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Started by pitw, July 08, 2010, 07:51:51 PM

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I say what I think not think what I say.

Bills Custom Calls

Alright Barry fess up  :shrug:

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


let me guess, your wife was driving?  :wink: :biggrin:


New guessing game ?  Hmmm lets see, your now a state trooper or whatever they call it up north ?
No wait........ you bought a new camera ???  Canon, Minolta , or a kodak ?


You mistaked your air freshener for a tree in the middle of the road so you swerved?


   Actually I got killed saving a bus load of kids  :innocentwhistle:.
I say what I think not think what I say.


OK maybe the story is a little different than that :eyebrownod:..
  I had just finished the roughest 200 acres anyone ever wanted to spray[and I didn't want] but I had told the landowner $15/acre thinking that would scare them off :wink:.  That didn't work so I had to go spray it.  The approach to the field was a mite steep and I broke a spring on the trailer pulling back on the road :argh:.  Then the phone rang and it was my other operator who had stopped working for me this season telling my old friend and first operator I had work for me from 01-05, [until his cancer got him to sick to work and he got an easier job locating under ground lines] had died[no excuse but it is all I have besides being a complete idiot :doh2:].   I didn't set the break on the KW as I wanted to check to see what was wrong and why the trailer was pulling like a sideways stone boat :pout:.  I found the broken spring and a partially sideways back axle :argh: and decided to unload the sprayer so I could pull the trailer back in the field until I got parts to fix it.  Just as the sprayer came off the trailer it kicked the KW ahead and gravity[which still works] took over.  The truck rolled down the hill beautifully until it made a quick right into the ditch[which was quite steep] and was on 3 wheels when it hit the bank stopping it rather abruptly and saving it from laying down.
  Here now are some pics of the rest of the day.

The cavalry arrived[I was heading to this company's yard from that field to kill their two yards for them.  Kinda of a mutual agreement to help each other out and that's cool as I trade work for work :biggrin: :biggrin:].

Picker got the trailer unhooked and up on the road so the tractor could get it to the field.

Picker pilot.

Then the fun began as the tractor winched the KW up the bank.

She dang near went over so we had to put the picker on to keep her upright until she got a little more stable.

Then up she came.

Tractor driver who has been doing this rig hauling thing for thirty years[He also happens to own a trailer parts business :biggrin: :biggrin:].  He knows his stuff and had started work for the same company I had quit working for[when they knocked off me finger] a month after I quit.


Body work.

Like new again.

Backing her up the hill to the field until my mechanic can put a couple bolts in the front shackle so I can drive it to the shop for a new spring and other parts.  Just so happens another buddy has another hood for the KW that he was bringing out to get out of his yard :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:.

Some would say it was a bad day but I'm happy to be alive and be able to show you guys part of my job. :readthis:
I say what I think not think what I say.


One question comes to mind. How full was that tank in the back? Because mannnnnnnn that coulda been catastrophic no matter how ya sliced it. :doh2:

On a totally different note. Your a lot easier going then I am, because in a situation like that I woulda been all kinda of PO'ed and had no time for to BS.
But somehow you managed to man yourself through it, get things upright and going again, and bring us some pretty explanatory pics, where most folks, (myself included) woulda been all business, and had nothing but verbal experiences to share after the fact.

Thanks for taking us along, next time tell me to put my seat belt on. Now about that tank.....how full was it?
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Jim the tank only had about 350 gallons in it as that was all I needed to finish the next job.  Full tanks do a number as one of my drivers found out in the International as he was backing up to an approach a few years back when he got to close to the side of the road and it gave way rolling my truck in the ditch :doh2:.  It was his last day of work :wink:.
I say what I think not think what I say.


Very glad your OK


That looks like a long, miserable day. 
I agree with Jim - great attitude that I know I couldn't muster up. 


A boring day is when everything goes according to plan :argh:.  I actually think I enjoy disasters cause then the thinking train is on a downhill run away with a lot of miles to go :wink:.  If it all went smoothly I wouldn't know half the people I do cause I wouldn't need them so there is good in all bad.  You just got to look for it a little sometimes :biggrin:.
I say what I think not think what I say.

Hawks Feather


The good part is that neither you nor anyone else was injured.  It is a shame that the truck is going to need some repairs, but it could have been much worse.  Watching them remove the truck would be a plus.  There have been some TV shows that were about workers "righting" trucks that have turned and they were something else to watch how they did it.  That being said I am sure that it is different when it is your own truck that is getting put back on the road.



Yeah that stinks ! But it coulda been worse too.
I'm just glad that the one worker had his proper attire on,
the red uniform with the reflective X, I was kinda worried 
about him standing out in the way of oncoming traffic.  :biggrin:
Pretty cool process they do though, they know what they're doin
to get em out.

Hawks Feather

Dang Scott, you are absolutely correct.  I was too busy looking at the action to notice all the traffic that was flying by at breakneck speeds.  It might have been better for Barry to breakdown on a backroad than the turnpike like he did.    :laf:



Pretty darn impressive, thanks for the step by step pictures and write up.  Glad you weren't injured in the process. 
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


 Didn't get hurt or injured eh :rolleye: :rolleye:.  Men my inflated ego took a shot that would put most ego's down for the duration of their history :readthis:.  I had checked it the day before and it had been over inflated by 87psi and now it's so full of holes it is at fluff rating :shrug:.  I walked into the trucking company office this morning and them [unit's we guys use to get rid of excess body fluids from the bladder] were standing there in a row clapping as I came through the door :alscalls: :alscalls:.  A couple of 'em were a third my age and that didn't make me feel any better. :shrug: 
  Good news is I only busted the spring on the KW :biggrin:.  I have a hood for free from another fellow so as soon as the new spring and new tank are here I'll be rolling her again :doh2:.
I say what I think not think what I say.


im glad youre ok.


Quote from: cathryn on July 12, 2010, 07:00:00 PM
im glad youre ok.

You missed the second post ^^^^^ :doh2:
I say what I think not think what I say.


I am glad your ok to have your price bruised and your ego only let down a bit.

Carefull out there. That farming is dangerous work.
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.