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Contest..........and a chance for a free call

Started by BigB, December 02, 2009, 09:25:16 PM

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We need to get a little contest going now that the hunting season is here.  The first 4 people to sign up in this thread that say that they want to enter the contest will be the folks that get to participate.  It is a contest to see who can post a picture and story of a dead coyote, fox or bobcat called in using one of the calls posted below. This contest will benefit the FnF Bank.  Each person to sign up will pick a call from the list below when you sign up.  I will send the calls out in the mail on the same day to all of the participants to keep things fair.  I can ship to Canada, but can't promise when the call will arrive.  The participants will get to keep the calls once the contest is over.

Once the calls arrive to the contestants home, the first person to post his/her picture taken with a dead predator and the call in his/her hand will get the call for free.  The second person to post his/her picture taken with a dead predator and the call in his/her hand will donate $10 to the FnF Bank.  The third person to post his/her picture taken with a dead predator and the call in his/her hand will donate $20 to the FnF Bank.  The fourth person to post his/her picture taken with a dead predator and the call in his/her hand will donate $30 to the FnF Bank.  The contest will run until the 3rd person posts a dead critter.  But the 4th person can still post a picture of their animal just to prove that they didn't get skunked.

The calls are all made by me.  The toneboards are of my design, and all of these calls sound very similar.  I free hand the toneboard arc on each call, so no two calls are ever exactly alike.  The toneboards are about as custom as custom can get.  The toneboards are designed to be loud if you want to, but also get as quiet as you need as well.  There shouldn't be any pitch breaks in them as well and they have a range from a fawl bawl to a high pitch female howl.  I've tried to get the correct backpressure built into them, so that the sounds easily come out of the calls and you won't be out of breath after a few series of the bunny blues.  Hunter grade calls that aren't too shiny and spook game.

Calls 1-4 from left to right

Each toneboard is numbered 1 though 4 as well.

If you wish to participate in the contest and accept the terms, please indicate so in your post and which call you would like.  And send me your name and address in a pm so I can send the call to you.  I will make a post on the day that I ship out all of the calls.  I'll ship them Priority Mail with tracking and delivery confirmation.

Post the pictures of the contest entries in this thread so that the order of the entries can be tracked accordingly.

Let me know if you have any questions.


hand call user primarily, but if you gotta use an e-caller, there ain't nothing that sounds better than a Wildlife Tech

Bills Custom Calls


Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


Well heck, I'll jump on call number two while everybody is busy sleeping :innocentwhistle: If this is the only way to get one of your calls I'll do it :biggrin:



I would love to do this but I'm sure I could just as well send $30 first, then enter.  :roflmao: I'm still an amateur caller and not contest material. :innocentwhistle: :biggrin: Very nice calls.
sometimes I wonder....is that getting closer..... then it hits me

I had a personal conflict the other day, now I'm not speaking to myself.... I'm getting lonesome

I met the girl of my dreams, I was the man of her dreams too.....she used the term "nightmares" though.


I applied to enter about ten minutes ago and am having second thoughts.  We have a lot of coyotes in my part of the world, so it's not really a level contest with anyone who enters from areas where they don't.  If you will allow me I will withdraw my entry in hopes that some younger and newer coyote hunter will enter and get such a nice call.  I can send in my loser's money without complicating the contest.   :laf: Great contest idea BigB, and thank you for doing it.


Okay, I'm in. I'll take #3 and I'll just go ahead and send the thirty bucks now. Thanks Brian.

NRA Life Member

"On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of decision, sat down to wait, and waiting died." - Sam Ewing


Hey good thinking Pat...if everybody else just sends in their $30 now I can win by default right? Just a thought, I'll be getting my money out too :eyebrownod:


So how many are left, I cant find my calculator :innocentwhistle: :roflmao:
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Bill's got call #1
Steve's got call #2
Pat's got call #3

So, there's still one available for whomever wants it.

Somebody, anybody, ???
hand call user primarily, but if you gotta use an e-caller, there ain't nothing that sounds better than a Wildlife Tech


How about you BigB  :innocentwhistle:. You could have a head start with the delivery date :laf:
I say what I think not think what I say.

Todd Rahm

Hey, I'm trying to restrain myself here since I'm lucky enough to own a few of your calls.  :innocentwhistle:


After further consideration I shall unrestrain myself and take call LUCKY NUMBER 4.   Purely altruistic, to keep from holding up the contest you know, not that I am drooling to have such a beautiful call.

Golly I wish the call was here.  I am hankering to cross the hump to the dry side and go after a mule deer on Saturday, where we shoo coyotes off from around our legs.  I prolly won't get back to that part of the world till after Christmas so all of youse 1 through 3 will have an unconscionable head start.  Let the games begin!  Drivers, start your engines!  On your mark, set,...

After all this I prolly won't get a coyote to come in this whole winter.  :roflmao:


Thanks to all of the contestants.  I really didn't think that we'd have a competition for last place!  :roflmao:  Maybe we should up the cost for last place the next time that I hold the contest.  :readthis:

I'll get the calls packed up and get the shipping slips filled out tomorrow.  They should be going out in Saturday's mail.

Good luck to all of the contestants.

hand call user primarily, but if you gotta use an e-caller, there ain't nothing that sounds better than a Wildlife Tech


Anyone care for side bets or a 50/50 type of thingy.
I say what I think not think what I say.

Bills Custom Calls

BigB Thanks for the contest  :yoyo:

Barry The last time I won a bet Ronald Regan was running for President of the USA and I bet he would win but I placed that bet with a Demarcrat  :laf: so ya see I only bet on a sure thing  :laf:  :roflmao: :roflmao:

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


 :whew:  I am glad he done that  :whew:   I got so much going on I just would not do the contest justice ....Good luck fellas  Give a good effort and no matter what happens....have fun !   :yoyo: :yoyo: :highclap: :highclap: :highclap:
I am getting the itch to go...... But I cant yet....  :pout:

Wonderful calls BigB Thank You for doing this...... :highclap: :highclap: :highclap:


   Hey Brian,
     Just wanted to say the calls look great.  Sounds like a great a contest. 


The calls are starting to arrive at their new homes today, so the contest ought to be getting good shortly.

hand call user primarily, but if you gotta use an e-caller, there ain't nothing that sounds better than a Wildlife Tech

Bills Custom Calls

Yep I Got mine today Might just go for a walk with it this evening yet

Thanks B

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


Dang it...I must have got a retarded mailman, I haven't got mine yet :rolleye: