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Decoys, effective or not???

Started by Frogman, August 05, 2008, 07:45:35 PM

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Quote from: Jrbhunter on August 08, 2008, 09:04:27 AM
  When I get crossways with folks of your caliber it sticks with me for all of ten minutes and I move onto more important things or more important people.   

Yeah, right, I know your type real well.  When you get crossways with men like me you piss your britches and RUN the other way.  All the while telling yourself you are taking the high road to justify your cowardice and fear.  

Keep talking out your ass, JRBmoron.  Let the world know what a truly worthless POS you are.



Quote from: George Ackley on August 08, 2008, 09:58:21 AM
thought this was pretty much something ya aint allowed to do in any state. 

you can use live animals for bait in many states

I was thinking the same thing.........but I am probably a morin too.


Quote from: George Ackley on August 08, 2008, 09:58:21 AM
thought this was pretty much something ya aint allowed to do in any state. 

you can use live animals for bait in many states

thanks I was not aware of that george. 
"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.


Quote from: George Ackley on August 08, 2008, 09:58:21 AM
thought this was pretty much something ya aint allowed to do in any state. 

you can use live animals for bait in many states

Geroge I wasn't aware of it either. I know in TN. it is illegal to use live decoys for waterfowl & I'm pretty sure it's illegal for other type's of hunting too. I guess the "decoy dog" could bring a different aspect to the situation though.

Do you have a copy of any state regulations concerning the legal use of live decoys? I'm not questioning you, I'd just like to read what they say, sounds interesting.


Oh & Dirty Dog.................................. You are a moron!!!!!!!!! :roflmao: :roflmao: :yoyo:

George Ackley

I cant look them all up  but off the top of my head i think Wyoming ,Arizona , Texas, Minnesota you can

here in PA we cant
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump



Well, it looks like this thread has about run it's course.

frogman, so what ya think?  Decoys, effective or not??? 

semp, do ya ever post anything of any value to anyone?  I looked back about 5 pages and could not find anything. Just curious :shrug:.. On some boards I would venture to say you would be know as a *troll*..


Quote from: coycaller on August 08, 2008, 11:18:49 AM
Well, it looks like this thread has about run it's course.

frogman, so what ya think?  Decoys, effective or not??? 

semp, do ya ever post anything of any value to anyone?  I looked back about 5 pages and could not find anything. Just curious :shrug:.. On some boards I would venture to say you would be know as a *troll*..

Venture to say all ya want, coycaller.  You wanna troll a little bit, OK.  That's what's great about FnF.   You can speak your mind without the Gestapo banning your ass.

So have at it.  I'm ready to dance.   :readthis:



I'll leave the trollin and dancin to you pardner.  I'd rather talk huntin/callin/killin critters with the fellas that want to talk about the same.

You have a great day semp. Enjoy your weekend!!

George Ackley

decoying coyotes ,,, do they work??? shore they do ,some of the time but not  all the time.
the old saying, that you may fool some,some of the time, but not all,all of the time sticks in my head
I feel they are good tool to have when the going gets tuff. same as a electronic call .a elec.call and a decoy
just help you create more scenarios on your setups that you cant do with just a gun and a hand call at you said .I do however think there is a technic to learn in using a decoy of coyote, I always think that body posture of a decoy of a coyote would play a big part on the incoming coyotes and his thought process of the event that are taken place at that moment .so I think that a decoy size should be relative to the coyote size your hunting , I am a believer that most of use east of the big river get busted more times then you think, and on the same hand I think we call in more coyotes then we think, I feel that coyotes may pinpoint yea if your hunting a vase open area but a coyote thats coming to yea thew the thick stuff like hard wood's, brush, over mountains or beyond hedgerows or across wide hollers, CAN NOT pin point the sound down to a couple yards,,  they come in knowing the general area the sound they hear and will check up at some point maybe even a couple times to get them ether on track to the sound or to pinpoint the sound before busting into the area, and that when we get busted when he is checking up . even before he tries to down wind yea . you will notices a lot of times when a coyote first pops out in the opening he will more times then not stop,when he does this it's to put his best scenes to work,, he may pinpoint your sound but play it safe and try to down wind the sound not always to avoid people but also to avoid any bigger and more aggressive critters such as bear domestic dogs or bigger coyotes that may be in the area . a large decoy may discourage a smaller coyote from approaching  in shooting distance, may not also,,a upright and alert decoy my be intimidating also so I think a decoy with a more submissive posture will be better. but decoys I don't feel will hurt your setup one you figure out what you need to do with it. At home I haven't used a decoy of a coyote I us crow decoys, I set 4 or 5 out and play aggressive crow calls on  my elec, call why I work my hand call with a distress sound  i even have a crow decoy that has rotating wing to help catch the incoming coyote eye..
ANYWAY I AM STARTING TO RAMBLE SO , just learn how you need to put it to best use
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


George i think your post is very good. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't, the set up is important and how you present it. Just like fishing the presentation is very important. I think every coyote is different and not all will react the same, we as the hunter just have to get off the couch and try different sets and get the right one in the mood. I think a decoy gives you that little extra edge and I need all the help I can get. :laf:


Quote from: George Ackley on August 08, 2008, 12:13:58 PMAt home I haven't used a decoy of a coyote I us crow decoys, I set 4 or 5 out and play aggressive crow calls on  my elec, call why I work my hand call with a distress sound  i even have a crow decoy that has rotating wing to help catch the incoming coyote eye..

In my opinion, that is probably the best decoying advice I've seen posted for guys East of the Mississippi.   Ambient sounds and non-target decoys will kill more coyotes (here) than the popular flopping rabbits and coyote profiles.

Two years ago I had a client come in from Michigan in early February.  I'd had a good year locally... but that meant most of my productive farms had been pounded all winter so I was leary about our chances of getting him his first coyote in just one day of hunting.   I knew I would have to mix it up a little in order to put coyotes in front of him.  By using crow and hawk sounds in a series of wooded and partially wooded stands we managed to get him his first coyote and his first double that day.   He also put some lead in what was apparently the toughest coyote on the continent: we tracked what appeared to be gallons of blood before we lost it.  

I cashed in on the change-of-pace myself by killing several that got around him or came in on top of me.   All-in-all, we had a great day despite an incredible amount of calling pressure on those coyotes... and in several cases it was the ambient sounds that killed those coyotes.   There are a lot of factors that go into succesfully calling coyotes- even more factors involved in CONSISTANTLY being succesful.   There aren't any silver bullets out there that make things easy but as you develop more and more coyote knowledge you will feel like the stars simply align and things start clicking for you.

Here is a picture of the truck before my Michigan friend went home- the Red Fox and two of the buried coyotes were actually taken the day before he arrived.  I was on cloud 9 when this picture was snapped because I had just gunned down a 3 legged female on a farm that had been jynxed for me for years.  She came in 5 minutes into the stand- solely to a crow call.


George and JRB,
       Good posts.  Thanks.  Those were very helpful.  That's more like what I had hoped for in this thread.  As golfertrout says, "We need all the help we can get."  I hope more of you will chime in here with your experienced advice and opinions!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Quoteanother thing I seen is depending on the state you are not allowed to use a live animal as bait or a decoy.  not sure where bouts he lives but I had thought this was pretty much something ya aint allowed to do in any state. 

I've seen articles on using decoy dogs to hunt coyotes in Predator Extreme magazine.  I think Cal Taylor wrote them.  It seems to be big in his area.

I think the regulation agains using live ducks as decoys is a federal regulation since they are mirgratory birds.

Other than decoy dogs, I can't think of many examples of using live decoys that would be practical.


Quote from: DirtyDog on August 08, 2008, 10:03:53 AM
Quote from: George Ackley on August 08, 2008, 09:58:21 AM
thought this was pretty much something ya aint allowed to do in any state. 

you can use live animals for bait in many states

I was thinking the same thing.........but I am probably a morin too.


It is illegal to trap an animal in Tennessee and keep it alive.  You cannot hunt over a live trapped coyote. 

Whether or not it is legal in Indiana where JRB hunts, I don't know.....yet.  But I will find out. 

Other people may think you are a moron, DD, but I do not.



Quote from: Semp on August 08, 2008, 01:46:12 PM
It is illegal to trap an animal in Tennessee and keep it alive.  Semp

The devil's in the details- at no point have I "kept" anything.  We actually can "keep" live coyotes in Indiana- but that would not serve my purpose whatsoever.   When I approach a productive coyote set (trap set) in the early morning hours I am hopeful that I can stop short of blowing my cover to a nearby mate.  By approaching downwind and staying concealed- I leave myself the opportunity to CALL that free roaming coyote to its death before I go dispatch the captured coyote.   KEEPING a coyote from a set, feeding it for weeks, and hoping it will help lure other coyotes to a stand would be assonine.  Coyotes are opportunisit, as are the people who kill them consistantly.   Don't overthink this Semp.

Quote from: Semp on August 08, 2008, 01:46:12 PM
You cannot hunt over a live trapped coyote. 

It took me approximately 2 minutes to disprove your post.   You Tennessee boys just need to call your local game warden and ask him this-  "If I catch a coyote and try to call another one in before I dispatch him- am I breaking the law".   If you can't get thru to a local warden, call the Wildlife Resource Center at (615) 781-6610 but do it soon (They're closing in 51 minutes).

Semp- you go ahead and check around on those Indiana regulations.  If you call the district headquarters ask for the man on top, Director Schoetter.  Hell, why not call the statehouse and speak to our Fur Biologist Bruce Plowman.   Maybe you'd like to speak with all six regional officers that help me organize our calling contest each year?  Either way- tell the guys I said hello and I'll be out to kill their coyotes in a couple months. 

You're thinking too hard.


  JRB wrote :
When I approach a productive coyote set (trap set) in the early morning hours I am hopeful that I can stop short of blowing my cover to a nearby mate.  By approaching downwind and staying concealed- I leave myself the opportunity to CALL that free roaming coyote to its death before I go dispatch the captured coyote.  [/quote]

When I saw the pic of the trapped coyote I figured this is exactly the way you were using the coyote for a decoy.  I actually think that is a great idea.  :bowingsmilie:  Held in a trap or not, If a guy was going to use a decoy, I think it would be hard to find a better one.

THO Game Calls

QuoteIn my opinion, that is probably the best decoying advice I've seen posted for guys East of the Mississippi.   Ambient sounds and non-target decoys will kill more coyotes (here) than the popular flopping rabbits and coyote profiles.

and as you so eloquently stated earlier in this thread concerning decoys

QuoteThis topic of decoys has been brought up a dozen times on every board running- and the replies are usually VERY similar in each discussion.

using ambient sounds for hunting coyotes has been around longer than you have been alive.

It too has been discussed ad nauseum on other boards as well as this one.   It's not a big secret.  It's not like it is something you thought of or something you discovered.  it is a common practice for many coyote hunters.  

As for calling over a trapped coyote, there is a difference between what is legal and what is ethical, but I highly doubt you will ever know what it is.  What I think, is that you do it because you have something to prove.  If you are doing it for damage control, then that is a different story, but in your case, I think you do it so you can simply prove you are the best coyote hunter in the world.  You're not.  You never will be.  

It's my opinion that most of us hunt because we like too.  Yes, everyone wants to be more successful in the field, and there is nothing wrong with wanting to be a better hunter.  But better should not measured by the number of coyotes killed in a season, or even by what some leg humper internet groupie thinks.  It's measured in your own mind.  How you view your trips afield, your time spent in the woods.  If you make it a constant competition with every other hunter out there, you will end up being a boring self righteous ass.

But then, you already know that don't you?

Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results



I hope you realize I was poking at DD, he is a good friend of mine & I saw a open spot to gouge him a little, my response was purly a joke. :shrug: