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Callmakers chime in (Help)...

Started by Coulter, October 14, 2008, 07:26:08 PM

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I have finally come to a realization that I need to find an alternative to the dust mask that I currently use. It is just a cheap disposable that can be bought at Lowe's. It worked fine for a while but I'm starting to think that I'm getting a build up of residual crap in my lungs.

A few weeks ago I was working on a bunch of duck calls. I ended up getting what I thought was a nasty cold, so I slowed down for a day or two. The cold seemed like it was starting to subside so I went back to turning some calls. The "cold" came back with a vengeance and knocked me on my ass. Naturally I stopped turning again and still haven't finished the duck calls. My wife kept nagging me to see the doctor, but I refuse to go to him since he is a bonafide moron and legitimate quack (hey that is an unusual oxymoron :eyebrownod:)

Anyway, I waited about two weeks to make sure the cold was gone and tried turning again...just a couple of calls this time. Wham, the trouble came back almost immediately. So I finished up what I was working on and stopped for another couple weeks.

I just started turning again last night. I was working on some turkey calls and predator calls for some outstanding orders and needless to say I ended up sleeping on the couch due to uncontrollable coughing.

So back to my initial question...what are you guys using for a dust mask? Or what would you recommend. I need to get something here so I can finish up these orders and start concentrating on the fur harvesting season  :biggrin:

Thanks for the help,


The mask that I use is available from Lowes, not sure about the part number but it has the detachable filters on it. I guess I'm kind of lucky since the job I have supplies us with these, and they send us out every year to be fit tested. I use the same mask for painting oil refinery equipment and piping. You get pretty hot while wearing it but it's better than the alternative. You can also find these at paint stores like Sherwin Williams, I can paint with two part epoxy in a confined space for about one hour between pots and haven't had the issues that your dealing with. I think the mask that I have cost about 35.00 and I have used it for about 2 years. Filters are replaceable and cost around 15.00 for one set. I replace my filters after every job, but could go longer if I had to fork out the money for them. You could also go with a supplied air unit but that cost is a bit steep. Oh, one more thing about the filters, make sure you get a particulate filter and not a filter rated for vapor. The filters that we use are rated for asbestos abatement. Let me know if you need any more information this is just stuff off the top of my head. I'm the safety coordinator for my company so I have all the info about different respirators on hand.


some people have bad reactions to certain exotic woods....be carefull, what you work with might be a problem.
I usually do not tun anything unless it is local wood and do not wear a dust mask....mabey I should.


Dan...I'll have to check out what other masks they have at Lowe's next time I am there. I'm thinking I need an astronaut helmet at this point.

Al...I have been pretty fortunate up until now that I haven't had any adverse reactions to the woods I work with. I have played with some of the funky stuff that causes others shear misery. I think I have just turned so much wood in a fairly tight space that the dust has built up in my lungs and it is starting to wreak havoc. I hope I don't ever have a reaction to some of this stuff. I'd hate to go all acrylic :iroll:


Hawks Feather

I have this one and like it pretty well.  It is not a full face mask though.  This is just the "holder" and you would need to also order the filters or cartridges for it.  They are on the site as well.




I put the hose from my shop vac right behind the wood on the lathe.  no dust but still some small wood chips flying around.

Call for the Hunter


hand call user primarily, but if you gotta use an e-caller, there ain't nothing that sounds better than a Wildlife Tech


I use a 3m respirator I got from conney safety. It is all silicone construction and I use hepa filters so it removes almost all the particle that are produced on the lathe. I have not had problem like yours since using it.


Dan-- What do you guys do if you work with a cold? I have one now. Are these masks you use washable or throw aways? I would hate to have to pitch a mask because I had a cold & couldn't get the germs out of it. Thanks for the info.

Al-- Get something & use it. Even if it is just the cheapo dust masks from Lowes. Your lungs & Family will Thank You.  :yoyo:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11

Hawks Feather

Quote from: HaMeR on October 15, 2008, 03:33:12 PM
What do you guys do if you work with a cold? I have one now. Are these masks you use washable or throw aways? I would hate to have to pitch a mask because I had a cold & couldn't get the germs out of it. Thanks for the info.


I have had a cold or two while wearing the mask and never gave it a thought.  I don't know if you can reinfect yourself or not, but I think that when the mask is off and has a chance to dry that most of the germs would die off.  While I am not sure about that, I have not had a continual cold while using the mask.  The one that I have could be wiped down inside with a sanitary hand cleaner, alcohol, or something like that if you wanted to be sure.



I don't know if you have a beard, but here is one I would consider.
I also like the idea of drawing the air from behind you where there isn't so much dust. The filter should last longer.


Hammer The filters we use are disposable and the masks are taken apart and cleaned daily. Every person that is issued a mask and filters is responsible for that equipment. I'm pretty picky about mine and get on my crews butt all the time about cleanliness so I don't have any lost time on my job assignments.


Thanks for all the help guys...I'm going to swing buy Lowes's tonight and check one last time what they have to offer. I'd like to get somnething locally if possible so I don't need to worry about ordering any cartridges. If they don't have anything worthwhile I will most certainly be ordering one of the above.

vvarmitr...I do have some hair on my face, not a full beard...just enough to please the ladies :biggrin: That mask doesn't look very comfortable. I don't think I could handle something pinching my nose while I worked.

Thanks again,


I wipe mine out after  every use. I just use a damp papertowel and a little soap and then wipe with a damp papertowel to remove the soap residue. Thats it.

Hawks Feather

Quote from: Coulter on October 16, 2008, 06:36:25 AM
Thanks for all the help guys...I'm going to swing buy Lowes's tonight and check one last time what they have to offer. I'd like to get something locally if possible so I don't need to worry about ordering any cartridges.

I like the fact that some have replaceable cartridges.  I usually take the air compressor and blow the outside of my filters off every few days, but in time they need to be replaced.  My older style did not have replaceable cartridges/filters and when they got bad you needed to buy another "complete" unit.  With that being said, if the unit is cheap enough and seems to do the job, you might be better served by replacing it when needed.



Thank You Jerry & Dan for your replies.  :yoyo:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


My dust control includes a respirator, dust collector, and air scrubber.  Even with all this cocobolo makes me itch bad for days.  Now I won't touch the stuff.  Woods that do not bother me are African blackwood, osage, snakewood, bloodwood and mesquite. These are also great wood species for making game calls.

Respirator pulls air from behind and fills the area around your face with very clean air. 
This also eliminates fogging of the face shield.  The face shield uses disposable covers
for a clear view of your work.  Also good face and eye protection.  This one runs on
battery that clips to belt.

Dust collector intake hose has nasty color from wood.

Air scrubber is very important.  My shop has the cleanest air in the house.  The
machine has a coarse filter on the outside and a fine filter shaped like a bag on the inside.
Their horses are swifter than leopards, fiercer than wolves at dusk - Habakkuk 1:8