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2012 Hunt Prizes

Started by CCP, November 19, 2011, 07:48:02 AM

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QuoteAs a lot of you know we have a raffle at the LBL hunt that includes everyone. All attendees names go into a hat and we draw until there are no more prizes.

In (2010) everyone voted for all participates to bring a prize no matter how large or small to be donated. This will insure everyone has a chance to come home with a prize.

As we know the LBL is about predator hunters gathering together for a meet and greet with the chance to do a little hunting also. Jim here at FnF has been very helpful in giving us a place to post up and help organize this gathering. There are several guys/gals that come from other boards or just hear about us locally from the surrounding area. Some of these may not hear or know about the bringing of a prize to the LBL. If you have an extra prize to bring along to help those not in the know ( so thay can participate in the drawing)  please do.

If you would like to donate to the 2012 LBL hunt send me a PM or e-mail me at ccp@finsandfur.net I will give you an address to send prizes to. Include your name (or company name) and a description of the prize.

I will in turn take pictures of your prize and post it here with all details. If you are going to bring a prize to the 2012 LBL hunt then send me a pic and or a description and I will post it here.

I will lock this thread to keep it from getting cluttered and post only prizes an add to it as I receive mail.



Pat (Coyote101) has kicked off with the first prizes for the LBL drawing.

1- Nice camo leaf top.(Not sure if the cool hunter orage hanger is included in the deal)  :nono:

1- Package of 2 Schrade knives every hunter needs.

:yoyo: :yoyo:



The Wild one Doug (WildWildWest) has stepped up and donated

1- Osage orange Barrel and African black wood tone board open reed caller made by one of our FnF call makers Yotehntr.




I'm really looking forward to LBL this year.  I have gathered a few items for prizes for the drawing.

First is an NRA commemorative folding knife I got at our Friends of the NRA banquet in October . . .

Next is a leafy camoflage head net . . .

And a metal water bottle with neoprene insulating cover . . .

An finally a military surplus snow camo hooded poncho . . .

I may come up with some other items before February??  Looking forward to seeing everyone again!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


I'm gonna make at least two of these and donate even if I can't make it. But more than likely I will be there. Any colors anyone would like to see just pm me with 4 and I will make it up and post. There will be 2-4 of us so be looking for that many lanyards. Richard I can't pm so if you could get me an address I will get two of these sent out by next week. Thank you and hope they are acceptable.


Second one

Both finished and ready to go !!


Here's the call WWW (Doug) is donating... it's a Hedge barrel with an o-ring fitted African blackwood toneboard.  It's carrying a satin CA finish. 

Yotehntr calls... put something pretty on your lips :wink:


Here's the one I'm bringing... it's the same as Dougs.

Yotehntr calls... put something pretty on your lips :wink:


Don't want you fellas to think I forgot about you. :laf: Being that I can't make it there.  I sent these on down a few weeks back to CCP.  Some cow horn howlers with Ebony toneboards and a little paint. :innocentwhistle:  Hope you all have a wonderful time!



Hole eee crap Dave
I kinda miss seeing those beauts!  :yoyo:
Thats some incredible art work. I love the gunner :congrats:
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