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Started by pitw, September 14, 2015, 09:53:03 AM

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I say what I think not think what I say.


$50?!?!?!? How big is that thing anyway? Or is that Canadian funds? Oh heck, it's probably more expensive in American currency :doh2:


Is it aluminum or steel?

Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.

Hawks Feather

If it comes with a hind quarter of moose, I will take it.



Did you find the leprechaun pot of gold?

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Quote from: riverboss on September 14, 2015, 04:32:12 PM
Did you find the leprechaun pot of gold?

I found the pot at the end of the rainbow last year in Alaska.

NRA Life Member

"On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of decision, sat down to wait, and waiting died." - Sam Ewing


I thought there was gonna be a pot party in here.
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Carolina Coyote

Looks like Barry has found a pot to boil his Peanuts in.



I was on my way to look at a tractor some 3 hours North of when I espied a garage sale on the outskirts[kinda/sorta like a womans] of a small city.  I seen this damb pot and asked the guy if he'd take $10 as I figured it would make a good trap boiler, Jim feather puller outter easier and a host of other things[Never thought of peanut boiler :doh2:].  He went and asked his wife and the answer was no.  So I said, "Y'all [I learned something down South] enjoy moving that baby around as I left.  I went on my way to look at the tractor a fellow had which is a 165 Massey, front end loader, multi power and cab for $6,000.  I managed to get to the fella's place an hour before my scheduled time and found him trying to hide flaws[which wasn't going good and wasn't going to help :nofgr:].  It had a few issues but will be easy fix's for someone who knows anything about these tractors.  The loader was garbage[I had a fellow from up there pick it up and he gave me $300 for it as he says there will be some stupid acreage owner give him a grand for it], the oil puking out around the pto shaft was clean :alscalls:, the generator has no wires coming from it making it a pretty belt tightener and a few other miscellaneous items including hydraulics that were sooooooooooooo slow that you could pull the lever and go have coffee while it lifted an implement off the ground :puke:[easy fix is to clean the screen to the pump :readthis:].  I managed to point out enough flaws that were obvious that the fella knew I knew the tractor better than him.  I offered 2 grand and let him beat me up to $2,500. 
  After the tractor I went to the lake you guys have seen pics of in the past and ended up showing a couple natives where to fish for trout and then showing them how to fish for trout :innocentwhistle:.[Things have changed in this aspect]   After 4 hours of spent in the most enjoyable way[me playing with injun kids while the adults were making their minds up about whether I was a threat or just an idiot] teaching and watching people enjoy the great outdoors, I found myself driving by that F'n garage sale again at 3:30 pm.  I saw the pot was still there from the road so I pulled in.  Asked the guy if he was willing to sell it for $5 now :wo:.  He looked shocked and says I had offered him $10 in the morning.  I acknowledged this as the truth but said, "That was before I knew no one else wanted the F'n thing". :nofgr:  He said he'd take the ten now but I said, "Nope but I'll flip you 5 or 10".  He knew there was not going to be a sale later so flipped a loonie which he followed up with an expletive. 
Found this on line after I got home.

Went up yesterday with me new/old Ford and got the tractor.

Gosh it's fun to get something useful for pennies on the dollar. :biggrin:
I say what I think not think what I say.


Loved that story!

I had a pot like that to boil lobsters in when we lived where we could catch lobsters.  Make sure you put them in head first.

Hello, my name is Okanagan and I'm a garage sale junkie.  My wife HATES them but my grown daughter and I try to do a garage sale morning together when we can.  You can tell immediately whether the seller wants to get rid of stuff or whether he thinks his stuff is gold.  One guy in the first category last year told me the only way he would sell me one item was if I hauled away three other things I actually wanted but had decided not to buy.  One of the extras was a nearly full bulky roll of plastic sheeting that was 12' wide and must have been 100 feet long.  Always useful for campers and hunters.

A few years ago we spent a summer at my wife's home town and hit a whole neighborhood of garage sales the first day.  One fellow had a bunch of fishing rods at a good price and I picked up a Fenwick salmon rod that had been top of the line a few years earlier, thinking that I would use it fishing with cousins while there.  A close friend stepped up just as I claimed the rod and laughed that he had had his eye on it but hadn't grabbed it fast enough.  I caught several salmon with it that summer and left it propped against his front door when we left in August, with still some good fishing left that season.

Good on you for the pot deal!



LOL...what was the final analysis those injun adults came up with anyway?  :laf:
How tall is that pot? I think the pic is a bit deceiving.
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Hawks Feather

Dang pitw, it seems like you made a great deal on the pot and the tractor. 



17 1/2 inch's and the boiler is 0ver 11lbs. :doh2:
The consensus among the adults was that I must be ok as the one mother with an [prospectors animal] that was 3 1/2 axe handles wide invited me back to the wigwam :innocentwhistle:.  The old grandpa that I called "Lucky" as he was short an eye, arm and had a gimped leg, thought I was alright but that I should have had a barrel of fire water. 
I say what I think not think what I say.


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As usual one thing leads to another.  I went to a town 70 miles away with a Massey dealership to get the $2.84 seal to get the new tractor to quit  :puke:ing oil.  Saw another tractor at a New Holland dealer :madd:.  Went for a look see and found it was a consignment that they were to do some cosmetic things to.  Got the consignee's number and got him to sell it for $2,500 which was half what the dealership wanted. :wo:

Got home and the wife had tears of happiness at my good fortune. :yoyo:
I say what I think not think what I say.


Looks like you have been stumbling over good deals Barry!  :congrats:  Weld a chunk of plate steel in that bucket and you'll have a good loader.

"the wife had tears of happiness at my good fortune"  -My wife has shed those many a time over the years.  :laf:



 :eyebrownod: Good move on dodging the consignment
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Carolina Coyote

Are you back in the Tent again Barry?


Quote from: Carolina Coyote on September 18, 2015, 07:39:28 AM
Are you back in the Tent again Barry?
Carl I installed indoor plumbing in the tent as it was easier than trying to break out.
I say what I think not think what I say.