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Wyatt vs The Snowshoe Hares

Started by Todd Rahm, March 27, 2010, 07:09:02 PM

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With a name like Wyatt, shooting just comes natural :wink:
Yeah he's loving this so much it's fun to watch. By the way what is it he's standing in there? Looks like a bank with road scum on the snow, but the bottom looks like a frozen pond.  :confused:
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Todd Rahm

Its the pull out on the side of the road where we parked the truck. The pile behind him was pushed up by the DOT plow, and the pavement looks like ice because we had some warm temps for about a week, plus I think a few big trucks park there to sleep, and while the rigs run it probably melts everything under it.

Yeah, I think were done with hunting unless he chases a black bear, and now we are gearing for some fishing.  :biggrin:

Hawks Feather

Quote from: Todd Rahm on April 23, 2010, 12:12:32 AM
then he looks around and says with a smirk on his face "Wheres all the rabbits you shot?"

Comments like that sure make a Dad proud, don't they Todd?


Todd Rahm

Yeah, it put a big smile on my face Jerry.

This is off topic, but its my topic so screw it.  :innocentwhistle:

Wyatt came home from school last week, and the wife said look at your sons eye. So I did and asked what happened and he said a kid at school had hit him because he thought Wyatt had told on him. I asked Wyatt what he did, and he said "I kicked him in his nutcrackers" I asked why he did that and his response was "Dad, have ya seen the kid, its the only way to take him down."  :biggrin: I put my hand on his shoulder and said "I don't condone fighting unless your defending yourself or someone else in need, but ya did good."  :congrats: This kid is the class bully and at the ripe age of 11 he is as tall as I am, about a good foot and half taller then Wyatt. Its not our first run around and we let the school handle the first couple, and I told them that I was giving Wyatt the green light to defend himself after this.  :innocentwhistle:


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Give Wyatt a Big Ole ATTA BOY from me.  :highclap:

Everything I have read about this young'un on this thread tells me he is a young man after my own heart. Good shot (better than dad), quick witted, and knows how to take a loud mouth down.

VERY NICE INDEED!!   :yoyo: :wink:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free

Todd Rahm

Lol, Yeah. I asked what happened after he kicked him and Wyatt said the kid fell to the floor and I just pointed at him and told him not to hit me again.  :alscalls:  Sometimes Wyatt thinks he's way bigger then his britches.  :sneer:

Carolina Coyote

Way to go Wyatt, put them Bully's in their place, congratulations on the Rabbit that sure looks like a lot of fun and the best part is spending time with Dad. :congrats: :congrats: :highclap: cc


Quote from: Todd Rahm on April 24, 2010, 03:22:11 AM
Sometimes Wyatt thinks he's way bigger then his britches.  :sneer:

That's funny stuff. I bet that kid doesn't mess with him anymore either.  :nono:

Now about the "bigger than his britches" part. I wouldn't give you a wooden nickle for any man that doesn't think he's just a little bit bad to the bone. That's part of what makes us men and what's wrong with this country. Got too many "politically correct, limp wristed, caesar milk toast, panty wearing, nutless" males in this country now. Most of what's running this country are that way.  :doh2:

I hope you are encouraging that some in your son. Not to be a bully, but to have sand enough to stand for what he believes in. Well heck, I know you are, I'm just impressed with the little fellar. My hat's off to him.  :eyebrownod:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free

Hawks Feather

I spent 35 years in the education profession and I always told the kids that I would fight their fights for them - and did whenever I knew about it.  (That covers other kids and more parents than I can count.)   With that being said, there comes a time and place where a well placed kick or punch by an underdog can do more than an adult can.  In those cases I just "never acted on the incident" or that could be read as chose to ignore the incident.   Well that isn't totally the case, because I would usually see the kicker in the hall and mention that it was "ended" and gently remind the kid who got kicked that if I heard of him/her hitting anyone again on school property that they would get to spend a few days in my office, which was a fun place most of the time, but at other times could be a really bad place to be visiting.  The first (kicker) would be in private and the second (kid getting kicked) would be when he/she was surrounded by their friends - which served as an unpleasant reminder for the kid that got kicked and a warning for the rest of the group.  I really don't condone fighting, but in the words of Kenny Rodgers, "sometimes you gotta fight to be a man."  It seems like Wyatt took care of the problem.
