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Howling with the Hillbilly

Started by tomkat, May 22, 2009, 05:06:41 PM

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 :confused: I guess there is no such thing as bad publicity. The picture he posted had an extremely predictable response. :shrug:


Frog, I could care less who hunts year around or dosen't. that was not my issue. To post a pic of a wet coyote and expect praisal? LOL...hell with that!

Tell hillbilly to put his money where his mouth is and joins us at the expo in the howlin competition.  :highclap:



Quote from: FinsnFur on May 27, 2009, 04:56:35 PM
The issues were surrounded by is the overwhelming hammer fists of boasting and ego that goes with it.


Quote from: Frogman on May 27, 2009, 03:49:29 PM
I guess I just wish we could be a little more tolerant of one another and "just get along".


Frogman, I'm curious, you do realize that your bud hillbilly is running down those that post about their setups, don't you?   You post lots of your setups so why do you defend him while he attacks you? 

Quote from: canine on May 27, 2009, 10:22:18 PM
Tell hillbilly to put his money where his mouth is and joins us at the expo in the howlin competition.  :highclap:

Now I have GOT to see that!   :yoyo:

Todd Rahm


With all due respect to you, my reply had nothing to do with the story or the pics, after all its just another dead coyote. I explained to Tomkat that I had seen it and why I didn't reply initially, but what provoked my reply was your friends approach. I don't know this hillbilly fella from Adam, and from what I can tell (his web site)l he has a perty good look'n family and they seem to know some what of what they are doing, but I by no means will tolerate a "I'm holier than thou" type of attitude from any member on any board as I wouldn't expect anyone to to take it from me either. What little I have seen of your friend, leaves little to be desired. I have read his howling post, and his response to this one, and have since took first hand information from folks that hunt or met him, and that the fella seems to be full of himself, and should be taken in small doses, and this seems to be a general consensus, you with standing.

The impression I have of him is he seems to be the "Bill Martz" of predator calls. Comes across like he knows everything, everyone else knows nothing, his calls are better, everyone else's are not, and where he reminds more of Bill, is in his customer/public relations. He doesn't seem to be doing anything on this board to earn customers, matter fact he is doing all he can do (unknowingly or knowingly) to push the customers away, or for sure making them think "That guys an ass, why would I buy anything from him" I speak this from my point of view. I was lining up to buy a howler from him, until he showed his true self, now I wouldn't' take one if it was given to me and I was recently offered.

If he wants to survive the forums, he needs to mellow out and kick back, and learn to agree to disagree, and that its ok sometimes. Until then it isn't really gona matter what he knows or how good his product sounds. If anything he needs to reevaluate his public image or self for the benefit of his family.

On another note, this board isn't like most, as in you'll get a response if ya posted your daily bowl movement schedule. Most the folks on this board have been around the boards a long time, seen thousands of post, and in most case don't respond unless its something special or out of the norm. Tomkats post was perty generic for a predator call board, but if it would have had a little better write up on the hunt, the experience and the enjoyment he had, well I'm sure he would have gotten 5-6 replies within 20 minutes of posting it, but after the howling post it also gives the appearance of a"Vindicate the hillbilly" post, which just doesn't interest me either.

I'm all for the hillbilly hanging around and sharing what he knows and posting, but he'll need to relax a bit and like Jim mentioned, don't cram it down my throat with a big ego.



Semp & Todd & JD,

In my post above I mentioned that hillbilly is not as computer literate as some of us.  I cringed too when I read his post above as well as some of his earlier ones.  I know that is not the way to win friends and influence people!! 

John is very direct and opinionated about his style of coyote hunting.    When I started coyote hunting about 3 years ago I quickly found some books to read, some magazines to learn from, and most importantly I found information on the internet.  There were very few people in my area that hunted coyotes.  John was one of the most experienced coyote hunter in this area.    I know that he has been in contact with well known coyote hunters like Dan Thompson and others that have helped him develop his hunting and calling style.  He has been very patient with me trying to help me improve my howling technique.  I don't agree with all his hunting ideas, but I do listen to him and try to learn from him as he is considerably  more experienced and succesful than I.

Believe me, I wish he were more tactful and would, "mellow out and kick back, and learn to agree to disagree," as Todd said in his post. 
I guess I feel that there are things to be learned from people reguardless of how abrasive they may seem.  When John joined this forum I hoped he would embrace it as many of us have done and share some of his ideas and skills with us.  Now I'm afraid that might not be possible. 

JD,  I too would love to see John perform in a howling contest.  I think he would surprise some of you.

I just hate to see someone condemned as a result of a few internet posts with out having spent some time getting to know him and hunting with him.  We all have our quirks, foibles, and failures.  Usually we have some good points that hopefully outweigh the negative ones.

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!

Todd Rahm


He is more then welcome to a second chance in my book and I'm not so quick to condemn, but....

QuoteI just hate to see someone condemned as a result of a few internet posts with out having spent some time getting to know him and hunting with him

....if a fella comes into my house flinging bullets down range, you would be assured, he would be welcomed with two to the chest and one to the head first, then if he survived, I might spend some time getting to know him.  :biggrin:

Approach Determines Response.


  We killed 7 problem coyotes and destroyed 5 dens this year since March 1st. It is not pleasing work but it is what I do for our ranch friends when they have real problems. I explain to land owners that really don’t have a problem coyote but are just seeing them. That killing one of the adults will sometimes create a problem coyote, when the surviving coyote has to take local livestock or pets to feed the pups.

Do I take hero shots when I hunt problem coyotes?? NO :rolleye: and many others that have hunted coyotes most there life do not either? I am a supporter of coyote hunters hunting coyotes when it is legal but I am against bad taste killing of wet bitches for trying to gain notoriety or clubs holding hunts from March through August these things hurt coyote hunters as a whole group.

Hillbilly in most of his post is trying to push his product or show how great he is and everyone see’s it and it turns them off. He needs to just slow down and post some informative post pics and such and lay off the how great I am stuff. I could post a dead coyote almost every week with CCP all over it and I killed it with my new Black Diamond series call. I could ask my friends here to post there coyotes with my calls or plug my DVD but I dont. These are my friends first not my customers. I gladly give to my friends here when they ask about something I have and they do the same.

I started hunting coyotes nearly 20 years here in the east before I found the internet and there are many more self taught coyote hunters like me so he doesn’t have to try to make out like he is the newest best thing in the coyote world. I have seen so many like him in the past 8 ½ years on the internet. So he needs to sit back and take it slow I know  he is probably well known in his  area for being the go to coyote hunter.


My advice is to him is to type in his address in Google earth then pan way out and realize how small he is  to the rest of the world. There are way better coyote hunters out there than he or I. Just because I or someone else doesn’t post dead coyotes all the time doesn’t mean we are not killing coyotes. There are so many great coyote hunters out there that don’t brag on there know how it is mind boggling. Fortunately for me I get to meet and talk to a lot of these guys at hunting shows around the southeast.

I have spent thousands of hours on the hood of my truck listening and following coyotes calling and watching coyotes reading all I can find about coyotes. Then to have someone that has probably called less than 3 hundred coyotes to the gun claim to be the best!!!! :doh2:  I learn something new all the time even in the past few months. If I ever feel I am the best or that I got it all figured out I will probably take up something else.

TomKat sorry you got caught up in this; I have someone I consider a friend and he speaks highly of you so that is good enough for me. I think you just got caught up with someone looking to kill coyotes to gain a name for themselves. I hope you have a great coyote season and I hold no animosity toward you. Maybe this thread will help show you we here are coyote callers first and coyote killers second.
I am not against year around hunting but I am sometimes against the why and how they are displayed as many coyote hunters are.

Frogman I admire your trying and think you work at killing coyotes harder than anyone I know. I enjoy your post with the setups and scenery. I believe you help a lot of new coyote hunters more than you think, One thing is never give up. I also think one of the problems is you have so much info “some good some bad” that it clouds the basics. I would like to invite you to come hunt here with me this fall.




well i knowed this would happen, thats is exactly why i haven't posted any pics on this form. sorry tommy boy i knew they would crusifie you like jesus christ on the cross, as far as wet bitch goes anybody knows anything about a coyote can tell this bitch is 3 months dry. GOD BLESS YOU FROGMAN YOU HAVE SKIN AS THICK AS A 10 PLY TIRE. to post on here and get the hell brow beat out of you i was told this would happen and ccp your damn right there's alot of coyote killer's that don't post on here do you blame them, this is me and tommy's last time posting on this form it's a shame the first howled coyote that this boy has killed and you stupid smart mouth's take his thunder. i have'nt posted on here sence the jimmy k ordeal and first time back you brow beater's do it again. MY ENTERY HAS BEEN PAID 2 MONTH'S AGO BOYS FOR THE WORLD HOWLING COMPITION. as far as semp and rahm go and your smart mouth's i'm 12 miles east of parkersburg. 1 mile left on rt 31 white house on left. car pool your smart mouth over here and i'll shutter for ya. as for as jim champion goes you talk about me rammin something down your neck i got something you can ram YOU CAN TAKE THAT MONEY I JUST SENT YOU FOR MY WEB. AND RAM IT RIGHT BACK IN MY POCKET. AND YOU FELLA'S CAN TAKE THIS CHICKEN SHIT, SMART MOUTH, TREE HUGGIN, BROW BEATEN, FORM AND RAMMIT WHERE THE SUN DON'T SHINE. TALKS CHEAP IT TAKES MONEY TO BUY WHISKEY. SAVE YOUR FINGER'S WITH YOUR SMART ASS COMENTS CALL ME TELL THEM TO ME. 1-304-679-5677 CAUSE I WILL KNOW LONGER WASTE MY TIME READING YOUR SHIT.  HILLBILLY

Todd Rahm

Let me cut and past this before he wises up and deletes it. Future customers might be interested this....

Quotewell i knowed this would happen, thats is exactly why i haven't posted any pics on this form. sorry tommy boy i knew they would crusifie you like jesus christ on the cross, as far as wet bitch goes anybody knows anything about a coyote can tell this bitch is 3 months dry. GOD BLESS YOU FROGMAN YOU HAVE SKIN AS THICK AS A 10 PLY TIRE. to post on here and get the hell brow beat out of you i was told this would happen and ccp your damn right there's alot of coyote killer's that don't post on here do you blame them, this is me and tommy's last time posting on this form it's a shame the first howled coyote that this boy has killed and you stupid smart mouth's take his thunder. i have'nt posted on here sence the jimmy k ordeal and first time back you brow beater's do it again. MY ENTERY HAS BEEN PAID 2 MONTH'S AGO BOYS FOR THE WORLD HOWLING COMPITION. as far as semp and rahm go and your smart mouth's i'm 12 miles east of parkersburg. 1 mile left on rt 31 white house on left. car pool your smart mouth over here and i'll shutter for ya. as for as jim champion goes you talk about me rammin something down your neck i got something you can ram YOU CAN TAKE THAT MONEY I JUST SENT YOU FOR MY WEB. AND RAM IT RIGHT BACK IN MY POCKET. AND YOU FELLA'S CAN TAKE THIS CHICKEN SHIT, SMART MOUTH, TREE HUGGIN, BROW BEATEN, FORM AND RAMMIT WHERE THE SUN DON'T SHINE. TALKS CHEAP IT TAKES MONEY TO BUY WHISKEY. SAVE YOUR FINGER'S WITH YOUR SMART ASS COMENTS CALL ME TELL THEM TO ME. 1-304-679-5677 CAUSE I WILL KNOW LONGER WASTE MY TIME READING YOUR SHIT.  HILLBILLY

Frog this would be exibit "A" of what your defending.  :shrug:

H-Bill.....I'm not looking to get in a scuffle with another internet baddy, so I'll politely decline your invitation, but thanks for offering and I bet your family is shining proud of your right now.  :congrats:


I was going to help Hillbilly and his buddy out over here, but I see that Hillbilly is pretty much all swelled up in himself already. Best coyote howlin' SOB there is? OK, that pretty much says it all.  :innocentwhistle:
Foxpro Field staff


Quote from: wvhillbillyhowler on May 28, 2009, 07:54:39 AM
well i knowed this would happen, thats is exactly why i haven't posted any pics on this form. sorry tommy boy i knew they would crusifie you like jesus christ on the cross, as far as wet bitch goes anybody knows anything about a coyote can tell this bitch is 3 months dry. GOD BLESS YOU FROGMAN YOU HAVE SKIN AS THICK AS A 10 PLY TIRE. to post on here and get the hell brow beat out of you i was told this would happen and ccp your damn right there's alot of coyote killer's that don't post on here do you blame them, this is me and tommy's last time posting on this form it's a shame the first howled coyote that this boy has killed and you stupid smart mouth's take his thunder. i have'nt posted on here sence the jimmy k ordeal and first time back you brow beater's do it again. MY ENTERY HAS BEEN PAID 2 MONTH'S AGO BOYS FOR THE WORLD HOWLING COMPITION. as far as semp and rahm go and your smart mouth's i'm 12 miles east of parkersburg. 1 mile left on rt 31 white house on left. car pool your smart mouth over here and i'll shutter for ya. as for as jim champion goes you talk about me rammin something down your neck i got something you can ram YOU CAN TAKE THAT MONEY I JUST SENT YOU FOR MY WEB. AND RAM IT RIGHT BACK IN MY POCKET. AND YOU FELLA'S CAN TAKE THIS CHICKEN SHIT, SMART MOUTH, TREE HUGGIN, BROW BEATEN, FORM AND RAMMIT WHERE THE SUN DON'T SHINE. TALKS CHEAP IT TAKES MONEY TO BUY WHISKEY. SAVE YOUR FINGER'S WITH YOUR SMART ASS COMENTS CALL ME TELL THEM TO ME. 1-304-679-5677 CAUSE I WILL KNOW LONGER WASTE MY TIME READING YOUR SHIT.  HILLBILLY

I can hear you chest thumpin' all the way here in West Kaintuckee.    :panties:

George Ackley

why do you guys think she is wet :confused:
No disrespect but I don't think she is, and  her pups i think are up and running around being little coyote by now just about out of the den and eating red meat. they ant going to starve by no means. dad is still there .
I don't know this guy at all , but I didn't see anything wrong with the posters thread and say good shooting pal..


I can always log on to this sight, but how the hell is everyone doing
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


Starting to feel like home around here again.  :wink:
Is Hillbilly kin to JRB?  :roflmao: :roflmao:

I'm out now, because I can guarantee you that I have no interest whatsoever in another blowhard.  :nono:

Love to all.  :yoyo:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Quote from: wvhillbillyhowler on May 28, 2009, 07:54:39 AM
as for as jim champion goes you talk about me rammin something down your neck i got something you can ram YOU CAN TAKE THAT MONEY I JUST SENT YOU FOR MY WEB. AND RAM IT RIGHT BACK IN MY POCKET.


Sorry that you feel the way you do John.
A bunch of good guys here just giving you friendly advice as many of us have witnessed a plethora of professional coyote callers fade out as fast as they bolt in.
Folks here have seen it all, ... they, along with myself,  simply asked for you to tone down the attitude.

Someone on your behalf contacted me a few months ago and asked me about hosting your website.  And being the jackass that I am I think I had you folks up and running in less then a couple hours. I do apologize for that delay.

I'm going to see if I can make that up to you, by accommodating your latest request here. Your account should be closed within the next five minutes, and a prorated check will sent out first thing in the morning. If you'd rather have PayPal, let me know.
Jim Champion
Fins and Fur Web Hosting

   Custom built websites, commercial/personal
   Online Stores
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George Ackley

QuoteI think I had you folks up and running in less then a couple hours. I do apologize for that delay.

couple hours  :roflmao: did you at least give him a discount for the delay  :laf: :laf: 
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


Champion always was kinda slow at things.  :roflmao: :roflmao:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Quote from: wvhillbillyhowler on May 28, 2009, 07:54:39 AM
as far as wet bitch goes anybody knows anything about a coyote can tell this bitch is 3 months dry.

Soooo.... she was weaning about the time they start breeding up here (Montana)?  :confused: She is still that raw? She must have been really tore up.  :shrug:
sometimes I wonder....is that getting closer..... then it hits me

I had a personal conflict the other day, now I'm not speaking to myself.... I'm getting lonesome

I met the girl of my dreams, I was the man of her dreams too.....she used the term "nightmares" though.