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Barney Frank should go to prison!!!

Started by Bopeye, April 20, 2009, 08:33:07 PM

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Published: April 20, 2009 03:21 pm       
STUMPTALK: Who is Barney Frank?By Jerry McDonough / Chronicle contributor

According to Vasko Kohlmayer, Mr. Frank plays an important role in how the stimulus and bailout money provided by the taxpayers is spent. He is the chairman of the House Committee which oversees the housing and banking sectors that are at the center of the economic crisis. He is one of the most powerful liberal elitist politicians in the country.

Elected to the House in 1981 from Massachusetts he is the only openly “gay” Representative in that body by his own admission.

In 1991 Mr. Frank received an official reprimand for bringing discredit to the House as the result of a relationship with a man named Steven Gobi who was a male prostitute, a convicted felon and lived with Mr. Frank. Mr. Frank used his office and stationary to fix Gobi’s 33 parking fines, as well as using his letterhead to write a false reference letter to Mr. Gobi’s probation officer. Worse, Mr. Gobi ran a prostitution ring from Mr. Frank’s home.

Mr. Frank, a former Harvard instructor, then became involved with Herb Moses whom he called his “spouse.” Mr. Moses was a high level executive of Fannie Mae who bragged of developing “...affordable housing and lending programs” which we now know led to the collapse of the subprime mortgage market that wiped out trillions of dollars from the economy. There were many warnings, but still Mr. Frank whose committee oversees Fannie Mae rebuked reforms and smeared those voicing concerns much like he is now smearing Justice Scalia for daring to disagree with him. When the Bush administration attempted to put the oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in the Treasury Department, Mr. Frank stated “These two entities are not facing any kind of financial crisis...” It was a position Mr. Frank held until the collapse of these entities. Some said Mr. Frank should have gone to prison for his questionable relationships with those he oversaw.

Among the highlights of Mr. Frank’s very controversial record are his votes against the Respect for America’s Fallen Hero’s Act which restricted protests and demonstrations at soldiers’ funerals, and against the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act which would have banned the brutal procedure that kills babies in the birth canal by piercing the infant’s skull and sucking out the brain.

There is much more to be said of Mr. Frank, but suffice it to say that he is one of the main leftist elites now in control of America. All those who care about the future of America they should be concerned about the likes of Mr. Frank. His recent actions and statements make it clear that he will seek to use his influence to implement his extreme agenda. Today it is Wall Street and tomorrow it will be Main Street.

Foxpro Staff Infection Free


That brokeback azzhole deserves the opportunity to pick out curtains for Bubby and his buddies for about 20 years.  Except the peter puffer would enjoy it too much.   :mad3: