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Revolutionary War Vet

Started by Silencer, January 16, 2010, 10:42:59 AM

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The things you come across out coyote hunting.   This was in the middle of nowheres, I couldnt believe it.   There was maybe 8 headstones and these are the only ones you could still read.
I dont think I've ever seen a Revolutionary War headstone. 


That is a cool find would love to find something like that. :highclap:

If my memory is right there is a grave at LBL where the youngest drummer boy is buried from the Revolutionary War seems he was given some land there for his service.




RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


I own a grave yard from the Civil war times.......I really should go get some picks of that for you guys....


Our extended family has a civil war cemetery that is mostly family members that fought in the war burried there.
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.

Todd Rahm

Those would be great for head stone rubs, then placed in frames. Nice pics, thanks!


That is neat! Like others have said, There is a Civil War graveyard just across the fence from my uncle's property, but I have never seen a Revolutionary war one.



What'd they do, just pick a spot away from the back yard like when we bury a dog and turn it into a cemetery? :confused:
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Quote from: FinsnFur on January 16, 2010, 09:49:16 PM
What'd they do, just pick a spot away from the back yard like when we bury a dog and turn it into a cemetery? :confused:

That's pretty much it Jim. For instance, there are dozens of small family cemeteries at LBL. That was a big part of the fight when the government took the land away. Many of them are still maintained by the families.

NRA Life Member

"On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of decision, sat down to wait, and waiting died." - Sam Ewing


Thats kinda eerie.
I wonder how some of the outlaw LBL blood would react to a filled out guilly suit leaning against a headstone.  :sad3:
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I have found that old cemetery's hold foxes. No idea why. If I were to come up on a old cemetery I would definitely consider making a stand. Ground hogs  hang out in them as well.

Just pay due respect to the deceased and don't damage anything. If its an old cemetery the occupants buried there would understand what your doing.
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.


I killed two deer this year in our old cemetery......I do wish there were some sorta funding to help restore and keep these old landmarks though......I cant keep the ATV's out and one grave has been dug up twice.....looking for stuff from the civil war I guess..... :argh:   


Anyone with the audacity to dig up a grave like that is setting them selves up for some serious karma.

Set a trail cam out there, high enough they cant see it or reach it.
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Thats been over a ten year period Jim....ya just dont know when they will be up there.....its very remote.
Some day I will catch someone then I am afraid I will be put in jail.... :eyebrownod:


There are funds for upkeep on thse old cemeterys. Takes some looking and digging but there are funds available. If you can catch the person or persons vandalising the old grave yards they can be hit with some serious peneltys.
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.


Well a trail cam could be there when your not, and I'm thinking your not there very often to begin, giving it the abandoned impression, so they get comfortable and vandalize it.

Kind of like an abandon house no one goes near...it's gonna get vandalized just because it's there and no one's looking over it.

How did you go about owning a civil war cemetery? Is it filled with your family or something?

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Typically grave sites are not owned, they are land locked. The surrounding land owner is required to give R.O.W. (right of way) to descendants no matter how far down the family tree they may be. Grave sites are required to be revealed to prospective buyers in many states because of this.


Well I am sorry we hijacked your thread Vic......

I have had historians help me find out what to do and they tell me the only funding for it in WV is raised privately.
I have had the boy scouts come and help clean up the trash and they sell the cans to support their troop...and I haul it all.
The Historian wants a TV news crew to come and see whats happening so we can get the word out for private funding.
I do not want this as it will attract more people........and that brings more problems..to a remote area that can not be monitored cheaply.
In return the Historian wants credit for the finding of a grave yard I grew up hunting.... :laf:
When I bought the property more than ten years ago.....it had not been surveyed since the 1800's and was hard to tell who owned it exactly but I had it surveyed thinking this would clear things up..... :nono:
So a couple of thousand dollars later and the best guess was unsure....
After many hours of searching through back deeds I found an agreement that said 1 acre was sold for $1 to a church for this use.....Church and a graveyard.....and if it were to go without an open church it would fall back to the original plot of land.
So another lengthy search of reading hand written deeds (Copies) that appeared to have been written in quill pen.....that would be my land. As it falls on one of three original plots of land that I now own as one.
I have put up a steel cable to block traffic in the old graveyard and they drive a mini monster truck up there and yank on the cable hard enough to give slack so they can drive under it.....they have broken the cable twice....all in the name of driving around a mud hole they created for fun!
So I opened a trail on the other side of the road as to allow everyone to pass without driving through the grave yard....they soon trashed it making it almost impassable..... :argh:  and started using the graveyard again...... :argh:
I caught two fellas this year as I was Bow hunting walking toward me with a chain saw talking of opening a NEW road on me right in front of my tree stand..... :argh: they decided they did not like my Kimber .45 enough to stick around for the pending arrest!  :nono:
I wish I knew where to turn with this but I can not afford any more company than I already get...... :shrug:
The rights to the grave yard is a state issue and not the same in each........In WV I am on my own.


You are not on your own, there are explicit rules in WV and ingress/egress also apply. See doc : http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~wvahca/cem_law.htm


I have not read it all yet .....But I will Thanks.....

Looks like ya either give up the rights to your land or ya gotta have a relative buried there..... :rolleye: