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The Saga of HH1 continues..

Started by HuntnCarve, August 08, 2009, 08:01:51 AM

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Having downed my first cup of coffee this morning I headed into the kitchen to pour me another.  As force of habit, I swung by the deck door to cast a casual glance down towards Honey Hole1 (HH1) and HH2 for any possible hog activity?  A flicker of silver caught my eye in front of HH1!  Grabbing the binoculars off the table I zoomed in on the hole only to catch a fleeting glimpse of a small grey object disappearing into it's depths.  Figuring it was a dang squirrel stashing a fallen walnut, I was about to abandon my post, when a massive grizzled head popped out of the hole!  Game on! 
Through the years, and with lots of practice, I've developed a speedy gliding shuffle that can take me from the kitchen to the gun safe in miliseconds.  Quietly slipping into the bedroom, unbeknownst to the sleeping wife, I spied the old .22 Mossberg propped in the corner.  Mere feet away from my faithful shooting iron, I failed to see the laundry basket of folded clothes the wife had dastardly set at the foot of the bed! -A cunning attempt to get me to put it away, being that it was mostly mine. As I picked myself up off the floor, my fall apparently softened by the rumbled pile of clean clothes on the floor.  I cast a nervous eye towards the covered form still sleeping soundly in the bed.  "Whew" I dodged that one! Grabbing the Mossberg I wheeled around only to be stopped in my tracks by a groggy voice eminating from the covers.  "You better fold those clothes back up!!"  "Yeah, Yeah, whatever" I curse mumbled.  There's hogs to be shot woman!   Her obviously "sleep induced" comment about "husbands to be shot" fell on deaf ears..
As I was already out of the room.  She's such a kidder early in the morning I chuckled to myself.. Mentally I did a quick survey in my head of any firearms that may be readily available to her?   Ha! I had the only one in my hands, the rest are locked up in the gun safe! 

Approaching the deck door, I slid the screen door open a crack, and peered out.  Nothing in sight?  Picking up the binocs I immediately observed a egg shaped noggun defiantly staring at me from the hole side tall grass.  Hoisting the rifle up, I chambered a CB, and acquired my target.  He blatantly mocked me by raising his head up a little higher, seeing that I would be taking an offhand shoot in order to get the elevation to prevent hitting the edge of the deck with the projectile.  "Don't shoot the edge of the deck again!" a  voice rang out through the bedroom wall.  "Oh for Pete's sake!  That was a woodpecker that made that hole!"  I silently whispered to myself.  "No woodpecker did that!"  came the booming voice two walls away!  How the hell did she hear me??

My confidence in my shooting abilities momentarily deflated, I quickly regained my composure, and planted the crosshairs on the porcine head glaring at me in the scope.  "PLOP!"  The hog buckled for his insolence, and commenced a death roll onto his back.  His hind legs pumped the air for possible purchase.  But none was to be had.  As I watched through the scope, another round chambered in the event it was required, a single thought entered my head... "Ya better get in there and refold that laundry!!"  Sigh...Even in our finest moments, domestic realities manage to put a damper on things...

Post note:  The service of the H&R Model 999 was not needed.  This big silver back is now the main course on buzzard ridge.  The laundry has been neatly refolded, and even put away.  Domestic tranquility restored, this grizzled veteran will live to see another morning!  The Honey Hole Saga continues.



Great read again and it's unbelievable to what lengths a woman will go in order to get a man to put away clothes :madd:  Glad 2 out of 3 survived the ordeal :innocentwhistle:
I say what I think not think what I say.

Hawks Feather


I sure am glad to hear this news.  Not of the groundhog kill, but that you were WISE enough to refold the clothes and put them away.  As for your wife hearing your comment about the woodpecker, I doubt that she actually heard it - wives can read thoughts.  It is for this reason that I only think about my wife when she is close enough to read my thoughts.



 :roflmao:  Great read Dave!   :confused:  sounds like they all use the same "laundry tricks!"
Yotehntr calls... put something pretty on your lips :wink:


It looks like you've got those "grizzles" pretty well figured out... those in the pasture that is.  :laf:
Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.


 :confused: And you told me you were reviewing some stuff on your website this morning.
Boyeeeee you doooo get up early dont ya? :eyebrownod:

Your little write up always bring a chuckle to me. :laf:
I cant help but to wonder if you and the wife would have had the same kidding around atmosphere if she would have been woken by the crack of the gun instead of you stumbling around. :laf:

Quote from: HuntnCarve on August 08, 2009, 08:01:51 AM
  His hind legs pumped the air for possible purchase.  But none was to be had. 

Oh and I loved that line :roflmao:
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Thanks guys!  Sometimes I have to admit that I live life on the edge around here.  I just don't realize that I am doing it? :wo:
Jerry, I've often speculated on a wife's "mind reading" abilities?  I did not want to mention anything about it being a universal trait.  It would be disheartening to the newly married members here.  Best they learn that lesson in time.  There truly must be some sort of secret training school that women attend in order to hone their skills??  In the meantime I'll be watching my step around here.


 :roflmao:  You're adventures stories are the best Dave.  :yoyo:  Keep em coming.  :biggrin:

:wo:  Ever thought about videoing one of these hunts??  :innocentwhistle:   :laf: :laf:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Laundry everywhere.......spider bite in tow(battle scar by now)........Eyes in the back of his head telling him ...
FALL BACK ........FOLD THE LAUNDRY!!!   :laf: :laf:
You may need therapy after all these adventures........ :laf: :laf: :laf:
Great story Dave! :yoyo: :yoyo:


GREAT story Dave. :yoyo: I felt like I was right there with ya. But I gotta tell ya, I hate folding clothes. :eyebrownod:


Fortunately my clothes folding style does not meet the wife's  high expectations.  Which is fine for me.   Cause I don't want to be doing it in the first place. LOL! 

Hamer, I can't seem to find anyone to operate the camera for me.  My daughter is trained to run television, and Cinematograhy cameras.  Do you think I could get her to film Ol' Dad shooting a hog?  No way!  One of these days I'll figure something out?  In the meantime, Thank you fellas for your support and encouragement!   Hopefully the Honey Holes will continue to produce, and I'll have more stories to tell.


Hawks Feather

Quote from: HuntnCarve on August 08, 2009, 06:48:00 PM
One of these days I'll figure something out? 

Just have Glen come over and run the camera for you.  He does for Diane. 



Great story Dave.  Reminds me a lot of Pat McManus from Outdoor Life. I think every outdoors man can relate to your life's events in one way or another.  I know my wife can also here what I am thinking.

Hunt hard, Die tired
Growing Old Ain't for Pussies.


 :roflmao: @ Hawk!!!

After reading the latest HH story I realize where the inspiration comes from on those howlers you carve Dave!!  :laf: 

I can video them but you gotta give me some lead time.  It's about an hour to Pittsburgh for me & I don't know where I'm going after that!!  :roflmao: :roflmao:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


Hamer, it would be another 4 hours from Pittsburgh.  The problem with the Honey Holes is that any hogs that show up are targets of opportunity that must be eliminated post haste!  God forbid one makes it up to the wifes garden.  Somehow I would get the blame??  Like I can control the little varmints feeding habits? 
One time I heard my wife yelling from her flower garden plot.  She came running inside saying a hog was walking around out there like he owned the place.  Well I grabbed the .22 and went looking for him.  Nothing???  So back she goes outside.  About 5 minutes later she's yelling that he's back!  I go out, and once again nothing?  This happens a third time.. She's too busy hollering and running into the house that she doesn't see where he's going.  So I go out on the deck and set up surveillance.  Now I'm about 12 feet above her watching.  I happen to casually look straight across from me into the tree tops, and lo and behold, there is Mr. Chuck sprawled out on a branch watching her!  I told her to step under the deck for a second.  "Why?  she asked.  "Just do it" I said as I squeezed off a round.  The falling chuck landed on the edge of her impatients.  He was quite dead.  Expecting a heros accolade, I got dressed down for depositing a chuck on her flowers!  As I turned to go into the house, I thought to myself, "I'll just leave him lay there for a spell?"  "Don't even think of leaving that bloody thing there!" came the reply from down below.  That's when I fully understood the ability of a woman to read her husbands thoughts!  Now that chuck would have been one to have been filmed!
I do have to say that I now have her trained to spot hogs for me.  She's not real good at estimating their size.  She always says "There's a huge hog out there!..."  Ends up being a juvenielle.  Oh well, I'll let her slide.


Like I said Dave!! You gotta call me early!!  :roflmao: :roflmao:  It's probably better this way. Your stories are always top notch anyway.  :yoyo:  Diane shot one out of a hole in a tree this spring too.  :biggrin:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11



I enjoyed your detailed account.  That is one healthy looking "whistle pig".  Well, healthy, before someone shot him!?!?

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


What a whooper! :shck:
The g'hog not the story. Well, maybe the story too? :wo:

Hawks Feather


I told you your wife could read your mind. 
