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Popular Ohio Hiking trail closed due to coyotes

Started by ohiobob, May 07, 2007, 10:30:23 PM

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Just seen on the news that Metro parks in Summit county Ohio closed the Rock Creek trail at Furnace Run? if i recall right it was Furnace Run,,anyway they closed the trails due to Coyotes denning up and they are afraid the coyotes will defend the dens and MAY bite people,,the Metro Park Superintendant said it make take 6 weeks before the coyotes abandon the dens!

it also had something about a rabid coyote biting someone last year in Ohio and said another coyote ran off with someones prized minnie poodle

My question is do you THINK a coyote would come clear out to a trail to defend their den? wouldnt they wait till a human was getting REAL CLOSE to the den?
I DONT KNOW much about coyotes so any info or experience would be greatly appreciated

You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone!!!

Bushmaster Predator .223,,4x14 Burris

Parke-Hale .22-.250 6x24 Tasco

Red Fag is a "Ruling Queen" Then ???


QuoteMy question is do you THINK a coyote would come clear out to a trail to defend their den?

Just my observations and opinion:
I've been circled by coyotes on several occasions (after dark) but as soon as they realized what I was they backed away... quickly.
If my dogs had been with me then yes those coyotes might have jumped one of them.

Coyotes affected by rabies are a whole different matter.
Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.


I know that a rabid animal has NO FEAR what so ever and would walk up to anything and bite,,and i know they would jump on a smaller dog BUT would they bite a human just for walking in the area of their den?
It just seems to me thats a pretty big step to close a trail down for 6 weeks but as i stated i AM NO EXPERT :laf: but i AM learning

You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone!!!

Bushmaster Predator .223,,4x14 Burris

Parke-Hale .22-.250 6x24 Tasco

Red Fag is a "Ruling Queen" Then ???


It sounds like they are trying to protect the coyotes more than humans.  I have read stories about coyote attacks on humans but it seems to be a rare occurrence. 
It could happen... I reckon.  :shrug:
Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.


Bob. Sounds to me as if they did the scouting for ya.... :biggrin: :innocentwhistle:
My views and opinions are based upon being banned from a place that has no morals or the common sense God gave to a pecker gnat. I also hate frogs and will reply to such at any given chance. Thank You.


I doubt they would bite anyone, looks like they just don't want to disturb the coyotes during denning. They may scare the crap out of them by being close to the hikers and barking and threat howling or even circling them. But if someone put one in a corner and threatended the den, then I don't know for sure? Most of the time they just move the pups, if they feel the den has been threatened.

But if they have a dog with them! Odds are its as good as dead! Or you can bet there will be some conflict.



Coyotehinter is right, they said they are doing it to protect the animals rather than the people.  It doesn't seem like a whole lot went on yet, seems like they are just being more careful since someone lost a dog last time like ohiobob said.

"We've received several reports from the public as well as our staff about coyotes making themselves visible to the public and yipping occasionally, especially in the morning and if they're with dogs," said Chief of Natural Resources Mike Johnson.


I Wonder if some of the neighbors 10 little poodles would make good uh, bait ? i could imagine the "well off" people strolling through the nice tame park with their little fi fi and all of a sudden fi fi is kibbles and bits for some FUTURE TARGETS,,some of these people are anti - hunting but let Fi Fi get ate and they will buy the ammo for you,,just like the "nice" people up at Cuyahoga national park ( not sure about the national) but the majority of them were anti hunting until 2 years ago when ALL the cute little deer moved in and ATE ALL of their EXPENSIVE shrubs,,NOW the majority of them  want Bambi exterminated ! AND they have to pay sharpshooters to come in and do it,,there is a city up there too but i cant remember the name but the mayor and majority of the town LOVE the sharpshooters to come in and REALLY thin the herd because of car/deer collisions :shrug:

You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone!!!

Bushmaster Predator .223,,4x14 Burris

Parke-Hale .22-.250 6x24 Tasco

Red Fag is a "Ruling Queen" Then ???


OhioBob: You know those coyotes would come all the way out to the trail to get at you. After all, they're not worried about you hitting them! (lol).  Seriously,  glad to see you are over here on this forum stirring up the troops.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


what the hell happened to my post  :confused: it must have vanished into cyberspace ???

well anyhow

You are right because them coyotes know me,but next hunt the Parker 22-250 goes with me,,I will just have to wrap some camo over it because I WILL NOT PAINT IT !!! the ONLY Gun I have painted is my
Remington Sportsman 12 Magnum and some guy offered $300 for it,,It MUST have been the camo job I did on the Remington pump,,I left it on there for 11 years and got MOST of it off last summer,maybe I will try to get the rest off of it this year
Hell the last hunt Bill carried the 12 Gauge and I took the rifle,,next time Bill can carry the rifle and I will take the 12 Gauge or both or 3  :laf: maybe it will help maybe It wont  :innocentwhistle:
You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone!!!

Bushmaster Predator .223,,4x14 Burris

Parke-Hale .22-.250 6x24 Tasco

Red Fag is a "Ruling Queen" Then ???


Sounds like the park could use a little damage control. :wink: