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other states, counties….. Are foothold traps outlawed?

Started by TRAPPERDALE, March 14, 2008, 08:17:39 PM

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I am trying to get a new coon trap passed here in Ca.
How many other states, counties..... Are foothold traps outlawed? And which ones?
any help would be great!!!! links even better......


I'm pretty sure Florida does not allow foorholds except by special permit....and I'm thinking a state or two in the northeast maybe Conneticut?
"If your argument can only be made or expressed by putting someone else down, then it probably ain't worth spit." -- MicheGoodStone SA Pro Staff

Hawks Feather

Ohio allows them, but several states in the Northwest - Washington Oregon have some restrictions.  When I was there a couple of years back there was a big flap since a mouse or rat trap technically was outlawed.  Maybe that has changed, but then again, maybe not.



The are allowed in Oklahoma ... but with restrictions. 8" jaw max. Traps with 2 springs or more have to be offset, and when offset traps are used, signs have to be posted.

Randy Roede

Dale the NTA, or FTA will have alot of information about each states laws concerning trapping. As for each state man there are so many restrictions involving size type place etc. it will make your head spin! You almost need a law degree to get thru the regs. The BMP study on raccoon will have some much needed information on coon traps. Which traps scored the best with the least damage to the coons, something i am sure in Ca. that would be very helpful.


thanks everyone........
you all were a great help...
i started going state by state reading the regs....try it for your self.....like randy said in some states a law degree would help!
and in some...they use plain english in laymans terms...
thanks again for the help!
i will let you all know how i do here with my trap!


The last I knew foothold traps were either banned or severely restricted in WA, OR, CA, AZ, MA, CO. You may want to get in touch with trapping association directors / presidents from the states of MD or MI, it is my understanding that these states came under fire against the anti's in more recent years but have prevailed and no had any restrictions imposed on them. MN is just finishing up a court battle with the anti's and the judge has yet to make a decision as of yet. ME would also be a good place to go for some information, it seems they are continuously under fire up there. Good luck, I hope you're successful! It means a lot to trappers all over the country if you are.




About the best I can do is quote boring contradictory sections of law.

Many of us from "restricted" states resent the term outlawed, because as stated there are often special provisions under which foothold and bodygripping traps may still be used.
Outlaw implies what we do is illegal, and is often used in the vein of "trapping has been outlawed" implying all trapping is illegal.

I don't understand your intent in finding precedence for banning traps, in most places where the types of traps you ask about have been lost, it has been through voter powered legislation.

Changing the writing of the law can be a long and arduous process, and will be your only recourse in legalizing new equipment (if it is banned, at this time, due to current language in said law).

If you have more specific questions, or if you'd like me to just point you to the Washington Administrative Codes that deal with trapping law here, let me know.
I'm not really sure what you are asking for?

Jeff Savoie
WSTA County Rep



Jeff Savoie
WSTA County Rep

I did not mean to offend anyone with the word outlawed.....I understand you getting defensive....the wounds that we suffer from the anti's are fresh and continue to come from all sides.
OK. What I have done here in California is introduce a new trap to our fish and game department. I have gone around the channels and introduced it right to the wardens first.
And they sent it up the chain of command. Being approved along the way.
Now don't laugh to hard on this...............
I would like to introduce the Cookie Jar raccoon trap.  The Cookie Jar raccoon trap is pet safe and child safe!  No moving parts, springs, or latches, and it doesn't grip the animal in any way!  This is a new breed of trap; it's called a "voluntary restraint trap." Voluntary restraint means the raccoon restrains itself and at any time may let itself free of the trap.
Now I know this sounds like B.S. but it actually works....
I came up with the trap one day when I went out to the chicken coop to let the hens out in the morning. Low and behold a coon was hanging from the back side of my coop. he put his paw though a knot hole and grabbed a soiled stick that was in the hens nesting box.

The trap itself is a small container (called the jar) with one opening.
Inside of this container is a small block (called the cookie) which is
just larger than the hole in the container.  Attached to the container
is an anchoring cable and double swivel.
The cookie jar's anchoring cable is attached to a tree or anchor
stake that has been driven into the ground. A paste or liquid bait is
then applied to the cookie and or the interior of the jar. Set the
cookie jar on the ground and that's it, all done!
A raccoon is attracted to the cookie jar by the scent of the bait. 
Once finding the cookie jar a raccoon searches the jar for the
source of the scent. Finding the hole in the cookie jar the raccoon
inserts it's paw into the hole, now he finds the cookie but can't pull
the cookie from the jar. The animal is now trapped! However, in
no way is the animal's paw either pinched, gripped or held from
coming back out of the cookie jar. The raccoon simply has his
hand around the cookie and does not want to let go.
This trap uses the raccoon's own ego against them...
Coons are very smart and most people agree with this........
So this trap is a mind fart for a coon!
A coon will sit there for endless hours trying to figure out some way to get the bait out of the trap.......don't get me wrong some coons do give up.. But I would say 90%+ effective. Here in California we must use cage traps....ever try to carry a dozen cages into the woods?
I will be sending information on my trap to all state trapping assc. Which
Have restrictions on foot hold traps for dry land sets. NJ is currently working on getting approval on little griz type traps...I wouldn't want to mess up their efforts.....


 :laf: I heard this years ago for monkeys ..... cool if it works, though I have to admit I'm still a bit skeptical. Assuming it does, I wouldn't limit yourself to states with restrictions on footholds...... seems to me they would be a prefered approach to footholds in areas where roaming domestics or livestock are present and in some adc situations....... similar to coon cuffs and lil griz traps.
"If your argument can only be made or expressed by putting someone else down, then it probably ain't worth spit." -- MicheGoodStone SA Pro Staff


Tennessee allows them, but requires that they be soft catch, unless they are in or "near" water.


A variant of a monkey trap; pretty neat if it works.  I didn't know a coon's paw worked like that. Good luck to you.

NRA Life Member

"On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of decision, sat down to wait, and waiting died." - Sam Ewing

northern coyote

wasn't that an old coon style from the depression era? well of sorts, I heard of a rather in-humane and also fur degrading style of this where you plaace a peice of foil in a hole iinside a fallen tree, and hammer in nails going at a downward angle, which then applies the same principle of the cookie catcher but the fur on that foot is ultimatly ruined and over all its just a survival trap in modern regards
I'm learnin' and I've got nothin' but time



Thanks for your reply, and the e-mail (and photo).

I said I resent the term "outlawed" but took no offense by it (I'd just like to see you choose your words more carefully ;) )

The way I understand it, that is not a body-gripping trap, because, like you say it has no moving parts... IT doesn't grip.

(*BUT, in my state,  common rat or mouse traps, cage and box traps, and live beaver traps are all NOT considered body-gripping traps)

Monkey trap, was the first thing I thought too.

I'd be interested in knowing your manufacturing process, the size of the hole, and the material you used for the trap.

It'd also be interesting to see how many "self releases" are made as you approach a set, would the possible threat outweigh the desire to hold on (and if so what percentage of the time)?

(*I already see a metal version, in my head... my Dad always says "Anything we can make out of wood, we can make even better, out of steel!")

Northern Coyote,

I agree wholeheartedly that the "nail trap" is highly inhumane, and should only be used in a dire emergency... but then I wonder, how are you gonna get a cordless drill (or brace and bit), a hammer, and a handful of nails... in a survival situation?

As far as degradation of fur, only a taxidermist cares what the feet look like... otherwise a pair of garden loppers takes the feet right off before the skinning happens (and I cut the arm fur off at the elbows anyways, to keep them from rotting).



right from the oregon trapping regs

It is unlawful for any person to trap for wild animals using:
1. A steel foothold trap with a jaw spread greater than 9 inches.
2. A No. 3 or larger foothold trap not having a jaw spacing of at least
3/16 of one inch when the trap is sprung (measurement excludes pads
on padded jaw traps) and when the set is not capable of drowning the
trapped animal.
3. The flesh of any game bird, game fish or game mammal for trap bait.
4. Any instant kill trap having a jaw spread of 9 inches or more in any
land set.
5. Any toothed trap or trap with a protuberance of the facing edge of the
jaws that is intended to hold the animal, except pads on padded jaw
6. Or possessing the branded traps or snares of another unless in possession
of written permission or a bill of sale from the person to whom
the brand is registered.
7. Sight bait within 15 feet of any foothold trap set for carnivores.
The general furbearer regulations do not apply to the trapping of gophers,
moles, ground squirrels and mountain beaver.
● It is unlawful to disturb or remove the traps or snares of any licensed
trapper while that person is trapping on public lands or on other land by
landowner's permission.
● All traps or snares set or used for the taking of furbearing or unprotected
mammals shall be inspected at least every 48 hours and all trapped animals
Any person setting a trap for predatory animals, as defined in ORS
610.002, must check the trap as follows:

●(1) for killing traps and snares, at least once ever 30 days and remove all animals.

●(2) for restraining traps and snares, at least once every 76 hours and remove all animals.

● It is unlawful for any person to damage or destroy any muskrat house at
any time except where such muskrat house is an obstruction to a private
or public ditch or watercourse.
● It is unlawful to alter, borrow, loan or transfer to another person any
license, permit or unused tag issued by the Commission.
● Any person may purchase unprocessed furbearing or unprotected mammal
pelts, provided that such pelts are purchased from the furtaker who
took the furbearer and that the pelts are purchased for personal use and
not for resale. For any pelt purchased under this section, the purchaser
must retain a record of the furtaker's brand.
● A licensed furtaker may sell or exchange, and any person may purchase,
road-killed furbearers or unprotected mammals, provided that: The road
kill is taken by a licensed furtaker during an authorized season for hunting
or trapping the species, and the sale is made by the licensed furtaker
who took the road kill.
● No person, except a licensed furtaker during an authorized season, shall
possess or transport any furbearer or part thereof, which has been road
killed, found or killed for humane reasons, unless they have notified and
received permission from personnel of the Oregon State Police or the Department
of Fish and Wildlife prior to transporting.

you also have to fill out and send in a report sheet

now that i have a brighter future, im going to start brushing my teeth!


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WV has very few restrictions, like body gripping traps in water only, and no teeth that kind of stuff.
It is sad to hear of a ban. A lot of guys I know count on the extra income around here.
Like my friend Cole and his dad this year..........

I would hate to see what would happen if we just let them over populate.


now that i have a brighter future, im going to start brushing my teeth!


Thank you
To everyone for all of the help....
Things are looking good for the new trap.

However we are dealing with a new ban here is this state. It may be coming to a state near you sooner than you think!!!!!
Lead-free bullets?
It all started with the "get the lead out" ban to help the California Con Dor.
Our Fish and Game commission invited the Barnes bullet company to testify that non-lead bullets were available.
What did the Barnes rep. say?
He out right lied!!!!!!
He said that they produce non-lead bullets in 49 different calibers.
And in 89 different loads...
So our state went ahead with the ban on lead bullets.

Now we are three months from early season deer hunting, we can not hunt because we have no bullets to throw at the deer.
Barnes does make a few bullets for a dozen calibers. But where does that leave the rest of us?
Please do not let this happen to you!
oh, as for my trapping 22 rim fire....no lead-free rounds available. back to thump-thump on my yotes....