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Thank You John NY.....

Started by alscalls, August 21, 2009, 10:59:24 AM

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I have been talking to John and offered to do some trading for a tree rat call........
A day and a half later this showed up........ :shck:

I could not believe the sound of this thing.....It is the first one I have ever owned that sounded so REAL......
I took it outside and used it on the yard squacks and DANG this thing gets em all worked up!!!!

So I got my 5 yr old nephew out with this air soft pistol.......

Two misses and a couple warning shots and this kid is really pumped for the up coming season....
You should watch your mail as I am making you a call that I hope you will enjoy as much..... :wink:
I will always hunt with this call as I have never had one look or sound as good.... :yoyo: :yoyo:


cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool :yoyo:


Does it sound like a grey or a fox squirrel?  Good looking call.  :congrats:
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


Sounds just like a gray .........I am going to have a blast with this thing......we went back out and the tree rats that came were 3 this time...to far for the air soft so we just watched them ....when they started to leave I hit the call again and they came right back to about 30 yds.......I let him crack one off at one and he swears he hit it.......it did flinch but I think it was from the noise... :laf: :laf: :laf:
He is hooked man!  :yoyo: :yoyo: :yoyo:


That is good news, Alscalls Al.  Nothing like starting them young.  :congrats: :congrats:
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


I like that!
I got one from Gene's Turkey calls, and I love it.
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This thing is going a lot of places this fall...... :biggrin:
I should get one of Genes too....then we could both call...... :biggrin:


Thanks for the kind words Al.  It really means something when it comes from a call maker of your caliber. I'm really glad you like the call.

When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car.


I got it BACK after my wife hid it from me and now I carry it in my pocket.....When I see her I just tap tap tap on my pocket and she tries to hit me with stuff! ....... :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

I hope it makes it to squack season........ :shrug:


By the sounds you better hope you make it to season.  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:

When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car.