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Wolf Attack!?!?

Started by Huntinfool, March 12, 2010, 12:01:00 PM

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The body of Candice Berner was discovered March 8, 2010, off a 7-mile gravel road leading to the Chignik Lake airstrip.

CHIGNIK: Police unsure whether death happened before, after bite.


Published: March 10th, 2010 01:06 PM
Last Modified: March 11th, 2010 07:35 AM

Authorities were in an Alaska Peninsula village Tuesday investigating whether a 32-year-old schoolteacher, found dead off a road leading out of town, was killed in a wolf attack, according to state and local officials.

The body of Candice Berner of Slippery Rock, Pa., was discovered Monday evening off a roughly 7-mile gravel road leading to the Chignik Lake airstrip.

Berner's father, Bob Berner, reached in Pennsylvania on Tuesday night, said Alaska State Troopers told the family their daughter had been killed in an "animal attack, possibly a wolf attack." Troopers told him it was highly unusual and still under investigation, with the body on its way to Anchorage for an autopsy, he said.

"They wanted to make sure that nothing happened prior to the animal bite," Berner said. "We're totally shocked. You know, initial denial: This can't be Candice."

Berner described his daughter as "small and mighty," a woman who liked to box, lift weights and run. She was training for a race and could get into a meditative state when running, he said.

Troopers would not comment on the cause of death, saying the investigation is ongoing and that they are awaiting the results of the autopsy. Spokeswoman Megan Peters said the body showed signs of predation but declined to provide further details.

The body was found on regional corporation land within the borders of the Alaska Peninsula Wildlife Refuge and therefore was not in federal jurisdiction, said Bruce Woods, spokesman for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

"I don't think there's any decision yet as to whether it was predated before or after death," Woods said. "In other words, the (woman) might have died of something else and wolves might have found the body."

An itinerant special education teacher based in Perryville, Berner had just arrived in Chignik this week to work at the school there, said Lake and Peninsula Borough School District Chief Operating Officer Rick Luthi, who is in King Salmon. Berner had been with the district since August.

Her co-workers last saw her alive at the end of the workday Monday, Luthi said.

"She had made the comment that she wanted to get out and get some fresh air," Luthi said. "We assumed that that meant a run for Candice, because she had a habit of doing that whenever she could."

Local residents have been concerned about recent wolf activity in the area, but she probably didn't know that because she had just gotten to town, Luthi said.

Just a few hours later, about 6:30 p.m., someone on a four-wheeler came across some blood along the road and discovered the remains had been pulled into tall brush, maybe 10 to 15 yards off the road, Luthi said. Berner had apparently been killed within the past few hours, he said.

Chignik Lake, with a population of roughly 100, is on the south side of the Alaska Peninsula 13 miles from Chignik and 474 miles southwest of Anchorage.

Unlimited wolf trapping is permitted in the area from Oct. 1 to April 30. Hunting regulations allow 10 wolves per person per day from Aug. 10 to May 25, said Fish and Game spokeswoman Jennifer Yuhas.

"These are regulations set by the Board of Game and the liberal allowance of harvest denotes (an) incentivized program to harvest wolves in that Unit," Yuhas wrote in an e-mail.

Fish and Game officials would not comment on Berner's cause of death or say whether predation by another animal, like a bear, might have been possible.

There is an "extremely high" density of brown bears in the Chignik Lake area, but it is somewhat early for bears to be out, said retired Fish and Game biologist Mark McNay, who has studied wolf attacks in North America.

It is prime mating season for wolves -- a time when a lot of individual wolves could be out looking for mates and when young wolves recently separated from their packs could be wandering, he said.

"Those types of animals may be more likely to attack because they're naive, they haven't ever associated with people," McNay said. "There have been some cases where those types of wolves have chased and bitten people."

Wolf attacks on domestic animals in Alaska are not uncommon. A pack of wolves, at least some of them rabid, killed about a half-dozen sled dogs in Marshall in October 2007. Beginning a month later, Anchorage saw a series of wolf encounters that left three dogs dead and several others wounded. Wildlife officials at the time speculated the pack, led by a hungry leader, was targeting easy meals.

But violent encounters with people are more rare.

Last September, a rabid wolf attacked a hunter along the Kuskokwim River near Kalskag, biting the man in his leg before being shot to death. The hunter lived.

In April 2000, a radio-collared wolf repeatedly bit a 6-year-old boy playing in a grove of alders at a logging camp northwest of Yakutat. The boy was not seriously injured.

Then in July 2006, a wolf attacked a schoolteacher walking off the Dalton Highway, along the Arctic Circle. The woman suffered cuts and gashes to her legs but survived.

McNay, who now lives in Kansas, is the author of a 2002 study published by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game that examined 80 wolf-human encounters in North America, nearly half of which involved elements of aggression among healthy wolves.

The cases in which wolves are most aggressive are the cases involving wolves that have become habituated to people, he said.

"There's only been one other case of a fatal wolf attack by a healthy, wild wolf in North America, and that happened in 2005 in northern Saskatchewan," McNay said. "It is extremely rare. There have been other cases, of course, of wolves behaving aggressively toward people.

"The frequency of these cases seems to have increased in the past decade or so."
Yesterday is Wood
Tomorrow is Ashes
Only Today Does the
Fire Burn Brightly

Romans 8:28

Montani Semper Liberi --- ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛÎ'Î'Ε


I'm wondering if she got dumped there and wolves found her.
What was she doing there anyway? Running? Why'd she pick there?
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Very sad story.   :sad:    Carrying a gun might be a wise thing to do with bears and wolves around.  Alaska is not Pennsylvania.   


Hey Jim the AK state police spox person said on FOX news channel that they had ruled out foul play from any humans.

Our Forefathers and ancestors for centuries had good reason for their fear and loathing of wolves.

I know the tree huggers just love them so much and they are after all social animals.

And they also will eat you if you are deemed weak and they are hungry enough! I wouldn't go jogging in that type area unarmed period!! Even the most green idiot out there could at least carry some bear type pepper spray!

I've read many incidents of rabid animals attacking right down here near the nations capital! It happens one should be prepared to defend themself!

Yesterday is Wood
Tomorrow is Ashes
Only Today Does the
Fire Burn Brightly

Romans 8:28

Montani Semper Liberi --- ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛÎ'Î'Ε


Sad story indeed. Seems like I'm hearing more and more of people having bad encounters with wildlife these days.  :sad:


Extremly dangerous to run dogs in wolf country.  Many good hounds have been killed by wolves. 
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


yep jogging in the evening in the wilderness. Sad for the wolves.  A human kills a human get life in prison and a animal gets death.

Jimmie in Ky

We do need to keep numbers in check. Not just for our sake but theirs as well. Watching a population of animals eat itself out of house and home along with the disease crash later, is sad indeed.

But if you want to get eaten by a wild animal running or cycling away seems to be hte key ingredient.  All these young animals seeking new territorys seem to be following this pattern. Check the Mountain lion kills too and you can see this clearly. It comes down to idiocy our our superiority complex with us humans. We don't think about being a target with any kind of predator. Jimmie


Quote from: Jimmie in Ky on March 13, 2010, 12:40:44 PM
We don't think about being a target with any kind of predator. Jimmie

I lived in Africa (Congo) for two years.  Everytime I went into the jungle I knew I was pretty low on the food chain. :doh2:
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


Its an entirely different ball game when you know there are 4 legged (or 2 legged) critters out there that will kill you.