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Wild & western Kentucky yote hunt

Started by possumal, July 11, 2008, 06:36:40 AM

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My current "Student", Chuck Mattingly, and I went out late yesterday for one of those "All eggs in one basket " type of late evening stands. We were at a new farm just acquired for our hunting list, but near several farms where I have killed over 40 coyotes over the years.  I put old Chuck over the fence watching a bush filled swag that ran down through a big hay field to a thick creek bottom, and advised him to be ready when I sounded the first howl.  I put the Coyote decoy by Edge Expedite out about 75 yds in front of me with a fuzzy critter hanging from his mouth, and the FX-5 hanging just behind him on my camoed tripod.  When the sun got completely down behind the trees, I cut loose on a howl from my Black Coyote Howler, followed by one on my Cronk Killer Call plus funnel.  Old Chuck said that swag literally exploded with coyotes with them bouncing all over hell like jackrabbits.  It sounded like Santa Anna had invaded the back forty, with Chuck shooting every minute or so and then no doubt scrambling for more ammo out of his fanny pack.  One spilled over into the back door area I was watching and I violated one of my cardinal rules by taking a shot at a running coyote. I knocked him down, but hit him too far back.  I had turned on my latest sequence, "Coyotes & kid goat" and alternated between it and the Coyote Death Cry, and sure as hell, the big male showed up about 175 yds to the right of the decoy setup, and I had him dead to rights except for one small problem, a big black cow standing directly in line to the point I would have had to shoot right over her back, and I won't take that shot.  All told, I called in twelve in that group, and 5 are supposedly no longer with us. It got pitch black on us and there were enough weeds in the field Chuck was in to make them hard to find at night, light or not.  He is going back today to try to do a roundup and picture session. I hope he is successful, as this has to be the most memorable hunt of his short coyote hunting career. 
      Makes me wish I knew more about calling them yotes, especially the howling part!  (lol)  :laf:
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


Dong Al......sounds like one heck of a party. Should have invites some of the rest of us.  :eyebrownod:

I can't wait to see some pics.  :eyebrow:


Wow, that sounds like a hunt of a lifetime.  I hope he gets some pics. :yoyo:


Bob D

Good story Al. Say do you not have snakes, mosquitos, red bugs and ticks up there in Kentucky? Those are the 4 reasons I'm not hunting here at this time of the year.


Way to go Al. :yoyo: It sounds like you guys had a great hunt. Looking forward to some pictures. You've already been killin the hell out of them this year. If you get that howling part worked out it just has to get better for you. :eyebrownod:


Quote from: possumal on July 11, 2008, 06:36:40 AM
      Makes me wish I knew more about calling them yotes, especially the howling part!  (lol)  :laf:

This ought to be good.  I got me a cold drink, :corn:  and my easy chair.   :biggrin:

BTW, nice hunt AL!



 :roflmao: :roflmao: Been there done that..........Sounds like fun! :eyebrownod:


Quote from: Bob D on July 11, 2008, 08:42:50 AM
Good story Al. Say do you not have snakes, mosquitos, red bugs and ticks up there in Kentucky? Those are the 4 reasons I'm not hunting here at this time of the year.

Yeah Bob, we got all those durned things up here, and they tend to keep me home a lot.  But when the farmers are losing calves, goats, sheep, pets, and about everything else you can imagine, I feel like I have to help them out.  I sure don't enjoy it like I do in winter, colder the better.  Hope you and Corey can make it up this winter for a hunt or two.  I would like to get down there after some of those bobcats too.

I limit the number of potential ticks quite a bit by spraying all my clothing with Coulston's Duranon tick repellent about every two weeks. Anyone that uses that best remember to not spray it on your skin, just on your clothes.  I use the kind for your skin right before going into the field.  I hate those boogers!
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff

Troy Walter

Hey Al don't you have bobcat in western Kentucky.


Yes but I only seem to call them in during the off season.


Hey Troy: Not sure which Al you were asking, but we have bobcats all around the state now.  There are quite a few in Bath & Rowan counties, and a bunch of them down around Cumberland Lake and almost all the counties the Ky. river runs throuogh.  Weedwalker killed a nice one last year near London, Ky. and has seen others.  I hope to get to hunt them some this winter.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


So, how many of the six was Chuck able to find?


I place as much value on learning what not to do as I do in knowing what to do.


Sorry ......I had about seven pages open and reading and posting got mixed up. :wink:


I'm sorry to report that Chuck got in from work after dark last night and couldn't go check out the dead coyotes.  I would suppose the critters and bugs have taken care of their carcasses by now, but Chuck will never forget it anyway, nor will I.  I guarantee he went to Sportsman's Warehouse today to get him one of those shell holders that fits ight on you gunstock.  I heard 4 solid hits from his 6 shots taken, and not sure about the one I knocked down on the run.

I was going to suggest to Chuck that we go out there this evening to check things out, but we had one hell of a fierce storm here today, and it looks like rain again before dark. So, the dead yotes will have to rot where they lie in this case.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


Hey Al, check out huntmasters.....and the 12 coyotes thread :innocentwhistle:



"Hey Al, check out huntmasters.....and the 12 coyotes thread innocentwhistle"

Yes Al, go check it out if you wish. J.D. suggested that I wasn't man enough to post my feelings  right here on a board that you frequent. My first thought were that this was a B.S. thread that was started as bait for old man Cronk. If I was right, your bait worked and here I am. I am still big as life and twice as mean. I am going to ask you straight out, right here, right now. Did you actually call 12 coyotes on one stand?  If you did, I will say congratulations you lucky dog.
Foxpro Field staff


Quote from: Rich on July 12, 2008, 06:15:49 PM
I am still big as life and twice as mean.

That made me chuckle.  1 word... smurf.
Minaska Outdoors


cronk coming here and trying to smooth things over makes me chuckle (or maybe barf).  Smurf. Yeah a smurf. A big blue smurf.


Hyperwrx, you're still a douche. You're clown shoes, bro. Go hide... Please! Not hard for ya. Ya freakin' midget.


Dang............you guys make me feel like a grown up. That's scary.......... :laugh2:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free