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Official 08 Bow Hunt Contest Thread

Started by FinsnFur, September 14, 2008, 10:44:17 AM

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Nice deer!!!  :bowingsmilie:

I'm out of the running. Gun season opened Nov. 15 then muzzle loader season then a late antlerless firearm season till Jan. 1. No reason to use a bow if I can use a gun!  :biggrin:





Man JD that is one nice buck  :congrats: stuff like that makes me want to hunt deer again.


George Ackley

but here some smiles from this year of the kids

first one is Rich with his bow harvest of a fine 7pt  and may i say Scouted and harvest on his own,,,, i had no part in the harvest of this deer nore did any other adult

this one is my nephew Gage, as he like to be called 12gage he is 8 going on 29 :eyebrownod:

hell of a cool aid smile

yea and fatboys been putting meat in the box
4 doe so far
here's one
remember what i always say ,,,HORNS MAKE THIN SOUP
Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


Very nice George :congrats:

But were still waiting for your legitimate entry :wink: C'mon give us something to squeal about.
You got it in ya?
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Nice George. Congratulations to you and your family members.  :congrats: :congrats:

NRA Life Member

"On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of decision, sat down to wait, and waiting died." - Sam Ewing


nice pics George.   I like that camo ya wearin' too.  My kind of guy.   :wink:

George Ackley

Jimmy i wont say i ant trying to put ivory on the ground but i have lots of crumb snatchers i need to get out the way first but my turn is coming....i hope ,,, now if only the big buck would cooperate lol

for the coyote we have 1 down and 1 miss so far,, calling coyotes he in my area is a tuff game and when they do come out and your shooter misses its all the worse,,  i need new partners these kid are killing me

had a coyote coming in when one kid disided to yell over to me that  IT'S COMING UNCLE GEORGE :madd:
me and the same kid had a gray come in so fast after set up i didnt have any time to do anything other then shoot it with the light from my hip and from a sitting position,, if i had my cences about me i would of grabbed it as it slid into my side as it was trying to turn and get out of dodge   :shrug:

SEMP, its a bad photo of the camo,,my wife made it for me from burlap,, it really is nice when its on right .lol
i get you a photo one day soon.

Lift Your Truck, Fat Girls Cant Jump


Great pics George, been wondering how you been doing bud.


Ok its not huge but deer is deer this is my button buck taken 12/22/2008 at 4:30 pm all I can say is

there's something you better understand about me, 'cause it's important and one day your life may depend on it. I am definitely a madman with a box!

Proud member of Bills Custom Calls Pro Staff


I was gonna say may the force be with you, but it appears as though you ARE the force. :biggrin:

Nie job Charles :congrats:
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I may be Bopeyes long lost brother but I never said Little now did I  :roflmao: 6'5'' 350lbs of WV hillbilly right there Jimbo
there's something you better understand about me, 'cause it's important and one day your life may depend on it. I am definitely a madman with a box!

Proud member of Bills Custom Calls Pro Staff


It would appear the Silverback has a BIG brother...... :shck:
Glad you got one Charles......WTG :congrats: :congrats:


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Well I better get busy and get my story wrote up then.  :innocentwhistle: :eyebrow:


not much longer !!! 

Nice job Vader !!  the darkside of the force came through  :eyebrownod: 


I've been lazy holdin out a little on my entry here. I'm gonna turn back the clock a couple months and kinda take ya with me on my hunt. The date was Nov. 10th.

  It felt like it would be a good day to get out and sit in a tree, but what day wouldn't, and it looked like my work load for the day might give me that opportunity. They'd been getting more crops out and there was supposed to be a little change in the weather. My day wasn't going quite as planned but I rushed around and got done in time to grab my gear and head to the timber. On the way there I was trying to make up my mind on where I wanted to go. I made my mind up and turned the corner to my spot, and as I got closer I discovered he was combining in the field to the west, only on the down hill side. Well now I had to make up my mind on which stand I was going to sit in.  :nono:  I didn't have a lot of time to waste so I again made up my mind, parked, got my clothes on, grabbed my bow and up the hill I went. I topped the hill in the hay field, and of course there was already several deer standing between me and my stand.  :doh2: I dropped to my knees, which put us out of sight of each other. I waited a few seconds and slowly rose hoping to see deer peacefully grazing  :eyebrow:, but of course, instead saw several white flags darting through the timber :laf:. I made it to, and climbed into my stand, still anticipating a productive hunt. After a short time the timber got back to normal, squirrels runnin around burying nuts, and a couple does had came to feed in the field to the south east of me. OK, it should be gettin good, and I'm envisioning that big one, following a doe, nose to the ground, totally unaware of his fate.......  ;yes;    but instead, the thrashing of a combine getting louder as it's coming up the hill behind me brings me back to reality.  :doh2: :nono: It's coming up beside me and heading towards the corner of the timber. I get ready thinking it could kick something up my direction. I see a few deer scatter out across the corner of the field to the south of me. Then I see some movement coming my direction.  :eyebrow: Up the trail in front of me bounds a couple, they pop out, a button buck and a little doe, looked like they were giggling as they skipped and high kicked over a few logs, and were gone.  :laf: Now I sat there with nothing but a combine beside me makin noise, and a tractor pullin a wagon up the hill to unload the combine. I deliberate a bit and decide, even there's only around an hour of light left, there's too much commotion goin on by me, and I'm gonna move to another stand a couple hundred yards to the east of me. I stalk my way down to the other stand, inspecting it as I crawl into it as I hadn't sat in it yet this year. The stand was leaning a little, a tree had fallen and was blocking quite a bit in front of me, but also had several scrapes below it, and I figured it was better then the alternative. I get settled in there, a short time later it started to flurry. I love sitting in a stand with flakes of snow slowly dropping down around ya in the timber. Another short time went by and my beautiful snowflakes started to turn to ice pellets.   :sad: :nono:  My "positive attitude" was fading pretty fast at this point :eyebrownod: and time was about up anyways. I was about ready to climb down when I caught movement off to my right probably 75 yds or so away. I pulled up the binoculars and glassed a few does and other unidentifiable bodies and legs making there way along a trail that would put them right passed the stand I had left.  :doh2: :laf:  I put down my binoculars, and noticed more movement only about 30 yds down to my right. It was a pretty nice buck sparring with a half fallen log.  :shck: He must of came in out of a thicket as I had my binoculars up looking at the others. He didn't have a clue I was there, and he just kept being tough with this big ole tree.  In the next 30 seconds or so I was flooded with several different emotions.  :biggrin: From, "Oh he's a big one", "shoot him where he stands", to "no, wait, I think he'll come closer, then shoot him" to "oh he's not big enough" "let him walk". What to do, what to do......   :laf: About that time he turned and started to make his way to the scrapes right in front of me. OK, now this is working out too perfectly. As he's walking in I'm playing out the scenario in my head, and realize that he's gonna come straight into me working the scrapes, and I'm gonna have a tough time drawing on him. There was a large tree in front, and slightly to the right of me. I made a split decision to draw my bow as he was passing on the other side of it. He came in and started to work a scrape directly in front of me. The only problem was I was holding my bow back, and he was facing me straight on. What seemed like forever, it always does, he finally turned to go. He was still slightly quartered towards me, but at about 17 yds I was confident I could make the shot. I released, it hit its mark, it hit hard, my arrow only went about 2/3 the way in.  :doh2: He ran about 75 yds out into the open hay field and stopped. At this point the ice pellets had turned into rain.  :sad: I sat there and watched through the rain, and now closing darkness, as the buck just stood there with my arrow with a lumenok on it shining. He would start to walk, but would have troubles doing it. It was raining pretty good now. I waited until it was good and dark before I got out of my stand. I walked back to my truck, and as I topped the hill I looked back in that direction and caught a glimpse of a speck of light, being my lumenok, in a grass way right down from where I last saw him. I decided to give him some time and go back into town and grab my buddy and his two boys to come back after him. I was pretty confident he would be there dead laying in the waterway when we got back, even though I knew there would be no blood trail because of the rain.
We gave it a few hours and headed back out. We started at the beginning of the water way and worked towards where I last saw my lumenok.  NOTHING! No deer, no blood, nothin!  :argh: We worked the area hard, and finally had to quite. I was pretty dumbfounded. I know I didn't get a pass through, but the placement looked good. I was bummed, and I couldn't look for it the next morning because of work.

At this point I'll give ya a little view of the whole thing. The red dot is my treestand that I was sitting in first. The red line is the basic path of the combine. The yellow dot is the treestand I moved to, and the yellow line is the path the deer took.

The next day was still pretty much rainy, sloppy. I got out there after work, and knowing it was gonna be muddy, I was gonna pull in the lane just enough to open and close the gate. I pulled in and hit the brakes and proceeded to slide another 20 feet.  :holdon: To make a long(er) story short, about a half hour later, and some questionable expert maneuvering, I was unstuck. It would have been easy to quite at this point, but still felt like I hadn't covered everywhere, and needed to give it one more shot. Now for a nice hike through the slop. I started out at the beginning and retraced everything, then basically did a grid type search. At one point I came on top of a hill circling around and looked back kind of in/under this thicket. There he was tucked into it. We had came pretty close to him the night before. The blue dot on the map is basically where he ended up.
  So, you're a long ways from the truck where you forgot about everything but your knife, so it's picture time with the cell phone.  :eyebrow:  So I make a "tripod" out of branches, and use the timer on the phone. Not the best pics in the world.
Here is the end result. Not a monster, but a nice buck, and a memorable hunt.      :thumb2:

Oh, and in my fanny pack, which was back at the truck, was my FnF sign, so what to do???
Carve one in bark  :biggrin:

Sorry I waited so long to post, and sorry I get a little long winded. Hope ya got some enjoyment comin on my hunt with me.
Thanks, Scott


Great story and very innovative thinking [I like that]. Conrats on a fine hunt and wonderful deer.
I say what I think not think what I say.