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Coyotes acting strange!!!!!!!

Started by alscalls, September 26, 2008, 09:33:03 PM

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Al-- I don't know how to do the hi-lite stuff so bear with me OK??  :biggrin:  Would the property line go along the field edge South of the access road? With the woods being off limits? Looks like it might start up by that building right along the access road just after the bend in the road. That would be a good place to park. Walk about 1/2 way to the picnic area & set up there. Set the Scorpion out by the table. Just a thought.

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Glenn: I can set up there but can not see the picnic table area. I would only see about 50 yds of the road which is not really a road at all it is a two track grassy path used for getting to the properties.
I park on the other road where the fork is, and walk in the whole way.
I did find out they have been eating supper there about 3 nights a week and throwing the scraps over the bank.... :eyebrow:
Now I think I see why they are comming around so much.
The property lines are weird The strip of trees in the middle of the field? The tip of those trees are just about the corner of three properties. My uncles line does run below  the road just a bit.
I hope that makes sence :confused:
Here is a pic of about where the lines are.......I can get permission to hunt the farm north of here but I do not know the lines yet, and access is still limited. :rolleye:


Cool addition Al. That lays things out a little better IMHO. I'm also not so sure you need to be hidden all that well either if they are coming that close.  Might be a shotgun situation for you.

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


I think you're over complicating the issue. 
First off you have coyotes coming as uninvited dinner guest.  My first priority would be to eliminate these boogers. 
Whenever people show up there they're smelling food which shows up most everytime.  Only they're getting the scrapes.  So now they have you figured out & they want to drive you off your meal. 

All you should have to do is call 'em in using the lawn mower laboring in distress sound. Let 'em know you're there in other words.  After your done w/ the yard go to the picnic table & fry some of the fattest hamburger you have. They should show up shortly.  If not enjoy your meal, pour out the grease w/ some scraps, & return again later to repeat the setup. 
Seems to me these coyotes have been conditioned all summer to your uncles going ons.


BTW after you get these coyotes your Uncle needs to stop throwing out his scraps like that.  Unless he willing to deal w/ the possiblity of a bear?  :shrug:  :shck:


I wonder if I could put a hamburger in an onion sack and drag it behind the lawnmower for a while then sit in a tree stand and wait for dinner! :innocentwhistle: :laf:


THO has it right that somebody has been feeding these coyotes, if not at that picnic table then one not too far away.  These coyotes are acting normal.  I've seen coyotes do that in Canadian parks, come up to picnic tables and cars and beg for scraps.  Have also had them come  into camp in areas where backpackers hike in summer.  While backpack deer hunting I came back to our spike camp at 10:00 AM about timberline and watched a coyote under our tarp, sniffing between our two sleeping bags.

KISS works here, as vvarmiter said. Go have a picnic and keep a loaded rifle handy.

At a bunch of bee hives set on a small flat in thick brush hills in California, grey fox would come to the open ground around the hives if you drove around the hives, slammed a door and drove off.  Within 1 to 3 minutes at least one and often more foxes would be in the open around the hives, easy if you had driven the rig out of sight and climbed on top of the nearest knoll over looking the hives.  My assumption is that they were used to picking up drips of honey and scraps of honeycomb after they heard the beekeeper drive in and leave.  Act like a natural picnic and these coyotes will show.


" if you had driven the rig out of sight and climbed on top of the nearest knoll over looking the hives. "
Hey Glen.......I will do the driving if you climb the knoll :innocentwhistle:............ :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:


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