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Started by Bopeye, February 04, 2008, 07:06:12 PM

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I have to say Brent's reply fits the situation pretty well.  The word I got from friends who live in the general area of LBL say that place is trapped hard and hunted hard, and also used hard by people who have other recreational interests.  If I could have gone to the LBL shebang, I would have been going to meet some of you guys and share some ideas. Anybody who went down there thinking they were going to kill a bunch of coyotes was in for a surprise. Coyotes are hard enough to outsmart anywhere in Kentucky, but areas like LBL are much harder to score in.  Old Jimmie ought to be able to fill in a lot of useful info on this subject. 
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff

Hawks Feather

I just got a call from Bop.  He is at work and the firewall that they have will allow him to view, but not allow him to post so he asked if I would put this up for him.

He made the post as a joke and was poking fun at himself for not being able to put any fur on the ground at the LBL.  He wasn't calling anyone out or anything like that.  He said that he would like to have more people come to the LBL so that he could meet them and have a good time, but not really to give him lessons or to prove that they could hunt.  He was afraid that this thread would get out of hand with people thinking he was upset, when that wasn't the case.  He will be back online after work.


P.S.  I feel kind of left out.  I didn't even get a BITE  ME.    :biggrin:


Hell Bop i thought all the hunters was out west!Boy i will get it for that one probably!!LOL If there is anyone who thinks Bopeye is taking shots at them obviously u don't know Bop very well!!

I feel your pain Bopeye,whats is it now five or six years that u have been going to LBL and no score!I wasn't able to make it this year but i had hunted the past two and all i got was a glimpse of one!AND I WAS HUNTING WITH THE RICHARD BAXTER so i guess your out of luck!!!!!LOL

THO Game Calls

Horse Pucky Hawk.  Don't go defending him.  He got himself into this, now he can pull up his big boy pants and get himself out of it.

Pretty much, the way I am reading it now is:

I aint a real coyote hunter
I'm all talk and no action

and if that's not bad enough...

I'm supposed to be Psychic too.

Let's just see how deep a hole this old boy can dig himself?

It's almost like he moved to Texas to make videos or something after the LBL.

What's next?  Seminars?  Endorsements?  Magazine articles?

At least I'll be able to say "I knew him when"   :roflmao:


Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


I agree that if you wanna find REAL coyote hunters, ya gotta go out west. Or at least they will tell you that all day long.

My question is, why the LBL? I know it is a big peice of land with a variety of landscapes but if it is used 24/7 365 then maybe there is another place to go.

As far as eastern hunters go, we have to get out and scout, look at google pics, contend with small and posted property walk alot if not more and do a host of other junk just to get land to hunt. Then find out if that land even holds Coyotes and if it does plan the PERFECT set-up. And still most times we get skunked.

Out west is not even close to that amount of work to kill any thing. I would like to see the "real" coyote hunters from the west even keep up with us in out terrian, never mind begin to know where to look.

So in that I said, we are "real" hunters. Hunting isn't all killing.

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!


Well.... I knew he wasn't referring to me  :wo: though that kinda hurts my feelings ...... I think I am a real coyote hunter unless your definition is based just on numbers of critters down.  :wo: and it seems to me that I made a fair number of stands with guys I also think are real coyote hunters  :wo: and my butt is still dragging from Friday's 'hike and hunt'  :eyebrownod:

The LBL hunt [to me] is not so much about putting fur down, though I tip my hat to the fellas that got er done. If it was, I'm not sure I would pick going to a place I didn't know and hadn't scouted, especially at the same time when 30+ other guys were hunting. In the two years I have been lucky enough to make it, I haven't even seen a dog and sign this year on the TN side was scarcer than it is around here. Na, the highlight of the LBL for me is the times when folks gather together and the bull starts flying  ;yes; Having the restaurant open this year gave us more of that [Thanks Jimmie!!]. 30+ guys arse to elbow in one of them cabins slobbering over some beautiful calls and other assorted goodies [many from folks that couldn't even come, but some how know how special a gathering like that is] is a sight to behold.

Now I know Bop and he can get wound up at times  :doh2: He probably just made this post when he happened to be near the keyboard and there was still tears in his eyes from plucking a wild hair out of his.... ah...er.... chewing gum  :shrug:

PS.... this east/west thing seems pretty silly to me when you go beyond the obvious differences of terrain and numbers. ....  :wo: kinda like me saying vvarminter don't know nothing about hunting ground hogs cause he is lucky enough to live in an area that has a bunch. Why not just take what folks have to offer and dismiss what ya think ain't worth keeping or doesn't apply to your situation? As far as people making money off what they know or claim to know..... I never had a problem taking responsibility for what I choose to spend my money on and there are just as many if not more shady players in all the other things that take up the lions share of what I spend on. Getting bent out of shape in the activity I look to for enjoyment kinda defeats the purpose.

I had the pleasure to hunt west of the Mississippi for several days before heading to LBL. The terrain wasn't all that different than around here, but the sign was. We made 20+ dry stands before having a dog come in....... it sure didn't feel like ducks in a barrel to me  :nofgr:
"If your argument can only be made or expressed by putting someone else down, then it probably ain't worth spit." -- MicheGoodStone SA Pro Staff

THO Game Calls

well I was joking with him but obviously it went over poorly.

I'm just a guy who likes to hunt.  No expert at all, so from now, just like with the calls, I will keep my opinions to myself.

Maybe one day I will get to go out west and see how it really is.  Doesn't make a difference on way or the other to me though.  Hunting is hunting and if you get to go, that;s a good thing.

Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results

Jimmie in Ky

First is the size of the LBL, an area large enough to handle all that would come to such a little get together.

Two, the coyotes here are such a challenge that they are perfect for the more advanced hunter.They let you know real quick if your not on your game. I blew my chance at the trophy of a lifetime because I let my guard down and was not prepared.And sometimes they even seem to have a sense of humor, they will mark their territory on your tires and trail  :laf:

Numbers of animals is also high enough that we can spend a half day with a newbie and teach many  things whether an animal is taken or not. I took Bill into an area where he was able to see all that group does within a couple of miles of road. These groups have much smaller territories than you will find at home. They showed me where they were going to feed, what they were feeding on, and gave me at least a half an idea of where they were bedding. A beginer can learn more about reading sign in a few hours than he could learn in years on his own!!

Now under these very tough conditions they took six coyotes and a bobcat in just a couple of days hunting. This was an area they did not know before hand for many of them. Numbers of animals that came in was pretty darned good as usual. From what they talked about it was again around thirty animals called in total. I had two of those myself, wind shift and being asleep at the wheel were my problems.

The facilities themselves are also a great draw. The folks there are happy to see us every year. The money we spend helps to keep them open during th off season. They have bent over backwards to help us and themselves each and every year from the beginnning. They are located right in the heart of the area, making it very easy to be hunting within minutes of leaving camp if you so wish .

Yes there are many others using the area. How many depends a lot on the weather conditions that year. Thjis year it happens that it stayed much drier and warmer than normal. Making it very dificult to pattern the coyotes because they were changing bedding areas all the time.The weather saturday was very warm making it more likely for all sorts of folks to be out wandering around. They visit the graves and old homeplaces of their ancestors and sometimes just get out to get rid of cabin fever. Itrs all part of the experience of the LBL. I get to talk to all sorts of folks there. they ask questions and learn about hwat we do. It's a great oportunioty for public relations with non hunters that come to the area. I have come to love that place in all these years of working with this gathering of friends.

If you come down the fellows and other people you meet along with the LBL will find a fond spot in your heart as well. :biggrin: Jimmie


I've been fooling with this coyote hunting thing about a year now and am convinced it ain't rocket science.  Ya just got a be in the right place at the right time.  And that's the hard part for me.  Finding sign in a good lookin area, the right setup, wind direction and then hoping they can hear me.

I've hunted the LBL on and off for years. EVERYTHING in the LBL is tough.  Talk about call shy turkeys! Go to the LBL and they will educate you real quick!  :eyebrownod:

I like the FnF LBL hunt because I get to meet some great guys and learn something about coyote hunting.  I plan to keep going every year.   :biggrin:



LBL is an awesome place, alot of land and alot of animals. I find the fun part is to outsmart the animal I am hunting. I am new to coyote hunting, but I know that when I do outsmart one, then all of the hard work will be worth it. And then I will start all over again.
Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, and thats why it's called the present.


Lot of love for the western hunters  :shrug:.


Nothing wrong with the western hunters  :highclap: ! Hope to get out out west one day for some predator hunting.  In most places far east its just a different ballgame than you see on videos made out west. 


+1 to what Jeb said.  I would luv to hunt out west.  I've got to figure out a way to get out there before I get too old to cut the mustard anymore.   :biggrin:


Quotewell I was joking with him...

Al, buddy...Good to see you're making progress.   :biggrin:


Ya ever notice the guys that travel all over the country coyote hunting?
Yet they never seem to end up at the LBL, except for guys like Kee. All I was trying to do is get some of them to start showing up at the LBL. Was I talking shit? You damn right I was.
Was it intended for anyone that has replied to this? Hell no.

THO, I still believe, is a friend of mine and a heck of a call maker. Just because we get our wires crossed and I get pissed is hardly any reason to dismiss that. I apologize for not catching the humor Al. I have no excuse other than I just thought you were serious.  :iroll:
You have been kind enough to send many calls and lanyards for me and my kids on many occasions. You have been one heck of a donator when it comes to any kind of event. My hats off to you.
Having said that, I was not talking about you in this thread. Next time I talk about you, I'll say something like "Al, ya big turd" or something like that. Then we won't have any misunderstanding.  :wink:

Browning, I can assure you I wasn't talking about you either. I said "REAL COYOTE HUNTERS"......  :laf:

The fella in the wheelchair, are ya serious? How in the hell would you even remotely think I was busting your balls when I don't even know who you are? I am dang proud that you get out and get after them and don't let a handicap hinder you so rest easy partner.

The rest, c'mon, I really thought you knew me better than that. You know dang good and well why the LBL was started and if not go here http://www.easterncoyotes.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=31&Itemid=45

The guys I was trying to flush out some are dudes like Criner that get's to travel the world, but won't come visit us. George Ackley that kills coyotes all over but won't come visit us. I'd love to meet these guys in person. We are all part of a very small fraternity and I like to meet folks face to face.

Like me or hate me, I could give a flying rat's ass, but I do enjoy people. Am I over the top.......yep. Do I have the adult version of ADHD......probably. Am I gonna change......don't bet on it. This thread was suppose to be fun, but what the hell. Gotta have some bad ones every now and then to know when your having a good one.

This is the FATAZZ, James D. Holbrook signing off...........  :yahoo:

Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Quote from: yucca on February 05, 2008, 02:08:11 PM
Lot of love for the western hunters  :shrug:.

Hard to love someone you're sooo envious of!  :laf:
Now iffen you come to Ohio & let me buy you lunch between stands I could start warming up to you. :shrug:




I knew ya was just horsin around....so was I with my reply!



Never though that you where talkin about me, And I did catch the REAL part.

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!


DAMMIT!! I thought for sure he was talkin about me!!!!!!  :argh: After all I've shot twice as many as VV & Bill combined!!

:roflmao: :roflmao:

We'll get you one this Saturday if you're still up for the hunt Bill!!  :wink:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11

George Ackley

your dates and are dates were the same time this year .. you where at the LBL and I was up in Maine on the Eastern hunt In Stratton Ma, we have been doing are hunt there  for 3 years..
  I am not shore why you are pointing me out :wo: :wo: :wo:

Real coyote hunter :confused: lets just say everything about me is real and leave it at that :wink:


Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump