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Whirling Woodpecker

Started by broe, December 01, 2008, 07:33:43 PM

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Does anyone use this decoy?
I am looking into buying one due to the low cost and apparent effectiveness.
I have a Jack-in-the-box
just wondering your input on this one....


A friend of mine bought a WW and we used it one day. I watched a coyote lock onto the decoy, charge it and then I heard the coyote bite the decoy. He didn't escape with the decoy though. My hunting partner gave the coyote a 58 gr. V Max for breakfast from his 243. The only drawback that I've seen with the WW is that it seems to be a bit hard on batteries. I built my own decoy that is similar to the WW from a bluejay lawn ornament. It has worked well on coyotes too. MI VHNTR
The Second Amendment isn't about Hunting.
It's about Freedom.




I'll let you know if mine survives when I get it


Check out Sportsmans guide. They had them at a closeout price of 9.99 awhile back.

My experiance is I have had way more run off after first seeing the WW than I have had coming into shooting range. I just don't use it anymore.


I've used one and I love it.
Inexpensive, easy to tote around, and very effective.  :eyebrownod:
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I have one and have only had a owl swoop down and try to fly off with it, no luck with the yotes . The thing is extremely hard on batteries ! I have thought of a industrial energizer but they cost so much to play one out on one set its not worth it.


Ya know what I do?

Almost all digital camera now days recommend the lithium batteries. When my lithiums get low enough to hinder the camera performance I throw them in the Whirlin Woodpecker. :eyebrow:

They'll last several hours of on and off hunting. It's amazing how much juice is left in them even after the camera say "uh uh"  :nono:

I used to give them to the kids for their stuff, but when I realized how long they were lasting them after I was going to toss them I started using them myself also.
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The WW is my favorite independent decoy. I like it a lot. Battery life sucks with regular batteries but I use rechargeable batteries  in all my digital cameras anyway so have plenty. Standard batteries  work for one stand the rechargeable battery last 2 stands and I change it.

It is small and easily toted in the field. When it comes to cats it has no equal to any that I have used so far.




I dang near bought one of those a year or so ago. Some guy had a 5 dollar price tag on it. I was broke and had to walk on.  Man I am still kicking myself over that one.
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.


QuoteIt's phone orders only, It's to much work to change
the web site.

You have GOT to be kidding me? :doh2:

THAT, my friends is exactly the kind of webmaster you DO NOT want.
I cannot believe I read that, I gotta go back and see that again. :nono:  :roflmao:
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glad to see im not the only one who  got a laugh out of that  :roflmao:
there's something you better understand about me, 'cause it's important and one day your life may depend on it. I am definitely a madman with a box!

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