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Busted bicep blues.

Started by yucca, December 06, 2008, 07:40:55 PM

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Well I have been holed up for the last several days with a ruptured bicep. An injury that will require surgery next Thursday: oops. And an injury that prevented my team from competeing in the worlds contest. :cry:  Anyway my ole buddy Clair came and picked me up so I good get a breath of fresh air and to take my mind off my problems for a little while.

We were able to call one in on the first stand of the morning. She came in pretty fast and was about to leave even faster before Clair barked her to a stop and put a 22-250 round in her at about 100 yards.

We made about six other stands not calling anything at all. We got tired of fighting the wind so we called it quits.

Another nice sunrise:

Cliar and the only coyote we called in today:

We did find another cow skull:

Thanks for looking.


Thanks for looking? Heck, thanks so much for sharing. :biggrin:

Blew a bicep did ya. I'll be praying for ya!  :wink:


Quote from: vvarmitr on December 06, 2008, 07:52:14 PM
Blew a bicep did ya. I'll be praying for ya!  :wink:

Thank you sir I sure appreciate it. It's been a tough injury.


Nothing like doing something to get your mind off of something that's bothering you.  Thank's for posting the great pic's and we'll be thinking of you come Thursday.
I say what I think not think what I say.


Great pics, what an awesome sunrise.  Good luck from us as well, prayers sent.


Thanks for sharing the story and pictures. Sorry to hear about your injury. Hope the surgery goes well next week.

NRA Life Member

"On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of decision, sat down to wait, and waiting died." - Sam Ewing


Feel better.......Prayers sent.....Nice pics and story congrats!  :congrats: :congrats:


Thanks for all the comments and prayers guys. Means allot.

Hawks Feather

Dang, that is going to lay you up for a while.  But at least you were able to get out and take some good pictures.



And I thought my rotator cuff surgery was bad.   :whew:   Can't imagine a blown bicep.   :shck:


How in the world did you blow your bicep out that bad? That sounds painful. I slightly tore mine when I was a kid playing ball and thought I would die.

Also, what competition did you get knocked out of?

I reckon I'm headed back to church tomorrow, so I'll say a prayer for ya.  :wink:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


It clearly wasnt the bicep holding up the fur ball in the pic. :biggrin:
You always post cool pics Yucca. Thanks for sharing, congrats on the success, and I wish you nothing but the best on your surgery :wink:
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Quote from: Bopeye on December 06, 2008, 10:03:31 PM
How in the world did you blow your bicep out that bad? That sounds painful. I slightly tore mine when I was a kid playing ball and thought I would die.

Also, what competition did you get knocked out of?

I reckon I'm headed back to church tomorrow, so I'll say a prayer for ya.  :wink:

I had just put together a new tool cart to take to work. It did not have any tools in it yet so I did not think it would be all that difficult to load up in the truck. I tipped it over a bit to lean it on the tailgate. I started to lift it up and I felt this pop in my left bicep area. I went down to the ground seeing stars and feeling the need to throw up. When I felt my bicep I noticed it was flat as a board. My bicep is now located up around my shoulder blade.

I ended up tearing my distal tendon which is the lower (elbow) part. They will slice the upper portion of my elbow open.  Stretch the muscle back out with a pair of needle nose pliars then screw it into the outside portion of my funny bone. Then I look forward to 6 weeks in a brace then no telling how long in rehab.

We had to forfeit our spot in the worlds hunt in Cortez.
Thanks for your prayers.


Quote from: FinsnFur on December 06, 2008, 10:20:19 PM
It clearly wasnt the bicep holding up the fur ball in the pic. :biggrin:

That is my hunting partner in the photo. If I was as old as him surgery would not even be an option :biggrin:.

Quote from: FinsnFur on December 06, 2008, 10:20:19 PM
You always post cool pics Yucca. Thanks for sharing, congrats on the success, and I wish you nothing but the best on your surgery :wink:



     That sounds serious.  Hope your surgery goes well and you have a successful recovery!!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Quote from: yucca on December 06, 2008, 10:57:30 PM
I felt this pop in my left bicep area. I went down to the ground seeing stars and feeling the need to throw up. When I felt my bicep I noticed it was flat as a board. My bicep is now located up around my shoulder blade.

I ended up tearing my distal tendon which is the lower (elbow) part. They will slice the upper portion of my elbow open.  Stretch the muscle back out with a pair of needle nose pliars then screw it into the outside portion of my funny bone.

You just ruined my breakfast.  :puke:
That sounds excrutiating, I really do wish you the best.
Foxpro Staff Infection Free