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Frogman tries turkey hunting . . .

Started by Frogman, April 28, 2009, 07:57:14 PM

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I have very little experience turkey hunting.  My hunting buddy Mike is really good at it and enjoys calling turkeys for others.  He took me out this morning for a hunt.  Walked my ass off!!  I got up at 4:30 AM this morning 4/28/09 and met Mike at his place at 5:15.  We were in the woods before 6:00 AM.  Climbed a really steep hill all the way to the ridge.  It was just turning light when we got to the ridge.  As we started out the ridge we heard turkeys gobbling.  Most were quite a ways off but three of them were not too far away.  So we headed out the ridge toward them.  When we got close enough to start thinking about setting up we saw a white gobbler head a little ways out in front of us.  But it didn't move, it was a decoy, and then we saw the hunter sitting up against a tree.  He was set up between us and the birds.  We had to turn and go in another direction toward one of the farther birds we had heard.  We walked down off the ridge toward those other birds.  They weren't gobbling anymore.  We got too close. As we were heading toward where we had heard the last gobble we jumped a bird that flew away out in front of us.  We finally set up in a promising looking area and Mike did some calling.  Here is a photo from where I was sitting . . .

I could see this old tree stand from my location . . .

After about 45 minutes with Mike calling from about 30 yards behind me we decided to move on.  I learned that turkey hunting is a lot different than trying to call coyotes.  Mike doesn't call very much.  He just does a short hen sequence then stays quiet for 10 minutes or more.  Then another sequence. 

We walked quite a ways around the hill.  By now it was about 8:00 AM and we were not hearing any gobbling??  We did another  set up here . . .

Still no birds.  The guy we saw when we walked out the ridge didn't shoot either.  Matter of fact we only heard one shot from way off in the distance all morning.  We did a couple more sets where I didn't take any photos then headed back to the truck. 

The pollen in the air was really bad as the morning wore on.  I wear contacts and the gritty polen was getting under them and irritating my eyes.  I was ready to get back to the truck.  I had a great morning except for the pollen.  It was beautiful watching the sun come up and hearing the birds singing and the turkeys gobbling.  The turkeys just didn't gobble long enough for us to get on one??   Maybe next time!!  Sure beats sitting in the recliner!!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


You better be careful  :nofgr:  It's as addicting as calling coyotes! There will be no need for a recliner..LOL

Nice pics and hope ya score on one!



Dont you have a recliner for a stand chair Jim. I thought alscalls said you did. :confused:
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Good technique up in them thar hardwood ridges is to get a forked stick and dig around in the leaves nice n loud like turkeys scratchin up acorns....sometimes it will bring em right in when calling wont  :wink:


Yep, turkey hunting is WAY addictive.  :eyebrownod:   

Were you hunting on public ground?  I assume so since you bumped in to some guy.  Turkey hunting on public ground is dangerous and accidents can happen.  Be careful out there and good luck, Jim!    :yoyo:



We were on a large private farm, but we were not the only ones who hao have permission to hunt there.


Thanks for the tip about scratching in the leaves, I will try to temember that!.  I'm new to hunting the turkeys!!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Oh, the step by step story with pics was very interesting. Rrrr! It does work out like that some days, until one day...it just all comes together right. Where lead, meets head! I can't wait to see your pics then. I agree with you, it's better than sitting in a recliner :corn: ...ANYDAY!!! Next time, wear a pair of goggles over eyes to keep the pollen out until you get set up on a bird.