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Steer attacked by a lion

Started by 1snafu, February 10, 2025, 06:08:46 AM

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It's been roughly a 3 weeks now. Since I heard about a cow being attacked by a lion. That occurred around 20 miles to my NorEast. It took me a few days to get the farmers name & address. So I drove to his farm & found him talking to a salesman near his machine shed. We visited for awhile & he shown me some pics of his steers wounds. It appeared the lion latched onto the cow's rump & hind quarters. Burying it's claws into the cow's flanks. Before it was finally bucked off. It appeared the lion sunk it's fangs into the cow's lower right leg, biting out a chunk of meat. The farmer put the cow down. Butchered the meat. Then put part of one of it's legs out onto the field. Where the cow was attacked. He put a trail cam aimed one leg of that cow.

We have snow coming this wk. Hopefully I can get on a fresh track. Then gain permission to hunt that land. I've talked to a handful of landowners in that area over the last 10+ years or so. Who have seen a lion in the area. There was a breeding female in that area, some yrs back.


Best of luck!  You are due.  Too bad you didn't find out about it and get there within a few hours.


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I heard yesterday. A recent lion sighting of one walking through an acreage yard roughly 10 miles to the NorWest of where the beef cow was mauled.


The terrain in this part of the county. Has a fair amount of heavy timber. But also it has a large amount of open rolling foothills/harvested cropland. This quest I have about getting a lion has been ongoing since 2006. My odds of success are extremely minute. But it does not deter me. All I need is (1) opportunity.


We got 4" of snow a few days ago. Yesterday, I heard of a recent sighting around 8 miles NorWest of where the steer was mauled. This area is mostly open rolling hills with a timbered creek nearby. I will be hunting that area hard today & the next 4 days. Hopefully I catch that lion in one of those open 1 square mile land sections.


Another crap Winter for decent trackable snow cover, that would last. Unfortunately a couple shallow snows we got. Lasted but a few days. Those snows turned to hard/pack the next day. As the temps dropped. Here in my state the past 5 Winters. Old man Winter didn't cooperate. Maybe next yr? Unless I hear of a recent kill. Where I can make some call stands.


Id Like to see a cow attack a lion ! :innocentwhistle: