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coyote vocalizations in the east

Started by ohiolinmn, November 15, 2010, 04:48:01 PM

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 Just curious if anyone uses howling for calling here in the east? I have recently been to a calling seminar that claims howling is the way to go during dec. and jan. He basically says during that time they are the hardest to call due to breeding season. I have almost always used distress sounds myself and wondered if anyone has success with coyote sounds. I do have a fox pro with those sounds but i prefer hand calls myself when ever i can. 


I've been doing very well with howls and vocalizations this fall here in Upper Michigan,I've never used any howls/vocs this early before only distress sounds but I'm sure glad I tried em.  Been getting lot's of responses to howls and voc's and 9 out of 10 times if they answer me back then they are on the way in.  I've been starting almost every stand with a howl and if I get a response I stick with coyote sounds. if no response I go into a distress sound and add a howl every now and then during my set. I've been useing a foxpro but like the hand calls like you,I only wish I could do a howler justice  :iroll:  Sometimes i'm sounding good other times ......welllll ahhhhhh errrrrr  :innocentwhistle: nuff said on that.   


 That sounds good i have been trying out differnt howlers just wasnt sure about using them in the field . i do use them to locate but havent tried them on a stand.  thanks for the info

Jimmie in Ky

I would like to know hte name of the nit wit you heard that from. I wouldn't want to waste my time going if he shows up here locally.

Young females looking for a mate may give a come hither call in late december but it is not breeding season at that time. Howls can be useful any time, but are not nescescary to know in order to kill coyotes during those months. Any canine distress sound will trip that same teritorial trigger in the coyote.  Jimmie


I do stand corrected it does say howler and prey sounds work in dec. then in jan. lean to more vocalizations and that jan. is the toughest time of year to call then feb. thru march is in his opinion the best.  I do like all the info. I do a lot of calling and feel i do ok but like to here others thoughts and experiences and see what i can add to my game.


Quote from: Timberking on November 15, 2010, 06:53:15 PM
  Sometimes i'm sounding good other times ......welllll ahhhhhh errrrrr  :innocentwhistle: nuff said on that.   
Question for ya TK: When you have those "other times" do the coyotes still come in?  :wo:


I have had a lot of success howling coyotes........ Many times of the year it works...... Many times it does not....Just like anything else.
Depends on what your saying to each other and at what stage the coyote is in.
I can only say try it for your self, and see what works for ya....... But first try and study up on what the sound your making is supposed to mean..... and at what times of year to use them...... This is tough as opinions vary.... so trying them yourself and taking note of what works...... As well as what does not work for you, is very important.
I have learned a lot about sounds........ But I will always be willing to try new things..... But when you decide to try something new....... Stick with it for a time as to get a real idea if its working or not.
I must say the fellow you listened too........ Has not the same experiences as I have....  or he would change his way of thinking a bit. :wink:


When the "other" times happen the answer is NOPE  :nono:     I think I know where you going with this,and I'm a think'n  your think'n about how I or we as humans interpret what "we" think the howl should sound like? I know that what I think is a horrible howl might just be music to a big ol dog's ears and draw em in like catnip to a house cat!  It's just hard sometimes for me to  let go and do the howl/s anyway LOL ridiculous I KNOW  :eyebrow:  I do think people get to hung up on how we are sounding to ourselves.  Earlier this fall i was using a yellerdog YDD3 open reed and 3 minutes into the set I had a single coyote come in. well long story short it winded me and disappeared over to the next ridge where it gave me hell. It just sat in the same spot barking up a storm at me. I did a couple of howls with the YDD3 and the barking stopped? Not sure what happened LOL did I spook em out of there,did it come back in and I didn't see it only to spook again? Did it just "shut up" cuz i made such a horrible howl? (I did think it sounded pretty good thank you very much) LOL 

I remember one time years ago me and a buddy were turkey hunting and we were sneaking along the edge of a gas pipeline trying to locate a gobbler and we tip toed over the top of a ridge and heard "yelp,yelp,yelp,yelp" We looked at each other said "pfffffffft,who's he gonna fool" and a hen walked out onto the gas line from where the yelping was coming from  :alscalls:  :doh2:     


Reason I asked is that two of the worst howls I ever did put a coyote 12yds in front of me.  :shock2:
I always wondered if he thought I was a retarded coyote & he'd be able to kick my @$$. :wo:


Quote from: vvarmitr on November 16, 2010, 01:40:48 PM
Reason I asked is that two of the worst howls I ever did put a coyote 12yds in front of me.  :shock2:
I always wondered if he thought I was a retarded coyote & he'd be able to kick my @$$. :wo:

That was funny. I just spit soda.  :alscalls: 


I don't howl much here in N.Y. and I may be all wrong but I don't want to target just coyotes. Our Bobcat and fox season is at the same time right through till March and if I can get a fox or cat to come in to the distress call  I'll take it.
When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car.


I howl more than I use distress sounds.


Quote from: vvarmitr on November 16, 2010, 01:40:48 PM
I always wondered if he thought I was a retarded coyote & he'd be able to kick my @$$. :wo:

Vic that would be like a Hazing, wouldnt it?  :alscalls:
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the guest speaker probably mentioned if you do a dominate howl you will scare suborinate coyotes away too