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Great day in the woods

Started by msmith, January 08, 2009, 05:48:33 PM

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I have heard the question asked, who's the best hunter. The answer is; the one having the most fun.

With that being said, we're doing real good although productivity is low.

Nothing beats a day in the woods with your son. If I had left him, somehow without trying he would make me feel bad for not taking him...and rightly so.

Here is a view of the one of the stands we made last Saturday

Here is the Big Dawg on stand. We elected to stand since the area was kind of thick.

I know it doesn't look like it, but he is actually in the shade.



Your right, sounds like a good time no matter what.  :thumb2:


You're right there is nothing more fun than time hunting with your son. My son is 34 now and the times we get to hunt together are the best times in my life.

When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car.


Tell the Big Dawg He done good :highclap: :highclap: Getting out is what is all about :yoyo: :yoyo:
The more ya go the more stories you get to have....... :wink:


Yeah and you know he's eating up. How old is he?
My boy is going to be 17 in June....he forgot how to spell hunting and fishing....it actually makes me kinda sad.
Hang on to it Smith, hang on to it :wink:
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I know what ya mean Jim. My oldest is 23. He would rarely go hunting with me and then it was only afternoon hunts as he couldn't get out of bed before 9 or 10. I thought the Marines and a trip to Iraq would change that. It only made it worse and gave him the big head. Now he only comes around when he wants something or needs money. He hasn't wanted anything for about 10 months now.

Big Dawg turns 12 in a couple of weeks. He is eat up with hunting and trout fishing. He begs to go all the time and started crying when I left to go bow hunting after work without him once this year. Learning about hunting eastern coyotes with a 12 year old in tow lengthens the curve for sure but it is well worth it to learn together. When he finally connects, it will be something we both will remember for life. My cup runneth over.



That's him in my avatar with a nice eight point he got on our opening day of buck season this year. :yoyo:



msmith, that's great to see how much you two are enjoyin your time in the woods.

I know I love every minute I get with my two that tag along with me..

Tell him congrats on a great Buck!!



Tell your oldest son an old jarhead said, "Welcome home!"    :congrats:

Glad you and your son can spend some time together.  They grow up way too fast.    :wink:


It's good that you can get out with your son. He'll remember that the rest of his life.

Looks like the pine beetles got you all too.