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sour grapes THO AL

Started by byf, August 09, 2009, 06:11:23 PM

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Weedwalker I thought of that same post. I hate that Tomkat felt he was run off. Next time someone is egging him on to do something he does not want to, he probably want.  I am sure there are many things we do that is legal but don’t want to share it. Sounds like he was in the same boat but HH wanting to push his howler and being the one that called it in for Tom he (Tom) probably felt obligated to post it when HH continually ask him too.

Tom is welcome here anytime he likes. You saying he is a good guy is good enough for me Ed. However Todd brings up  very good points

The original story Al(Possum) wrote about him and his student is hard to swallow. It may just be the way it was written. Did it happen the way it was told possibly? Almost any veteran in the coyote hunting world would question it. If I had posted it I would expect a lot of people  to question it including Al(Possum Al).

Al (possum) you have killed 400+ coyotes made thousands of stands and with that many killed you more than likely seen over a thousand coyotes called. Now look at all those stands in your mind and see how many come close to that stand. You see still hard to believe yourself. So you can see how hard it is for others to believe.

To many damn Al’s here

Al (alscals)
To give you background (not bragging but background)
I have killed 500 or so coyotes called in another 200 or so for others to shoot and called several more hundreds to observe plus raised a few through the years. I have put in thousands and thousands of stands and yes more unproductive stands than successful stands. With that said I have not seen half the stuff you tell.  I really don’t know but you have to admit some are hard to swallow. I do wish you would share more of these successful hunts and pic’s with us. Then it may not seem so out of place when we hear a “you aren’t going to believe this shit story.”

I hope know ones thinks I am calling them out or calling them a liar. If it appears that way it was and is not my intent. Just trying to point out the best I can with a damn keyboard that there are a lot of guys out there that have been hunting coyotes along time and have seen many things in the woods while on stand. PLEASE keep them in mind while you all are posting the “you aint gonna  believe this shit threads."

We don’t want to think bad of you, or want you to think badly of us, when we question these stories.



Richard.....I respect you......and you know it.
I only said it cause the guys I hunt with have seen it and one of them posted about it....I got way too much going on today to say much more as my daughter is I'll.
This is why I did not bring it up I only spoke after someone else.....Dave and Nick seeing what we have seen together is good enough for me so I let it rest.
Weed.....your friend can stop by anytime I am sorry for what he went through truly....
But someone else...HH should be sorry for the whole deal as well....as I believe what all happened with him caused things to be worse than they should have.


Richard (CCP) I have had two stands in 17 years that compare favorably to the stand we are talking about.  I have posted this before. I called in 9 down in Mercer County years ago, with the landowner with me.  I killed 4 of them and was still trying to chamber shells.  I don't have any pictures for you, but I can furnish you his name and you can call him to verify it.  I have called in as many as 6 several times as many others have I am sure.  The difference I see in this deal is that if you made the post, I wouldn't doubt your word a bit.  That is not because you are well known either; I just tend to believe a fellow until he proves he is a liar.  Chuck Mattingly did the counting on this stand, and I assume he can count to twelve.  He killed 52 in his first full year of coyote hunting, indicating he is a hard hunter and somewhat successful with the methods I taught him.  At least half of those have been posted on forums with pictures.  Everyone has 20-20 vision looking backwards.  If I had known all this controversy would have come up, I would not have made the post for Chuck until he could furnish pictures from going out there the next day.  I have posted enough pictures of dead coyotes to prove my bona fides.  You declared I had killed over 400, which is awfully nice of you.   I won't comment on the real total as that is not important.  All posts I have ever made were to try to share some enjoyment and hopefully some knowledge with the newer hunters.  Chuck was so anxious to share his excitement with a forum he liked that it prompted me to make the post for him.  He made a post and explained it, and as far as I am concerned, that ought to be the end of it. 
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


CCP  You dont believe my story about  the 10 or so coyotes around us?  I would bet you  we could go out to the same farm and call a pack in right now.  You dont live to far from here why dont you come out and Al and I will put you on some WV dogs, dont forget your video camera we want to get on film :biggrin:  Possum Al knows the wrath of a pack :yoyo: and we do to.  :yoyo: :yoyo:


Quote from: Semp on August 18, 2009, 05:20:59 PMThat dog was wet (and, yes,  legal in KY).  It sure looked like he shot it at night.  But after the bashing, he said it was legally shot (legal hours are up to 1/2 hour after sunset in KY.)   The pic was in bad taste and I think you would agree with that.  Maybe next time he'll turn the dog's back to the camera. 

Yes Semp, I do agree with that. Tomkat didn't like the picture either but was hounded into posting it.

Quote from: Todd Rahm on August 18, 2009, 06:40:40 PM
Innocent by stander quietly points out the red spotting light hooked to said non night hunters belt on his right side (Just behind the coyote)? 

And yes Todd, he does have lights in the picture. He shot it just before dark. But after tracking it till he couldn't see, he got out the lights to find it. At least he put in the effort to retrieve an animal that he shot instead of just leaving it lay.

I talked to Tomkat about this after it was posted and he told me what happened. I've hunted with him several times and he's a good freind. I have no reason to doubt him. He's a straight up guy.

Todd Rahm

I believe ya Weed. Ya ought invite him back. We to would probably like guy too, with out his howler friend.  :wink:



I agree with the above posts Ed. Holler at him & tell him to stop by.  I had thought it was shot after dark as well & I'm Sorry I pre-judged Tomkat the way I did on my feelings toward old hillbilly.  I do not trust that guy,, HH,, & that's all there is to that.

Sorry Tomkat!!  :yoyo:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


CCP i suppose if a guy gets alot of action  he should not post about it unless he has a video cam to back it up, because folks like yourself don't believe the story. Just because it does not happen to you doesn't mean it didn't happen. You have not seen everything to see about coyote hunting so your not the master hunter . just because you have a video out doesn't mean you have experienced everything.  Possumal i believe your story and would love to hear more :biggrin:


  golfertrout,  you read into something way more than what it was. The post is how I feel and it is what it is. I get lots of pm's E-mails from members linking me to threads and calling bullshit. Most try to say positive remarks on these threads or choose to not post at all. When this subject came up I decided to post how I felt and how many others have told me they felt.

I not believing or questioning a story has nothing to do with me having a video. In fact I kill 70% to 80%less coyotes since I been toting a camera. I have always made it a point to be seen as less as possible in my video's and the next even less. I film others hunting them and try to show their excitement and let the viewer understand how we hunt them here. Talk to anyone that comes to the LBL hunts, I don't try and tell people how great I am because I have a video. I try and listen to what others are saying and try to answer their questions to the best of my ability.

You will find also talking to these people I usually always tell them this is what I do for my area your area maybe different.. Take what I do and what others do and adapt it to your area and come up with your own technique. I only give out info that I feel is proven by that I mean, I have to see a certain product or technique produce coyotes 20 times before I will even attempt to draw a conclusion.

I have always enjoyed your fishing pic's and stories. I and my wife both on several occasions have sat in the living room and prayed for you and your family during your bout with cancer. I was happy to see you return to fishing and posting on the board.

Feel free to pm me anytime whether you disagree or agree with me about anything. I feel you stated your thoughts on me and the subject at hand and I have no problems with it.




Quote from: golfertrout on August 19, 2009, 02:44:52 PM
CCP i suppose if a guy gets alot of action  he should not post about it unless he has a video cam to back it up, because folks like yourself don't believe the story. Just because it does not happen to you doesn't mean it didn't happen. You have not seen everything to see about coyote hunting so your not the master hunter . just because you have a video out doesn't mean you have experienced everything.  Possumal i believe your story and would love to hear more :biggrin:

:doh2:  I love computers. If someone can misconstue something, it will surely be done on these things.
Dave, I think you have assumed far too much with CCP. Down to earth guy and coyote hunter.

Have you ever witnessed a car wreck, fight, or movie? Were there others there when you saw it? Ya ever notice how two or more people can see the same thing, but their descriptions can be totally different? Just checking.

Won't be long and it will be hunting season boys. Hold on to your seat.  :wink:
Foxpro Staff Infection Free


Quote from: golfertrout on August 19, 2009, 02:44:52 PM
CCP i suppose if a guy gets alot of action  he should not post about it unless he has a video cam to back it up, because folks like yourself don't believe the story. Just because it does not happen to you doesn't mean it didn't happen. You have not seen everything to see about coyote hunting so your not the master hunter . just because you have a video out doesn't mean you have experienced everything.  Possumal i believe your story and would love to hear more :biggrin:

Believe what you want golfertrout.   I could care less.  Some people believe in Santa and UFO's too.  Doesn't make them real.  CCP stated his position much more gracefully and politely that I would have and now you got a problem with what the man believes.   :doh2:    Next time YOU call in 12 or 15 or 40 coyotes be sure to post about it, pal.  I'll be happy to call bullshit on that one too.    Go whine and cry somewhere else.   :sad2:


I'm a down to earth person to Bop but i dont accuse peps of lying or question there hunting experiences.  CCp I'm sorry all this crap has come up, but if someone says my story is b.s. then they are gonna get my opinion. I dont question there's and they should not question mine. Kinda makes you feel like not posting anything cause you know someone is gonna bash you


Semp   I dont recall anyone pulling your string so why dont you mind your own bussiness mouth. I see the kind of person you are, you like to stir crap so why dont you do it elsewhere like PM. and you can have some cheese with your wine


went coyote hunting the other day and what a day. I started calling on my new hillbilly howler and my buddie was 100 yards down wind. I made 3 lone howls and man they lit up, there was yotes everywhere.  My buddie started yelling   they got me they got me. I ran over to him and he had 5 yotes on him and 7 more was running right at me, well i started shooting and i got 6 of them and my buddie killed 4 of them but they got some bites on him. then all of a sudden there was 6 more coyotes on him and I started beating them off of him and i got bit a couple of times but my buddie got the worst of it.        wewwwwwwwwwwwwww what a day



Gosh, I was thinking about trying to  get with you guys for a hunt this year, but those coyotes might be too tough for this old marsupial.  :roflmao: :roflmao:
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


QuoteGosh, I was thinking about trying to  get with you guys for a hunt this year, but those coyotes might be too tough for this old marsupial.

I am with Al on this one. :laf:

And no I aint never seen that before on stand either.

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:



weeeeeeeeew me nether . i could not stand that to much. man was i scared  :whew: :whew:    makes you wonder what will happen next           simpley unbelievable :confused:


You think that's something. I got a couple stories for you.

Last year I was in a field with my bow. I saw a doe about 250 yards away. I raised my bow. Took my Kentucky windage and let her fly. I watched the arrow go and when it was getting close I whistled and the deer looked up. Right at that same second the arrow nailed her between the eyes.

I was catfishing a few years ago and the depth finder said we were in 25 feet of water. About that time we saw a huge object under the boat and then it went vertical. We saw six foot of catfish tail sticking out of the water. It was at that time we realized it was a 31' catfish feeding off the bottom.

About 8 years ago I shot a 15 point buck with a Winchester Model 70, 7mm remington magnum. I nailed it through the heart and both lungs. It was just starting to fall when two does came out of the woods. One got on each side of him and used their bodies to carry him off.

One night I was out frog gigging and had a sack full of frogs. I noticed some movement around me and realized that a pack of coyotes was around me and wanting either my frogs, me or both. I took off running and about the time they got to me I threw down a frog. They fought for it buying me some more running time. They finished that frog and came at me again. I once again threw down a frog and they again fought for it buying me time again. This scene repeated itself for almost a mile. Just as I was reaching my front porch, I threw down the last frog.  :whew:

I was turkey hunting one time and saw a gobbler about 125 yards away. I was trying to coax it in when something spooked it and it started flying. I shot and killed it dead, but it was still flying. When it got about 25 yards from me I shot again and finally knocked it down. I knew it was dead on the first shot though because it's head was hanging down.
They are tough birds even when dead.

We use to raise pumpkins about 400 yards from our house on top of the hill behind us. We were raising some big pumpkins that year and had one that weighed 976 pounds. One day gravity got to be too much and it tore loose from the vine and rolled down the hill knocking our house off of it's foundation and then rolled on into town tearing a 10' hole through one side of the school and went down the hallway and knocked another hole out the back of the school. It continued rolling down the road until an Apache Gunship showed up and blew it to pieces.

These are some of my stories and I am sticking to them. Believe it or NOT.

Foxpro Staff Infection Free


 :bowingsmilie: :bowingsmilie: :bowingsmilie: :bowingsmilie: :bowingsmilie: :bowingsmilie: :bowingsmilie: :bowingsmilie: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff