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The Tailgate / Today in history 5-17
Last post by remrogers - May 17, 2024, 11:04:45 AM
May 17
Apache leader Geronimo flees Arizona reservation, setting off panic

For the second time in two years, the Apache leader Geronimo breaks out of an Arizona reservation, sparking panic among Arizona settlers.

A famous medicine man, Geronimo achieved national fame by being the last American Indian to surrender formally to the United States. For nearly 30 years, Geronimo and his followers resisted the attempts of Americans to take away their southwestern homeland and confine them to a reservation. He was a fearless warrior and a master of desert survival. The best officers of the U.S. Army found it nearly impossible to find Geronimo, much less decisively defeat him.

In 1877, Geronimo was forced to move to the San Carlos, Arizona, reservation for the first time, but he was scarcely beaten. Instead, Geronimo treated the reservation as just one small part of the vast territory he still considered to belong to the Apache. Fed up with the strictures and corruption of the reservation, he and many other Apache broke out for the first time in 1881. For nearly two years, the Apache band raided the southwestern countryside despite the best efforts of the army to stop them. Finally, Geronimo wearied of the continual harassment of the U.S. Army and agreed to return to the reservation in 1884, much on his own terms.

He did not stay long. Among the many rules imposed upon the Apache on the reservation was the prohibition of any liquor, including a weak beer they had traditionally brewed from corn. In early May 1885, Geronimo and a dozen other leaders deliberately staged a corn beer festival. Reasoning that the authorities would be unlikely to try to punish such a large group, they openly admitted the deed, expecting that it would lead to negotiations. Because of a communication mix-up, however, the army failed to respond. Geronimo and the others assumed the delay indicated the army was preparing some drastic punishment for their crime. Rather than remain exposed and vulnerable on the reservation, Geronimo fled with 42 men and 92 women and children.

Quickly moving south, Geronimo raided settlements along the way for supplies. In one instance, he attacked a ranch owned by a man named Phillips, killing him, his wife, and his two children. Frightened settlers demanded swift military action, and General George Crook coordinated a combined Mexican and American manhunt for the Apache. Thousands of soldiers tracked the fugitives but Geronimo and his band split into small groups and remained elusive.

Crook's failure to apprehend the Native American band led to his eventual resignation. General Nelson Miles replaced him. Miles committed 5,000 troops to the campaign and even established 30 heliograph stations to improve communications. Still, Miles was also unable to find the elusive warrior. Informed that many of the reservation Apache, including his own family, had been taken to Florida, Geronimo apparently lost the will to fight. After a year and a half of running, Geronimo and his 38 remaining followers surrendered unconditionally to Miles on September 4, 1886.

Relocated to Florida, Geronimo was imprisoned and kept from his family for two years. Finally, he was freed and moved with this family to Indian Territory in Oklahoma. He died of pneumonia at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, in 1909.
Non Hunting/Fishing Photos / Re: Bronco Project
Last post by Todd Rahm - May 16, 2024, 08:26:43 PM
That's a project well worth the work!!
The Tailgate / Re: Election 2024
Last post by FinsnFur - May 16, 2024, 08:16:00 PM
I lost a lot of faith in the elections after the least one. Now that they showed us what they can and will do, it's a pretty helpless feeling.
Not saying I wont vote. I will always vote. But it sure makes me ask myself why bother.
Non Hunting/Fishing Photos / Re: Bronco Project
Last post by FinsnFur - May 16, 2024, 08:03:35 PM
Nice work. I miss doing that stuff. I put a Ford Boss in my 76 f150 two wheel drive back in the 90's and boy would that thing do burnouts with an empty box :alscalls:

I really like the red. Especially with it's dark hue. But the blue very definitively, says FORD.
You cant go wrong with either.

Non Hunting/Fishing Photos / Re: Bronco Project
Last post by nastygunz - May 16, 2024, 01:25:10 PM
Non Hunting/Fishing Photos / Re: Jimbo in his kayak?
Last post by nastygunz - May 16, 2024, 01:22:34 PM
No win/ no win situation.
The Tailgate / Today in history 5-16
Last post by remrogers - May 16, 2024, 09:11:00 AM
May 16
Virginia's House of Burgesses criticizes taxation without representation

On May 16, 1769, Virginia's House of Burgesses passes a resolution calling Britain's taxes on the American colonies illegal.

Though Virginia's royal governor promptly fired back by disbanding the House of Burgesses, the dissenting legislators were undeterred. During a later meeting held at the Raleigh Tavern in Williamsburg, Virginia's delegates gave their support to the non-importation resolutions. Maryland and South Carolina soon followed suit with the passing of their own non-importation measures.

The non-importation resolutions lacked any means of enforcement, and Chesapeake tobacco merchants of Scottish ancestry tended to be loyal to their firms in Glasgow. However, tobacco planters supported the measure, and the mere existence of non-importation agreements proved that the southern colonies were willing to defend Massachusetts, the true target of Britain's crackdown, where violent protests against the Townshend Acts had led to a military occupation of Boston, beginning on October 2, 1768.

When Britain's House of Lords learned that the Sons of Liberty, a revolutionary group in Boston, had assembled an extra-legal Massachusetts convention of towns as the British fleet approached in 1768, they demanded the right to try such men in England. This step failed to frighten New Englanders into silence, but succeeded in rallying Southerners to their cause. By impugning colonial courts and curtailing colonial rights, this British action backfired: it created an American identity where before there had been none.
The Tailgate / Re: Election 2024
Last post by Hawks Feather - May 16, 2024, 08:46:27 AM
I live in a conservative area so everything is going the way I like. The state did redistrict the US Representative area and gave us a D from Toledo as our new representative. No one is happy about that especially me since my cousin is no longer my representative.
Non Hunting/Fishing Photos / Re: Jimbo in his kayak?
Last post by Hawks Feather - May 16, 2024, 08:44:04 AM
Or have a large snapper think it was a Jimbo worm and bite it off.  :huh:
Non Hunting/Fishing Photos / Re: Bronco Project
Last post by Hawks Feather - May 16, 2024, 08:42:56 AM
Nothing like a little 'off frame' restoration to find all the things that need to be worked on. Blue is my favorite color, but my vote would be to keep the original color when you get to that point. I have been seeing more restored Broncos the last few years and they do look good. Keep us updated as your project continues.