. 

cc said:  "either that or you are just a tough old fart."

Rest assured you will not be seeing anymore pictures if'n I have to walk 400 yards.

Wolfwomen said:  "Cute lil pup"

Not a pup, our coyotes just aren't very big.  The biggest one I have ever killed out here went 27 pounds.  Most are in the 20 to 25 pound range.  I would guess this one at 3 or 4 years of age.  I think one of the reasons why I couln't get him to commit was because of his age - older & wiser.
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


I thought this was gonna be about....well, ...never mind :doh2:

You've got an awesome stress relieving method. And your good at it. :wink:
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Quote from: FinsnFur on October 07, 2009, 06:32:15 PM
I thought this was gonna be about....well, ...never mind :doh2:

You've got an awesome stress relieving method. And your good at it. :wink:

Day-um I'm afraid I knew what you were talkin about John....  :rolleye:  that hurts.... 

:yoyo:  Great job on the coyote though!
Yotehntr calls... put something pretty on your lips :wink: