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Types of calls...

Started by Coulter, July 28, 2007, 07:13:06 AM

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Alpenliter...you dawg - don't rub that retirement thing in to much grandpa. :biggrin:

Yeah right Todd..."you don't collect" You ain't using all of those beautiful calls for firewood after you photograph 'em are you :confused:

Brian...I know where you're coming from. I have three kids a very understanding wife work full-time, part-time and will be getting back inrto college classes full time again at the end of next month. It really ticks my daughter off when I start up the table saw at 5am since her room is right next to my shop :roflmao: :roflmao: I call it revenge :biggrin: I would like to branch out into some novelty items eventually...mainly just to appease the wife though. She helps me get supplies on occasion, I guess that is the least I could do for her. :innocentwhistle:

Jim...I'll give ya half credit on that one - owls are arial predators I guess. But the call is designed for locating purposes of the dreaded turkey :eyebrow:

HaMeR...Christmas ornaments? :confused: how do they sound? :eyebrow: Surely, you could sneak a coaxer reed in there somewhere and appeal to a more diverse consumer base :wo:

Song_dog...does that hog sqealer sound as good as Warren Beatty? :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: You just have to teach your buddies where the real hunting is at. Take 'em out with ya a time or two. If they like hunting and not necessarily shooting, they should love it.

Brent, Brent, Brent...you and me have got to do some serious talking. I need to learn the art of flintknapping, arrowmaking, bow making, etc. I just have to make time to do it, and maybe get somebody to light a fire under my but. I plan to cut my turkey calls back to just pot type calls here real soon..except for an occasional special order on boxes, I just don't enjoy making them that much. It is more like work and that is the last thing I want call making to become for me.

I am still hoping to get down to the OSTA rendezvous, but I might have to go to Roanoke, VA the same weekend for a job prospect or two. I'm not sure on the date for that yet, but they did mention the same weekend. Hopefully it will change a little bit or it will be on the 7th. I'lll keep ya posted on that.

Thanks for all the replies,


I'll have to look into that Coulter!!  :biggrin:  Thanks!! :eyebrow:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


We can do that Steve! How about a weekend of coyote hunting then some night time napping and cold beer? Heck we may turn a chunk of wood or two! Or whatever!

I hope you make the TC! We were counting on you being around the camp fire! I might even have a few points and spear heads I napped with me and some flint!



Oh Brent ole buddy ole pal..... :biggrin: I got the knapping bug several years ago and love it. After my daughter got us into to looking for artifacts, it really got the best of me to try and make some my self. I still want to make everything and take a deer. But time is spread out thin with Cam wanting to do all the stuff he is getting into so I will wait it out & hold off till he gets the bug to do it... :eyebrow: I'll send ya a piece of some sweeeeeet rock to chip away on when the shels are ready.  :eyebrow:

Cam makes the calls. Predator for now.
I collect the bills for the supplies he needs to make the calls. And the bills for the traps, and the gas for his bike, and new gun, and ....You know what I'm saying here. I foresee some work out of the boy in the next year or two to start paying dear ole dad back. Yeah right, like that's going to happen. :roflmao:
My views and opinions are based upon being banned from a place that has no morals or the common sense God gave to a pecker gnat. I also hate frogs and will reply to such at any given chance. Thank You.


QuoteWe can do that Steve! How about a weekend of coyote hunting then some night time napping and cold beer? Heck we may turn a chunk of wood or two! Or whatever!

Now that sounds like a plan Brent. Name the time a nd place and I'll make time :eyebrow: I just sent those apps out yesterday, I'll probably know in a few weeks the exact date(s) I'll have to be in Roanoke.

AWH...that is my game plan as well. I want to learn how to do this stuff before my son is old enough to want to do it. I can't have him knowing more than me :innocentwhistle: He thinks he already does in some cases. All that money you spent on Cam will be well worth it in the long run. He may not pay you back monetarily, but consider the time that you two will be spending together...that's waht it's all about man :biggrin:


Hawks Feather

I started collecting and ended up making predator calls.  I have also turned a few crow calls, deer grunts, wine bottle stoppers, tops, and Christmas tree ornaments.  The collection, in addition to predator calls,  has a few turkey, duck, deer, and goose calls in it - some of which I may even use.   :biggrin:
