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Decoys, effective or not???

Started by Frogman, August 05, 2008, 07:45:35 PM

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Cute little turds aren't they?  :eyebrownod:

I'd call them right nut and left nut. Make sure your standing between them though George.  :roflmao: :roflmao:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free

George Ackley

guess what buddyboy

scroll down

Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


Damn guys, what an exhibit of unity on our part! Just think of all those poor PETA types that will need reconstructive surgery after laughing their asses off at this thread. You all done real good!!!  :doh2:

Nice looking pups !  

Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.


 :roflmao: :roflmao:

I LOVE YOU GEORGE!!!  :puke:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Chet.....untiy went out the window a few moths ago  :rolleye:



No siding here! I think Al is a ass and I came into say so!

Nothing to do with JRB either....I have had my fair share of times not agreeing with JRB as well! Just ask him, we have had some bad words threw email.

Al brought all that up over me and kee's productions! So, i felt I needed to say my part. Its all about the money to Al! Remember? I do! And I don't forget either! Not a mod here now, I can say what ever I want just like the rest of you can!

Also, I will keep allot of this out of here, sense I am in all this for the money! I didn't say much about all this before but I know who my friends are!

And sense you brought it up, ya, been awhile sense I been in here and for good reason! Why come in when you were put threw what I went threw? Ever think about that? And on top of that, all about the money shit! I been working 18 hrs A day doing Bats, coons, moles, dead animal removal, rats, and birds so I don't haft to report to a leader of a company every day! And to feed my family!

Oh and just so all of you know...........Its been months sense I talked to Mike at FoxPro so don't go throwing all that in there.......Al or anyone else!

Like I said if half of any of you knew what was going on you would work for NASA!

And just to clear the air....Your damn right if JD is threw on the fire, I will be there! Thats what real friends are for! I learned this the hard way!

Sleep on that!
I don't need to defend JD or JRB! They can stand on there own and can prove it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jim and Al...take the decoy :yoyo:
I wanna see some more of that stuff. I'm glad you didnt keep it to yourself. :biggrin: But even if you would have tried...Frog would have leaked  :eyebrow:

Good luck tomorrow,  :thumb2:
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By the way????????????????????????????????

I thought you were going to bed Bop?  :innocentwhistle:................... :biggrin:

Wait..............Its a  :biggrin: at the end! That makes it all right!............. :roflmao:

George Ackley

Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


You wouldn't know a "REAL FRIEND" if it bit you on the ass Kee. It's all about YOU. Always has been and always will be.

You are a selfish, self centered, individual with nothing more on your mind than making yourself look good. You also don't give a flip who you got to step on to get where you're headed. Might as well call your calls "coming to the call also".

Maybe JD will see it eventually.

BTW, what did you go through that was so terrible? You quit this board so you could make money and us little folks were holding you back.

Foxpro Staff Infection Free

THO Game Calls

JD, you remember this thread?


You wrote

QuoteAl,, Thank you so much for the call  This sumbeech sounds GREAT  The craftsmanship is excellent also, I like the acrylic really well..

It amazes me how low you will go JD.   So tell us, were you lying then, or are you lying now?

And tells us something else JD.  Why is it that you changed your handle over on Huntmasters from Canine to using your real name?  Is there a reason for that?  Trying to make a name for yourself?  Like myabe Byron South, or maybe Steve Criner?  Now we have J. Piatt just like one of the big boys.

You know JD - everytime you post over here, I hear that old Steve Miller song in the back of my mind.

You know the one, "Take the Money and Run"

That was a pretty low blow about the calls JD.  But, I suppose one has to consider the source.  Perhaps you would have liked this one better?

I know Kee did.  Hell, I even used to make some similar to that.  

Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results

George Ackley

GLENN GUESS,,,, MY THOUGHTS :confused:     ANYBODY :confused: :confused: :confused:

:biggrin:  :biggrin:

Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


QuoteChet.....untiy went out the window a few moths ago  :rolleye:
Maybe for a few people but not everyone. 

Yep, the Bopster and I are going out this morning and attempt to call in a few coyotes. Maybe we'll get lucky, maybe not but I can guarantee... we will have fun trying.  :wink: 

Good night folks, carry on  :iroll:   
Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.

George Ackley



Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Al,, to be perfectly honest, which Leanord can verify...I changed e-mails and lost my password to huntmasters.  I have nothing to hide on the internet so I switched to J.Piatt over there.  To join the big boys  :rolleye:  no, I have nothin to hide and canine was takin by me, but Leanord couldn't come up with my password  :confused:  I'll go back to canine, hell at predator masters I am now canine1 because of all the email shit.

Yeah, I'll admit I praised you over your calls, I see I touched a personal spot with you....Back at ya Pal....

Oh, I have spoke to Mike Dillon one time in my life, pretty good guy I should say too.

THO Game Calls

QuoteI didn't say much about all this before but I know who my friends are!

You should have known back then who your friends were and been straight with everyone up front.  But you side stepped it and then came out with that lame assed post about why you were leaving.  Yeah I remember too Brent.

I also remember the day you left FnF to go suck PM's teet.

You sent me an E mail asking me to give you the name of the supplier of the coaxer reeds I was selling in my store so you could put them in your store and sell them to the guys on PM because as we all know, I am banned over there.

And what did I do Kee?

I gave you the info.

What do you do?

It took my posting about it over here to even get a simple THANK YOU out of you.

You think I am an ass  -  GOOD.

When you made that call I posted a few post back, you sent me a PM telling me you made the call and posted it and if I wanted you too, you would take it off.  But I told you to not worry about it.  A lot of people on this board thought it was pretty low.  And I stuck by you and tolf yhrm it was no big deal.  

You had friends over here, but you didn't think enough of them to come clean and tell them what was going on.

The sad part is Kee, I am sure that most of us would have wished you well and held no hard feelings.   YOU screwed that one up.  Not me, not anyone else on this board.  

Sorry Kee, I used to like you.  Thought you were an OK guy and hell of a predator hunter.  I even went to bat for you on PM when they beat the piss out of you for your first DVD.

You had friend buddy, but they weren't good enough for you or your far flung dreams.

Good luck in the future Kee..  You and JD both.  


Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results

George Ackley

 horseshit thread  it was there then gone  :confused: :confused: did i get a glimpse into the back room :confused: or did I eat to many of these little peace's of funny tasting paper :eyebrow: :eyebrow:  
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


I saw it too George. It was Jimbo screwing with us.  :laf:  Got any papers..??  :nono:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


This topic has become a complete disaster. :doh2:
It went from, "yeah decoys work"  to "only sometimes"  to "i use live coyotes"  and then on to, "oh my gawd I hate everyone around me".

I started picking out a select few that I was going to post links to their post history and show how productive they've been...but the list just got way to big. :laf:

I'm beginning to feel bad for Al and Jim here guys. Can someone please make a new topic if this is all there is to do and title it "The Annual Beat Down"...and then with any luck we'll draw some more old members from the shadows, and get em posting again. :sneer:
Ya can even finish pounding on JRB, but for sanity's sake we can't keep smashing everything Jim and Al lay down here. Those guys are the farthest thing from this topic now.....and they're trying to make productive posts. :shrug:
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