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Anyone make Squirrel in distress handcalls?

Started by Bopeye, March 29, 2007, 09:26:22 PM

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I was just wondering, because my female cur caught a squirrel yesterday and ate it....... :roflmao:
It made the coolest sound........well up until it died....... :huh:
She killed it too quick, I was trying to film it, but it just died way too quick..... :eyebrownod:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


HUT sells a squirrel in distress reed.  I think it is a JC metal reed.  I got a few that I never did anything with.  They are yours if you want them.

Or you can check out LeMarr Game Calls (http://www.lemarrgamecalls.com).  He makes one that is called the Tweaked Squirrel.  I got it and it does make a great interesting sound.


  I don't make calls. Would you be willing to make a call with one of those reeds in it.......I'd gladly buy it from you if you were willing to give it a try.  :wink:

  I know if a dog can kill a squirrel that a coyote could easily surprise one and kill it.  :biggrin:

  Didn't I read about a fella not too long ago filming a couple coyotes sneaking up on Fox squirrels and killing them. Seems like he was bow hunting or something and watched the whole thing or something...........geesh, my memory is horrible..... :rolleye:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


 Oh, I am sure I can dig something up for ya.  Any preferences?

THO Game Calls

I think the reed that hut sells as a squirel reed makes the chatter sound you find most commercial calls.   Last time I checked with JC Products they gave me the number of that reed but I never ordered any because finding the bellows was the tough part.

THO Game Calls
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Been some years since I made any squirrel calls, but they are one of the easiest of all animal sound calls to make, and the most forgiving in use.   I first made them 50 odd years ago similar to what was recently called the "rubber band call" here, then later as antler and enclosed or open reed turned calls.   Since I was such an active long range digger shooter for so many decades, I used mine more for prairie dogs, ground squirrels and when I lived where they occurred tree rats.   But they also work great to stop almost any moving animal for a shot, same as a bark or lip squeak, or as a locator call for just about any species that is already alerted by squirrel chatter in nature.  I have never seen that JC reed mentoned - made my own reeds mostly.   Wouldn't take much to modify any JC reed for the sound though probably.   You can make them with modified crow reeds too, and short of making your own these might be your easiest bet.   The bellows are not needed either unless you want it to be a hand operated call.   Easy enough to produce the same sounds blowing them with the right breath control.   To come full circle, acceptable squirrel distress, barks and chatter can be produced on just about any call with practice.   Why I stopped bothering to make squirrel specific distress calls some years ago.

USN 1967-1971

Thou shalt keep thy religious beliefs to thyself please.  Meus


Give it a go Matt. I really like the looks of your enclosed cocobola calls and you have some awesome looking enclosed antler calls. I'll let you decide.......I like surprises.  :wink:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Something doesn't sound right.  I pulled out one of those "squirrel" reeds from HUT and threw it in a call to hear what it sounded like.  I was a weird sound to say the least.  Something wasn't right.  I went and grabbed an old Faulk's squirrel call I had put away and started messing around with that.  It was one of those that has the squeeze tube thing on it to make the barking sounds.  Well it sounds very realistic.  So I took the squeze thing off and started blowing just like a normal dstress and that sounded a lot better.  I could actually see that sound coming from a squirrel.  I was just a basic metal reed from somewhere else besides JC.  I don't remember the name.  But I am sure that sound would not be hard to duplicate.  Just find the right reed and tweak it a bit.

Bopeye, was that sound you heard a high pitch raspy squeal or a low pitch raspy squawl?  So for I have heard both sounds come from "squirrel" calls.


High pitched followed by a crunch........ :roflmao:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


I know I get great squirrel barks outta my Hawks Fluff call w/ a fawn distress reed in it. :eyebrow:


I get great squirrel in distress sounds from my dogs mouth, but the catch is that she has to have a squirrel in it............ :eyebrownod: :wo:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Quote from: Bopeye on March 31, 2007, 09:48:36 PM
I get great squirrel in distress sounds from my dogs mouth,

What then? You blow in the other end & out comes the sound?  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:   :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:   :roflmao:  :roflmao: 


Excellent squirrel hunting advice.  You're like Yoda of the predator call world.  Took a handful of closed reeds into the woods yesterday and chatted with the squirrels.  Certain reeds sound better than others.  Got so good even managed to work an open reed a little.  This is why the internet is so good.  Two days ago I never thought about a squirrel call and it turns out I've been making them all along!
Thank you,
Their horses are swifter than leopards, fiercer than wolves at dusk - Habakkuk 1:8


9th -

Sounds like you learned from the experience, and I'd venture to bet you had a very fun day to boot.   Makes me happy if my ramblings sparked the interest- you are very welcome.   Its real nice to see someone getting out there and using the time to learn something new, and then apply it.   Will help you understand the predator and prey animals/birds themselves better, make you a better call builder, a better hunter and add tons of enjoyment to your time afield.   

That's what making nature sounds is all about... spending the time out in it hearing the talk and then figuring out how to make the talk yourself.   If more new folks would invest the time in nature, think about it and use a little common sense they wouldn't have to rely so much on just copying what others have done before them.

BTW 9th, you got it part right anyway.   The older I get the more I do look like Yoda.    :shck:

"When 900 years you reach, look as good you will not."


USN 1967-1971

Thou shalt keep thy religious beliefs to thyself please.  Meus