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Byron South seminar

Started by Frogman, January 06, 2008, 10:35:05 PM

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OK.......I debated about posting in here for several Hrs and a couple Hrs of talking with Jay, and I will say that he knows up front that I am going to post on this and so does Rich. And I also want all of you to know that I am friends with both Rich and Jay. I have tried hard not to get involved with any of this bull shit on a public forum from the start. And I will say the start of all this was when I left PM and came here. This hole mess has caused me a ton of grief! A TON! You all have no idea of how much grief has been involved in all this sense I left over there. Not only with all this BS mess but with other things as well. I have felt as though I could not defend myself on allot of accounts, and also feel I have took it strait up the ass over some of the stuff that has happened over this 2 year mess! I made the decision not to go public and defend several things that were made against me. I did defend myself to those that were man enough to call me and ask me! And will still offer the same extent to anyone who wants to talk! My contact info is on my web site!

Next....I will say up front right now that I am considering the possibility of resigning my position here at FNF, due to all that has happened in the past and what is going on now. This is not a I'm taking my bags and leaving post to get sympathy from anyone, or things don't go my way post, and I will explain why in this post as well. Its time for me to take a stance on all this for the fact that I just can not take this anymore!

I have seen very good friends fall by the way side do to petty bull shit, I have had people cut me strait up the back to get to someone I am friends with, I have seen and heard tons of rumors and so being just pure Bull! Some being true. Is it my place to judge? NOPE! Its not, so why should I be cough in the middle? I feel as though I can even post what I think with out it effecting me and my friends! You can not ride the fence, meaning that I have very close friends on both sides and no matter what I say or even if I don't say anything I am drug right in the middle of all this mess.

Thought of the night.......Why do you all think that Gerald, Randy Anderson, Rod, or any of the big names in the industry don't post? I will tell you why....It makes them a target.

Now....I come to the forums for a reason, and the reason being I want to meet people, share knowledge, ideas, hunting storeys and such and I will say that I have done this, I hope! I have meet some great friends, had some great hunts with them, and memory's that I will never forget! With Rich Higgins, Jay,JD, Jim Champion, Lance Adams, Byron South, Randy Black, Randy Reeves, Rich Baxter, and many more! I feel very fortunate to have meet allot of these people and will Cherish allot of it till I go to the grave! But I'm done with the bull shit!

I was said to me a week or so ago that some of the people I associate myself with is hurting me! Well, maybe! But I don't choose my friends they choose me! I will be friends with anyone until they give me a reason not to. It was also brought to my attention that it has caused me problems in the industry of predator hunting. So be it then. I will not compromise my friends for money or association with someone. If this makes me a bad person then so be it, call me what you will.

I have stayed out of this to the point that I have not posted in defense of myself or friends, I have tyred to stay neutral and if this continues then I will just not post at all on anything, and that includes my position here at FNF. I will not let my friendships drop but just will not post on a open forum.

I think that what I have seen is friends of many years have fell apart and let Petty stuff come between years of friendship and friends standing up for friends that didn't know all the facts, rumors, self judgment, and tons of other stuff.

I'm not the best with words for sure but I am a good person and try to be in good company but damn, I know I am not the only one that is sick of this bull shit. I am sick of seeing friends divided.

I will say this again......I am sick of seeing friends divided and have decided I will not be part of it, its tearing me apart piece by piece, maybe that's just the hillbilly in me but none the less it true, true from all of us! We are in this sport because we love to hunt, something that I think has been forgotten form time to time!

Now in response to Jays post I want to answer what I was called out on and will answer with a honest opinion.............

QuoteWe could speculate and gossip about your first meeting with Brent Saxton and how I filled in for you by taking Brent hunting with Thifault. (Thifault by the way was the one you personally helped get kicked out of PVCI).  As I recall, Brent thought the world of Thifault.  Are you still the victim?

I don't know all the details of how I ended up hunting with you and Gary that day I don't remember to be exact, and all I can say is that I enjoyed it very much! I was very grateful to you, Gary and Rich for the memory's I got that day what ever the reason was. But this was not the first meeting between Rich and I that you took over. Rich was welcomed into my my home as has many of of the board members over the years. He came here to stay, hunt and film with me the first time we meet. And this is also one of the great memory's I have as well. I enjoyed Jay and Garys company as well as Rich later in the week. That's one of the most memorable trip I have ever took, here is a couple pic from both hunts that I still have saved on my computer.......

Me and Gary.....

Jay the day after.....

And a Pic of Rich, putting on his Mexican rain coat when he was here..........

And a pic of another good friend I made that trip....

QuoteFilming coyotes in the city is fun for only about five minutes.  After that, it's time to hunt. Yes? No? (Back me up here Brent, JD, Todd, Jeff).

As far as I know Jeff and Todd are not members here, does this mean we will be gaining them as members soon?

I told Jay this on the phone tonight and I will say it here......We wanted to be able to read the Coyotes up close, film them, get some footage and see how much we could mess with there brains. We did that, and Rich was a great help. We filmed Coyotes, 13 to be exact and got what we needed and wanted and enjoyed it. But I will not go with out saying we were eager to shoot some! We were killers! We wanted to shoot and shoot we did later after we left the city areas that we could not shoot in! But I will say with out a doubt that we learned a ton in those few days from being able to study and film those coyotes! They tough us allot.

And I will also say that we learned some techniques that proved to be deadly on AZ coyotes that we could shoot and film!

These two guys have been friends of mine for years! Please don't ask me to take a side! And nor should anyone, don't ask me to take sides, I have stayed neutral threw all of this even threw some of it I should of not have. Sad part is, I was setting here typing this and a local pack of Coyotes cut loose in front of the house, I took the time to stop and just set back and lessen to them group howl and take in the song they sang and think. What made them howl at that exact time? I have no idea but I do think all things happen for a reason! What reason I have no idea but it did happen for a reason!

Maybe we should all take time to set back and think? Is all this worth it? I have allot of friends here and some that are not members here that I know will read this. If I have offended you or any of you in any way, then my contact info is on the site feel free to call me!


George Ackley

I know I am just a nobody in the predator calling world, and just the loud mouth guy from PA on many of these sights.
One thing I consistently try to do is tell it like I see it.

Here how I see this,

I personally have to say that I have nothing but good things to say about Mr South!
yes I have called him out on things that he has said or done that I disagree on , as I have many others,
But now I  will say this,,,, he has never been anything but respectful and helpful to ME ...
Jay,, you where not the only guy that looked at Byron's name change on his calling in the east video as being the right move . that's one of the reasons  he is, a stand up guy in my book , I was involved in the thread on PM and Mr South was nothing but cool to talk it over  with , He keeps it respectful ,,, he don't try and make ME or others out to be bumble heads,,, like your reply's in that same thread,,,or the knuckle head guy that posted the photo of the rabbit..that you like so much,,,, one thing I can say about Byron south is I always feel like he talks to me with respect!!!!! And that go's a long way were I am from,
The reason I stayed out of this thread and didn't come on here to say my peace about Byron before now was I don't think he needs my help or do I think he need your help,, what I see is you running to his aid as you did in the PM post!  that's what I seen jay when  I logged on here today and seen your post..
I just found it funny that you come riding in here to set the boys strait,

Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


I agree with Brent on this one. It is time to put it to bed to sleep forever.  Uncle Jay's post covered a lot of ground and offers a lot to think about.  I am sure Frogman had no clue what his simple post about enjoying a seminar could start here on the forum. I won't turn my back on friends because of someone else's opinion either. I have friends who use Minaska callers. So what? I use Foxpro. So what?  Let's get back to the business of sharing info and helping the newer predator hunters enjoy the sport we all cherish so much. Good hunting at ya!
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff

Rich Higgins

Jay, why are you stirring this same OLD CRAP up again? You are not doing Byron or his associates a favor. I posted a very objective assessment of Byrons seminar for Forman's benefit. It was well done. I described the "confrontation" because two of the emails that asked me to come over here and join the thread mentioned the fact that it was well known through the calling community as was Byron's "meltdown" with Les. By briefly mentioning the "Confrontation" with Byron I established that I was not a Byron groupie which probably lent credence to my objective opinion of his seminar.
In my defense I am going to have to address your long list of insinuations of my behavior and actions. I will not insinuate anything but post detailed, documented and/or witnessed facts. Byron and Gary Thifault will not like it, I promise you that. You are doing them a disservice by placing me in a position to defend myself by exposing them once again.
I do not want to do this.

I will give you the opportunity to reconsider your post and it's consequences and delete those that you do not want me to expose in detail on this open forum. I am going calling Sunday morning.  I will sit down Sunday PM and cut and paste what remains and respond to each one individually.

Damn, Jay. I wish you hadn't pushed these buttons. Be generous to your friends. I will not.

Glass houses, Jay. You are at risk of"speculation and gossip" as well.


This is the kind of crap we left the other board for to come here and get away from it. A few of the things around here are starting to look like they are "over there".


This is the interesting part of what Gary Thifault wrote on the front page of PVCI's newsletter Predator Tales in May of '05 right after he was elected President of the club.

"I called my first coyote in when I was just 6 years old and killed it with my .410 shotgun.  Though I have only been in the club for 4 years, I have been Varmint calling for 33 years during which I have taken over 1,500 coyotes and been involved in about 30 bear & 30 lion kills so I am no stranger to the sport.  In the past my rifle to shotgun ratio averaged about 50/50.  This season I harvested 109 varmints.  Of these kills 13 were with my .223 rifle & 84 with my 12 Ga shotgun.  I made the transition to prove that you can do anything with a shotgun that you can do with a rifle as long as you call them in close.  I use either a bite down or open reed call exclusively (cow elk thriller & pee wee).  I won the 2004 & 2005 Top Shooter and Top Caller Awards."

The year after Thifault quit hunting with PVCI, club hunt totals dropped off a cliff.   Bob and Terry were top callers/top team, with 22 coyotes, 4 bobcats, and 8 foxes between the two of them.  Higgins, Higgins, and the other Rich won the best of 7 scramble hunts.  In '06, the entire PVCI with more than 250 members harvested 124 coyotes, 10 bobcats, and 25 foxes.  The club was obviously diminished by the loss of a great hunter.

1500 coyotes?  :bowingsmilie:

Doing the math, visualizing 50 coyotes a year through elementary school, high school, every year since the age of 6, makes my head hurt. :whew:



In some of the post cutting Byron South, there is an old Indian saying don't judge a man until you walk in his moccasins. Byron Is a super guy and knows more that most about coyote,fox and b. bobcat  hunting. :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: :sneer: :sneer: :sneer: :sneer: :sneer: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo:


Quote from: Bushymonster on January 24, 2008, 02:43:31 PM
In some of the post cutting Byron South, there is an old Indian saying don't judge a man until you walk in his moccasins. Byron Is a super guy and knows more that most about coyote,fox and b. bobcat  hunting. :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: :sneer: :sneer: :sneer: :sneer: :sneer: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo:

Thank you so much for that flash of wisdom Bushy...... :innocentwhistle:
You single handedly changed my entire perception on life.............are you running for president with all your infinite wisdom?  :nono:

Some of y'all take this crap way too serious............it's coyote hunting guys...... :iroll: go kill something....... :eyebrow:

I don't know Byron, just things I've read and heard...........is he a good guy, I haven't the foggiest. Is he a bad guy, I haven't the foggiest.
Does it change my life........where's the fog?  :laf:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free

THO Game Calls

Quotewhere's the fog?

It's out there with the coyotes in the thcik stuff

Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


You'll have this on any board Weedwalker. It's inevitable, and it's degrading to tell people what they can and cant post.

The very very very few forums out there, that every single person agrees with every single person...dont have much to offer.

Just do what the other members do when I start ranting about something myself...they scroll right past it  :laf: :wink:

Hey Brent,
I'm confused as to how not being willing to praise South and the ground he walks on could hinder the ability of your business to grow. :confused:
Les Johnson dont pat South's booty and he is succeeding.  :innocentwhistle:

A decent relationship with those people is a helluva thing to have to depend on. I'd have to pass.   :wink:
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Fog you ask!!  I gots lotsa fog for ya!!  :eyebrow:

Is this enough Bop??  :shrug:

:roflmao: :roflmao:

Back on topic.  :readthis: Well sorta anyway.  :doh2:

I met BS once & it was a pleasant meeting. He was here in Ohio for a seminar. Like I said earlier,, I don't know him well enough to judge his character.  :shrug:  The rest of my posts in this thread were just feeble attempts at humor.


RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11

THO Game Calls

Nice picture Hammer.  What?  Mine wasn't good eough? 

Fog You

   :roflmao:   :roflmao:   :roflmao:   :roflmao:

Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


Your picture was fine Al!!  :biggrin:  I just wasn't sure how much fog Bop needed to get lost in is all!!   :shrug: :roflmao: :roflmao:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11

THO Game Calls

I heard he was always in a fog   :laf:

Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


Is that a fat joke.......??? Takes a lot of fog to cover my fat rear? Well, I have but one thing to say to Hamer and THO collectively.
Anyone else that wants a piece of this can do so as well...............

Here goes............

Ya READY????


That is some killer pictures though........

Made me feel serene and peaceful.......... :confused: :huh:  Dang, that sounded gay.  :laf:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


its that sensitivity training kickin in bop.   :hahaha:
"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.


 I don't have a dog in this fight and I do not know any of the people involved (except Brent).

That said, as an outsider looking in, I really don't care who is pissing up who's rope or what the problem is here but I do agree 100% with one statement that was made:

QuoteQuite frankly I am surprised at a couple members here for not coming forth and bluntly saying that all this crap is none of anybody's business and destructive to the predator hunting fraternity.

Gentlemen, for the good of all please let it go.
Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.

Troy Walter

I hear ya coyotehunter1 I think we beat this subject to death.


As slow as some of this is going "it might as well be mudder fudder dial up".......................  :eyebrow:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free