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Kimber of Oregon out of the safe for a morning with the squirrels

Started by Bluesman, November 19, 2010, 07:21:29 PM

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I just became a granddad yesterday.  My father-in-law and I hung out the the labor & delivery waiting area for hours yesterday.  It was well worth it.  A new little girl named Laila came into the world.  Another miracle.  Well, I decided I would treat myself to a morning of squirrel hunting today, since yesterday was spent indoors.

I pulled my Kimber 82 mini-Classic out of the safe for the first time in a couple of years.  I didn't get to squirrel hunt actually for the last three seasons.  But, I'm not a real collector so I have to USE it for it's intended purpose from time to time.  I don't usually venture off too far with this gun because I don't need to beat it up.  Man, is it a fun rifle to shoot and it was obviously built with gray squirrels in mind.

I got a late start because we have some company in town.  I got in the woods about 8:30 AM.  It was a little windy but the temperature was a comfortable 45 degrees.  There were no squirrels moving anywhere that I could tell.  I was kicking myself for missing the earliest part of the day.  I moved 30 to 40 yards about every 15 minutes, leaning against the shady side of an oak at each stop.  Finally after about an hour or so, I used my squirrel call to sound off a calm chain of barks.  I just blew it with those chicken cluck sounds at a low volume wiyh no intensity.  Five minutes of that and a young squirrel popped out on a big poplar limb right in front of me at 20 yds.  He moved real slow and eventually hopped onto another tree and started coming down....facing me, still about 20 yds away.  I put the crosshairs on his head and lip squeaked real soft.  He stopped cold.....then died from an Ely Target 22LR lobotomy.

I let him lay in the small branch that he fell to.  Directly behind me I heard chatter.  I turned a slow 180 degrees and saw two more grays working their way down a giant poplar.  They hopped around a bit, one pretty close behind the other.  Eventually, the lead squirrel hopped back up on a tree trunk about 3 foot off the ground.  He froze there with his head down, tail up.  The Kimber cracked another soft report.  The squirrel couldn't complete a full flip before he hit the ground.  Another dead-on head shot from between 20 and 30 yards.  The third squirrel never really got upset.  He noticed his buddy on the leaves with his tail flicking and moved toward him by using tree trunks, logs, whatever he could to keep from touching the crunchy leaves.  He stopped on a diagonal tree and struck a pose.  I fired at the side of his head but clean missed him.  He never moved.  I chambered another round and number three was on the ground.

I eased up to my feet, and took a few steps up the hill to reach a three strand barb wire fence.  I had only moved about ten yards when I saw two more squirrels moving about.....maybe another 20 yards away.  The sun was behind them so they were easy to spot.  I waited against another big oak that also served as a fence post.   They disappeared against the tree as they descended.  After a minute or two they both showed up on the ground doing their thing in preparation for the winter.  One sat up in the classic curled tail pose for only a second before the Ely entered his ear and toppled him over like toy target.  This time his buddy evaporated when the gun went off. I waited a little while for him to show again but he never did.

I guess I was out there about two and a half hours.  Tomorrow, I hope to get out right at first light.  I like to see all those squirrels moving just as soon as the sun is coming up.  If I get four or five more, I'll have enough for a good feast, including gravy and mash potatoes.  And....that lil' Kimber needs another day in the sun.


JB in NC

Protect our sport.  Act like you got some sense out there so future generations can enjoy hunting too,


Hawks Feather

That sounds like a really good day (few hours) of hunting.  Did you have camo on or were you just one of those Ninja Stealth Type hunters that I have read about?  I do have gun envy.



Sounds like a good day outside.

Congrats on the grand daughter!
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.



I had camo from head to toe.  There's not many leaves left on the trees so there won't be many more days like this....of tiptoeing around.  I bought some Natural Gear fleece last year and I really like it.  I also used a face cover.  I figure if I can't get the coyotes to come in around here, I'll call squirrels.

I used to get the "Small Caliber News" when it was in print.  One issue had this rifle...or a duplicate on the cover.  I searched and searched until I found one.  Now....if I can just keep from dropping it.  :iroll:
Protect our sport.  Act like you got some sense out there so future generations can enjoy hunting too,



QuoteI just became a granddad yesterday.
:congrats: Congrats, Grand Pa !!  :highclap:

Geeeeze, your hunting adventure makes me want to grab a rimfire and go after some of those acorn munchers.  :yoyo:
Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.


Yaaaayyy....I'm a grandpa.  That is a cool thing.  I am a cool grandpa.....right?  :dance:
Protect our sport.  Act like you got some sense out there so future generations can enjoy hunting too,


Hawks Feather

I do really need to apologize for not congratulating you on your granddaughter.  They are even more special than the Kimber.



Great story and pics!   :congrats:   Thanks.   Squirrels seem to taste better when rifle shot vs. shotgun.  I know they are easier on the teeth.   :biggrin:

And congrats on the new granddaughter too!   :highclap:



Todd Rahm

Thats a beautiful looking rifle ya have there, and I understand why ya want to play with her every so often.  :wink:

Looks like a nice mess of bushy tails too.  :congrats:


It was a great day.  When I got back from hunting, my father-in-law helped me skin those squirrels.  I put 'em up, then we put the hides and scraps on a small ridge behind the house.  We set up the game cam over the "bait pile".  I put a log over the scraps so the first possum that comes by can't make off with everything.  He probably will anyway.  But,  hopefully, I'll get some good coyote or fox pictures.  If I do, I'll post 'em up.

Gotta hit the rack now so I can go out for more squirrels in the AM.

Thanks to all of you guys for the well wishes on my grandaughter.

JB in NC
Protect our sport.  Act like you got some sense out there so future generations can enjoy hunting too,



HAY HAY HAY!!!! Dont go forgeting the pics of the grand daughter
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.


Ronnie Cannon



Congratulations to all on your Granddaughter JB!!  :yoyo: :yoyo:

I really need to drag the 22 out for a squirrel hunt of my own. I hope I have 1/2 the success you did!! Great hunt & writeup!!

QuoteNow....if I can just keep from dropping it.  :iroll:

:nofgr:  I don't think Laila will be happy if you drop her Kimber. You best be careful with that one.  :eyebrownod: :eyebrownod:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11




Thanks Slagmaker....I owe you one there.  I guess I had my head up my "den tree".  I've posted a good picture of the lil' beauty on the Tailgate forum.

Protect our sport.  Act like you got some sense out there so future generations can enjoy hunting too,



  Couldn't comment on this thread until that other item was cleared up as man could end up on the wrong side of someone like that :innocentwhistle:.   That was superb story that had me crunching leaves just sitting here. :bowingsmilie:  The pics are awesome and I thank you kindly for giving us them. ;yes;.  Never done that in my life but it sure sounds like it would be entertaining.  How much edible meat would be on a squirrel :shrug:.  That gun is a beauty that should serve your grandchild well. :eyebrow:
I say what I think not think what I say.


Thats enough for a nice little meal. :eyebrownod:
Thanks for sharing the story :congrats:
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Quote from: pitw on November 20, 2010, 04:58:41 PM
   How much edible meat would be on a squirrel :shrug:

I figure two squirrels for one person unless you eat the heads.   A fox squirrel the size of an alley cat counts as two. 


Quote from: Semp on November 21, 2010, 09:25:35 AM
  unless you eat the heads.   

:puke: :puke:

That ruined my bacon, eggs, pancakes, toast and jam breakfast.
I say what I think not think what I say.