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Hey eaglerock814

Started by FinsnFur, April 18, 2008, 09:35:31 PM

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I'm beginning to see a pattern and I  really do not appreciate you joining here to spam the place full of links to your American Sporting Dog Alliance.

I think you've outlined your agenda by logging in, pasting huge news topics with links to your Alliance, only to come back in a day or two and do it again.....and again...and again. Participating and or acknowledging  absolutely nothing else.

This needs to come to end. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt by posting this warning. Not that it'll even be noticed  :doh2: but c'mon....make me wrong.  :wink:

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C'mon man.........let's see it.  :wo:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


You are quite correct. I post on this message board to tell your readers about important issues that they are facing. I also ask for support for The American Sporting Dog Alliance, and I ask for people to help dog owners in places where they are facing laws that will destroy the things that they (and you!) love.

You say this is "spam." You're wrong. This is news that pertains to everyone who loves dogs and/or hunts with dogs. It also pertains indirectly to everyone who hunts and fishes, as the same animal rights groups that are after dog owners also are after you.

I am a semi-retired bird dog trainer who also spent many years as an investigative reporter on daily newspapers. Because of the challenges we face, I have combined my love for dogs with my skills as a reporter. I find the news, deliver the news (including on this message board), and ask people to take action.

That's my job.

To ban this kind of material from a message board is akin to fiddling while Rome burns.

WE don't have the luxury to pretend that the animal rights movement is a myth, and we don't have to be paranoid to know it is out to get us.

I do apologize for not participating more on this board. I wish I had more time to do just that.

I founded the American Sporting Dog Alliance because I care. Believe me, I'd rather be training dogs. Please feel free to visit us at  http://www.americansportingdogalliance.org


Quote from: eaglerock814 on April 19, 2008, 03:04:45 PM

You say this is "spam." You're wrong. This is news that pertains to everyone who loves dogs and/or hunts with dogs.

No I'm not wrong. Dropping in here for the sole purpose of promoting your site/alliance is spam. If you had participating in anything else on the forum in addition to your exploits it could be viewed differently. You say that you dont have time, but yet you have the time to go from forum to forum pasting this stuff into threads for people you didnt even know existed? That's spam.

I'm respectfully asking you to end it.
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Simply put, no one else is doing investigative reporting about issues that pertain to dog owners and animal rights. I KNOW what's on the Internet. No one else is doing this.

Ignorance is not bliss.

Ignorance and failing to confront rights animal rights groups is what they want to happen, because they will win.

I will continue to post my reports on this site. If you cancel my membership, so be it. If you delete my posts, so bet it.

That's on your shoulders. It's your board. You own it.

For myself, I will continue to do what I feel is morally right, and I truly hope you will allow me to continue. I think I am reporting about truly important issues that concern everyone who uses this board.

Please allow me to continue.

If I am kicked off of this board, I won't be able to reach a couple of hundred people, and I will regret that. I am reaching more than 100,000 people every day, and I truly want the people on this message board to be included. I think they need to hear what I write, and I know that dog owners desperately need their help.


Quote from: eaglerock814 on April 19, 2008, 08:32:05 PM

I will continue to post my reports on this site. If you cancel my membership, so be it. If you delete my posts, so bet it.

That right there goes to show its Spam if it looks like spam and smells like spam as they say

when someone politely asks you to stop and you blatantly refuse to that just shows everyone that your only about getting you site out there so you can collect your membership dues

my vote is to ban this joker  and to quote bopeye ..............BITE ME and move along nicely  :nofgr:

this is a site for outdoor enthusiasts and spammers need not apply but thats just my 2 cents worth
there's something you better understand about me, 'cause it's important and one day your life may depend on it. I am definitely a madman with a box!

Proud member of Bills Custom Calls Pro Staff


QuoteI am reaching more than 100,000 people every day,

No your not!  most people look at what you posted and the first thing comes to mined is SPAM and don't read any farther. If they do read the first long SPAM letter they more than likely want read the next.

If you want people to read or know about your cause than you need to get the message out in another way than in the form of spam. Maybe start a thread about it with your own words and get some feed back. Then maybe a link to the rest.



Yes sir, your posts are nothing more than SPAM!!!

If I get emails like that I dump them without ever reading them.

If I get snail mail like them. I don't have to buy toilet paper that day......... :eyebrownod:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Quote from: Bopeye on April 20, 2008, 02:44:16 AM
  If I get snail mail like them. I don't have to buy toilet paper that day......... :eyebrownod:

Man, I always said, "That Bopeye is one tuff son of a gun!!!!"
Ronnie Cannon



Please keep in mind that it is not ME that you are hurting.

You are hurting dog ownerers. You are hurting people just like you.

My last posting was about a situation in Dallas. Please read it and imagine how YOU would feel if you lived in Dallas and had dogs. I think you would be desperately praying for help...and that is exactly what the people in Dallas who have written to me are feeling.

If you ban my posts, it will not affect me at all. But it will affect dog owners in Dallas, Santa Barbara and many other places that I write about.

I am a reporter. The Internet is my newspaper. You are the readers.

BUT...the bottom line is that thousands of very good people are getting hurt out there and they need your help.

If you ban my posts, those are the people you will be hurting. Those are the people who won't get help from you.


  I've been to your site. I've read some of it and you seem like you've done your homework. I for sure agree with you on the fight against the anti's. However, you just can't do this John Wayne bravado stuff. The guy that owns this place is more than generous when it comes to folks putting up banners and such, but you got to give him some respect. You just can't walk into his house, start putting fliers up everywhere and not even give him the courtesy of being his house. I know him personally.......bad foot to start off on.  :doh2:

  Why don't you send him a little email or something and just see what you might be able to do. That way maybe you can keep us (the ill informed) in the loop and not mess your trousers at the same time. I for one am against your tactics thus far and would be all for him banning you. There are other ways to do this.

  I'm gonna say something here that most that know me don't know. I use to help fight HSUS and their affiliates all the time when I was involved in cockfighting. Did anyone care then? NOPE They thought it was cruel and inhumane to pit animals against each other.

If I was a chicken I'd rather be a fighting rooster than any other kind. Get a guaranteed two years to live being fed the best, treated like royalty and kept in tip top shape, then every once in awhile I would have to earn my keep by fighting. Sure I might die, but at least I got to fight for my life.  :wink:

Meat chickens get SIX WEEKS of cramped quarters, being stuffed with food and growth hormones and then thanked by having their little heads lopped off. No chance of living any time unless the axe turns to butter on it's way down and you don't have a choice or a chance.
Dead meat.......period.
Laying hens aren't much better. Kept in dim lighting and cramped cages and forced to lay. End of one year you get thanked by becoming a broiler...... :laf:

Well I'm off topic now. Back on course here.
My point is this  Mr. Yates. I and probably several others would be willing to join your organization. I mean the price is reasonable, but I would like to see a statement on how the money is spent. Force feeding is not getting it though. I see ya making a lot of noise, but so does my six year old. I want to see some real strategies and inroads to defeating these wackos or otherwise it's just pissing money away....AGAIN.

Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Thank you.

Your advice was sounds, and I certainly will take it.

While I sometimes don't have the time to be a fully participating member of this board, I truly appreciate the chance to most here and inform people of the issues. Even if my manners left something to be desired, I truly meant no disrespect to the owner or to anyone else. Indeed, the opposite is true. I am glad the owner of this board cares enough about his sport to work hard to develop and maintain this board, and I am glad many people care enough to participate.

One of the problems I have with using this board is that there does not seem to be a way to get emails when someone replies to one of my postings. Thus, I never know if someone has replied until the next time I come here to post. Is there a way to be notified?

I do participate in three message boards simply to talk about bird dogs and hunting. I have participated in those boards for several years. I also once moderated the Dog on Point training message board. I always welcome new people on those boards.

Since I founded the American Sporting Dog Alliance, my participation on message boards has changed. Now I regard my major job as delivering the news, and message boards are a great way to reach a lot of people. My hope is that people will read what I write and get involved to help dog owners around the country. I did pay attention to what some people wrote about ignoring my postings and classifying them as spam. I don't have an answer to that criticism, but can only hope that many people will read what I post with an open mind.

Please allow me to explain a bit more about how I am working to distribute the news. Message boards are very important, and I am posting on about 80 different ones now...more or less, depending on the topic and the nature of the board. Thus far, I have been booted from five message boards, for the same reasons that I have been criticised here. I regret when this happens, but don't have a solution if I am going to try to reach as many people as possible. If you look at it pragmatically, than means five boards have said no to my postings, but 80 or so have said yes. Probably a couple of dozen message board owners have contacted me and invited me to post. Each message board is different, but a typical posting probably reaches about 5,000 people.

In addition, I post on several large listservs that add another 5,000 or so people, and two large national dog organizations that each claim more than 100,000 readers pick up and distribute many of my reports.

In addition to that, I work hard on developing a database of email addresses, and probably send each report to close to 50,000 people this way. I have a couple of people helping me, and the email database probably grows by about 1,000 a week. We get these email addresses by searching the internet for dog owners' websites, kennel websites, email lists of club officers and members, and people who run ads to sell dogs, puppies, stud services, training services, etc.

Some might see this as massive spam.

I don't. I see this as developing a very large free newspaper for issues pertaining to sporting dog owners and people who hunt with dogs.

One of the problems we have had over the years is that we are scattered all over the country, each doing our separate things, and that there has been no practical way to bring us together to fight back against challenges. There are something like 50 million hunters in America, and many of them hunt with dogs. We need a way to bring these people together to fight back against anti-hunting and anti-dog-owner groups.

I am not sayng that what I am doing is without flaws. But I will say that I don't know of anyone else doing it in an organized way.

My goal is to find a way to bring those people together as a powerful voice, and the Internet reaches a reported 80-percent of American households.

If this is spam, I plead guilty. But I hope it is spam that you want to know and need to know, and I hope you will use the information I post in order to help dog owners and hunters fight back to save the traditions they love.

And, if you are in he crosshairs someday, I hope I can bring people together to help you

Thank you for listening.


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