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Heat Wave, what will the Coyotes do ???

Started by ohiobob, January 27, 2008, 03:42:23 PM

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We have been into the Coyotes here in the last week with all the Cold Weather, we haven't Killed nearly as many as we would have liked, BUT who does ???
When all the Water started freezing up we changed tactics to calling closer to open water, Rivers or Fast moving Creeks, it SEEMS to have made a difference, do any of you guys THINK that when the majority of the water freezes, that the Coyotes move closer to the water, that way they can lay close in Cover and not burn calories up by going back & forth to a water source ???
I also KNOW that Domestic dogs just eat the snow, BUT we have noticed MANY MORE tracks by the Creeks & Rivers, so do you think it was just a coincidence or would they just Eat the snow for water ???
AND, we are going to get some 35-45 degree Temps on Monday & Tuesday, and then another cold front is SUPPOSEDLY coming in after the 2 warm days,, so IF this happens, will Coyotes go on a Feeding Binge on these 2 warm days in Preperation for the Supposed 2nd Cold Front ???
This is the most snow that we have had in couple years and I kind of like it, well except Night Hunting, I hate Snot freezing to my face, but I am gettin use to it again  :laf:
Thank you
You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone!!!

Bushmaster Predator .223,,4x14 Burris

Parke-Hale .22-.250 6x24 Tasco

Red Fag is a "Ruling Queen" Then ???


Hey Bob!! How's it going?? How many coyotes you guys shot out there this winter??

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Bolivar 2, Roswell 1 , outside of Sandyville, Kid took a crap damn near on ones head, and I haven't made ANY trips to the other spots, we actually have to Many Spots for the type of Hunting we do  :shrug: we been mostly Waterfowl Hunting but that ended today and now we can switch gears, I went out looking around and cut the 1 Coyote track that I posted, But we can NOT figure out WHY we are seeing a ton of tracks around Open water when the Ponds & Lakes are froze solid
I THINK that they get Water from the Snow, BUT the Geese & Ducks have been laying up on the frozen Ponds, and I was wondering IF these Coyotes are trying to stalk the Waterfowl on the Ponds ???
I want to hit them this Week, but my 1 Guy is busy this week and my 1 Son got a BAD Grade, so I might have to go with another buddy, IF I can get a hold of him
Glen, I saw the Hurtin you put on the Coyote you shot, that 204 Put a NICE Hole in it for 200 Yards, I See where you used the Chicken Sound, was it 1 of the sounds I gave you, or another Sound???  I am thinking on gettin a 204 upper, but may go with the 25 WSSM upper, who knows, I might sell my Predator Upper and buy one in 204 & 25 WSSM, but for now I use the Predator or the Parker-Hale 22-250
What do you think the 2 day heat wave will do ???
You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone!!!

Bushmaster Predator .223,,4x14 Burris

Parke-Hale .22-.250 6x24 Tasco

Red Fag is a "Ruling Queen" Then ???


I don't think the two day heat wave will change much. Coyotes can tell just like deer or any other animal when I change is coming. They will move good before the front moves in and that's the time to be after them. I think the moon phase has allot to do with animal movements as well.

The two day warm up will effect the food for sure. Smaller critter will move more with the warmer temps, just like the coyotes they move in reference to the front moving in.

One thing to remember is that Coyotes are hunters, they will feed no matter what the weather, they can find food and not go hungry. They are efficient at that and that's how they survive. In records I have here we killed allot of Coyotes that did not have a empty stomach, out of allot of coyotes the average had at least a half full stomach.

If a calling set up is working good for you, then don't change till it tells you to change.



Thats cool!! Glad to hear you got yourself a coyote!! Purdy dang cool isn't it??  :congrats: :congrats:

With the ponds being frozen they can change their travel routes & take short cuts across the ice. We noticed the same thing yesterday out on the Jockey Hollow ponds. It also appeared they were hunting the edge of the weeds along the ice from the side they can't normally hunt it from is my theory. Just keep rotating your spots & you'll be fine with hitting most if not all of them this winter. I'ts too bad your boy got the bad grade but at least Dad cares enough about school to push him a little in it. Congrats to you on that deal even moreso.  :congrats: :congrats:  When I shot that coyote it was just warming up again. I think they like to hunt at least the 1st day of a warm spell then return to their normal behaviour. Of course that's just my theory & most of mine seem to hold water like a funnel.  :doh2:

As for the 204,,, I'll just say this,,, IT AINT LEAVIN HERE ANYTIME SOON!!   :wink:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


You are right on they have to eat regardless of the weather, But we are using Howls now and I don't Know SQUAT about how Coyotes react during the Breeding Season, do they get Lax like a Buck during Rut ??? or is it Business as usual, for them??? I mean will this 2 day heat wave have an effect on the Breeding/Feeding patterns ???
I was thinking that the 2 day warm up will get the smaller game moving, so as far as you are concerned, the next 2 days will be good to go ???
And did you see where I posted about all the New Tracks around open water ??? I think that the Coyotes can get water from the Snow, so why all the new tracks around open water ??? going after Waterfowl or some other reason ??? as I said, this is the most snow that we have had in a good while, at least where I am
Thank You
You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone!!!

Bushmaster Predator .223,,4x14 Burris

Parke-Hale .22-.250 6x24 Tasco

Red Fag is a "Ruling Queen" Then ???


I hear ya on the 204, if anyone knows the 204, it is you, I am itchin to get one real soon, but Mamma is startin to wonder WHY I need so many Rifles  :doh2:  it's my fault, she asked awhile back, and I told her that I DIDN'T need them all, I just wanted them for different things, another words, I told her the truth, and NOW I am paying for it  :madd: she IS a smart one
I was wondering more about the NEW tracks around open water ??? the only thing I can think of is they are trying to stalk the Waterfowl Gathering on the Rivers & Moving Creeks ??? it surely can't be for water can it, with all this snow ???
And it IS great to put 1 ON the ground, I never knew that Roswell was such a hot spot for Coyotes, I just decided that with Gas at $3 a Gallon and climbing, I am sticking close to home now, I have some spots more south, but I haven't been dedicated to the Coyote Hunting like I should have, I have had 2 Medical Horrors (Not Mine) and I have lost my Sense of Humor AND some of my Drive & outlook on things
But I am starting to realize that the Medical things are OUT of my Hands and IN a Higher Powers Hands, so I guess I need to move ahead and not back  :shrug:
I was supposed to go to Bolivar Tonight, but my 1 Buddy had to travel to Gilmore for Hay and it doesn't look good for tonight but maybe tomorrow night we will hit it???
The 2 in Bolivar were Killed at night and 1 in Roswell in the Morning if that makes sense
You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone!!!

Bushmaster Predator .223,,4x14 Burris

Parke-Hale .22-.250 6x24 Tasco

Red Fag is a "Ruling Queen" Then ???


I'd say one reason why so many tracks around the water is the other game in the area has to come there  for a drink too. Easy pickins for the coyotes.


 :doh2:  I read that wrong!!  :rolleye:

What weedwalker said.

Sorry to hear about the things that haven't gone so well lately Bob. It sounds like you have an understanding of things tho so it will be hard to move on but at least you have the right mind set to get things rolling anyhow. Thats half the battle right there. I hope the rest of your year goes nicely for you now. Best of Luck!! I can here the coyotes howl across the highway above the Midvale race track here on occasion too. You shoulda went with your buddy to get the hay & just made a quick stand out there on the farmer. I know they are out there too. I've seen em & I hunt between Peoli & West Chester.

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Damn Glen, I never even thought of that, I could have because he just got home at 7:30 because he went Rabbit Hunting and he had to chase his Beagle Pup up & Down all thos steep hills 6 Times he said, he said that it is so thick down there, that he had to crawl in some spots
So me and him are going to shoot for Tomorrow at 3:30 PM, IF his leg stops hurting, he dropped a huge Plank on it, so we will see tomorrow
Thank You Guys
You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone!!!

Bushmaster Predator .223,,4x14 Burris

Parke-Hale .22-.250 6x24 Tasco

Red Fag is a "Ruling Queen" Then ???


Next time you know Bob!!  :biggrin:  Good Luck tomorrow!!  :wink:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Quotedo they get Lax like a Buck during Rut ???


Not much changes for me, either way. I use vocalizations year around but I just change things up at this time of year compared to early when the yoy coyotes are there for the taking.

Boils down to you will call a few more satellite coyotes and they will be travelling a little more. You will also start to run into some more aggressive pairs as well. But all and all I don't change much. As for what vocalizations I use. The plain old high pitched lone howl will serve you well right now. And if I am in a real good area, I may extend the stand time a little.

The Coyotes here love to hunt the water edges. And when we get a freeze up they will travel the iced over areas as well. The ducks and such here are limited when the water freezes over and make for good opportunity for the coyotes and fox.

When I am running traps for Mink, beaver or any water line I always find several places that make for good Coyote sets. This year early, With the drought we had this summer, I pounded the coyotes and coons over the standing water holes.



I thought the same on the Geese & Ducks, and I wish they would act like a Buck in Rut, it would be easy that way, But I guess if Coyote hunting was easy, everyone would do it then  :laf:
Thanks Brent
You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.

A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone!!!

Bushmaster Predator .223,,4x14 Burris

Parke-Hale .22-.250 6x24 Tasco

Red Fag is a "Ruling Queen" Then ???