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Who's up for a virtual fishing contest??

Started by FinsnFur, May 16, 2007, 08:57:49 PM

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Bob D


I'm not sure...looking for some input.
Run it for a week?....longer?

Go by weight, but how do we verify it?

Go by quantity in photos?

Go by accumulated inches?
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Bob D


 :roflmao: Your not helping me Bob, set up here and pay attention
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Bob D

Yeah, I guess you're right.
OK, lets run it a week, 2 ways to win
1.number of lbs + inches= entry on individual fish ( verify inches with tape with picture)
2. total number of fish caught ( verify with picture)
How bout that?


Sounds good to me.
So say ya got a 5 lb bass, and it's 26 inches long. Total points for that fish is 31?

We'll see if anyone else pipes up.
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Bob D

Quote from: FinsnFur on May 16, 2007, 10:35:54 PM
Sounds good to me.
So say ya got a 5 lb bass, and it's 26 inches long. Total points for that fish is 31?

Right on!


Me & Cam are in. But we throw them back so our pics will only be of each fish. But I may have an old bilage pump that I can rig up to a plastic barrel to keep them out for a "group pic " before we throw 'em back....

Any type of fish count? We fish for bass, cats. and blue gills. Cam also has a kids fishing day this Saturday for trout.
If you want I'll get Cam to spin a call for a 1st place prize. And if Cam wins I'll just buy the call from him and he'll be happy?? What do ya think?
My views and opinions are based upon being banned from a place that has no morals or the common sense God gave to a pecker gnat. I also hate frogs and will reply to such at any given chance. Thank You.


Sounds like I better hit the trout stream.......I think I feel another 50 trout day, or maybe a night of cat fishing?  :biggrin:


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Thats ok......I will kick your tail anyway.  :biggrin: Well, maybe.  :huh:


Jim do you think we need to have categories for different fish?
With the different shapes of fish, a trophy for one species might not even come close to an average weight for another.

Most everyone has bass around to fish for, but not everyone has trout, walleye, stripers, etc.

Say you were to catch 15 bluegills that were 1 1/2 lbs. each. That's one heck of of trophy basket of gills. Then I come in with a 12 ib striper that is 24" long, which is an everyday average striper around here. My average fish would beat your trophy basket. 36 points vs. 15 points according to the rules that Bob stated. Even if you were to add the total number of fish plus the weight of each of them the trophy basket still loses at 22.5 points. I don't see how that would be fair. It takes more skill and LUCK to catch the big gills over the average striper.

Will this be for fish caught only after the contest starts or any fish you have caught? Just curious since it wasn't mentioned.

I not trying to screw ya up Jim. Just want to make it fair for everyone.

Brian Keahey
Texarkana, TX 75503


No that's a good point I never considered.
I was hoping to make one grand winner and give something away like we did at the beginning of the board, shooting sticks, spotlights, fishing reel...but I dont know that I can fit 5 decent prizes into my budget.  :biggrin: So maybe we need to hack up a different scale for adding points.

As far as what and when...no it would just be fish caught once the contest started. To help legitimatize it we'd have you include something in the pic that said Fins and Fur on it...like we've done for the other contests.
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Jim, I'm gonna sound stupid here, but you'll have to explain the FnF in the pic. I haven't been in any of the other contests. I'm assuming it is something that you would have to place in the scene before the pic is taken. Reason I am asking, I rarely keep any fish. 99% of the fish I catch go right back into the lake after a quick pic.
Brian Keahey
Texarkana, TX 75503


We made it easy for those kinda pics Brian.
You had to have something in the pic that said Fins and Fur on it.
Whether it be wrote on a piece of paper, a decal on your truck, scratched in the mud, wrote on your arm.
Anything....but it had to be legible and UN-photoshopped in.

Well put all that back up once were ready to roll
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Gotcha Jim. That's easy enough.  Maybe I need to get one of the FnF decals to go right above the WFO decal on the Mercury. Although I may have to blur the other one out so it doesn't offend anyone.  :innocentwhistle: :roflmao:

Brian Keahey
Texarkana, TX 75503


How about doing the point system like 1 point per fish, 2 points if they are over a certain length or weight??? That way if the guys are catching nothing but bass or stripers, the others that are catching bluebies would only have to catch more of them to stay close in the running. And you could break down the prizes by most points, biggest weight (1 fish) and longest fish. That way theres only 3 prizes. It may knock a few out for the weight fish but they still have a chance at the points prize....Does that make sense?
My views and opinions are based upon being banned from a place that has no morals or the common sense God gave to a pecker gnat. I also hate frogs and will reply to such at any given chance. Thank You.


That sounds like it would work.
But I'm still leaning towards a grand prize....because were shaking each other down in the backroom and all pitching in to foot the prize.
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Im going to TRY and hit the Musky pretty hard here soon,,my buddy caught 3 on Mothers Day so i told him i am ABOUT ready to go out but i dont know if it will be for another 2 weeks or so but i am in and we ALMOST always have the camera with us,,,i can see putting whatever you decide on in the pic like the ace of spades that "another" place did last year,,and im with ya on the ,taking a pic with the measuring tape on the fish too,,but how can ya verify weight? some of those CHEAP fish scales are NOT that great,plus it would be hard to get close enough to the scale for a pic AND keep the fish entirely in the pic too? but it sounds good to me since i JUST STARTED fishing again at the end of last year,,hell before the end of last year i havent fished in about 16-17 years


Now this guy has a FISH
You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone!!!

Bushmaster Predator .223,,4x14 Burris

Parke-Hale .22-.250 6x24 Tasco

Red Fag is a "Ruling Queen" Then ???