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Favorite time of day to hunt

Started by Bopeye, July 10, 2007, 12:32:32 AM

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It's whenever I get the chance. :sad:  I work swing shift so I hunt what I can when I can. :shrug:


I say morning, not for any real "hunting" reason but I go mornings. That way I can still get other stuff done later in the day.

if I were to go later in the day then I will just sleep late and loaf around and get nothing done before I go hunting.

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!



Don't get the impression that I think howling at midday doesn't work or that it will cost you coyote. I howl a lot for locating, long distance calling as a primary lead call and I've been doing it for a long time. My feeling is that in my area it just doesn't increase the percentages or the success rate per stand like it does in the first few hours or the last couple hours of the day. And if it doesn't increase my chances I see little need of throwing my ace.
I'm basing this on my observation over the years on spotted coyote and what their reaction is to calling when I can actually see them when calling or when a partner is out of the coyote sight and what the reaction is to the call. Might be what you call bedded coyote or maybe it's just a resting coyote.
In my prior post I mentioned the term indifferent when IT comes to that midday time frame.  And I think that is pretty sums it up on a certain percentage(maybe as high as 50  or more) of coyote in that time frame. No matter what you give them, howls , kiyi's , distress ...etc, they just are no going to come in. But at the same time the active ones seem to readily respond to just about any sound and it's usually quite fast in those midday hours.  Even without leading with a howl they still seem like they will come so why waste the howl on them.
Hell , I might Even try the same stand later in the day ,if nothing shows in the first place, and give them a few howls and have some luck.
  Hope that makes sense?  The last thing I want to do is change your MO, if it works for you

BTW: I always have a small ground tarp in the back of my truck. In the midday time frame it's not unusual for me to throw it out in some sunny ditch and take a short 20 minute nap before hitting it hard again. Doe's wonders for me!


Thanks Greenside! I howl allot, always have and it just peaks my curiosity when I here someone say they have different tactic's, and I am always interested in how everyone else does things or what there toughs are. Hell that's what makes us better hunters! I have found that different people develop different toughs, tactic's, and styles all across the country and I just find it very interesting to hear about them!

I enjoy applying coyote vocalizations in my stands, don't get me wrong I don't howl on every stand but dang near it at one point in the stand or the other. And I don't change my calling much due to the time of day it is, but I do change my set up some. It just depends on the area I am calling.



 I enjoy reading the responses and it shows how different parts of the country get different reactions,

I do not like to hunt right at daylight it is the worst time for us here. 1 hour after daylight is the best time for us. Mid day is my favorite when it is very cold and afternoon is the worst time for me anytime of the year. I have killed many coyotes at all different times of the day but have found 1 hour after daylight till 10 am to be the most productive time here in general.

I don't do much if hardly any howling have not had much luck with it. Seen more leaving after I howled than seen coming in. This just shows how different each area of the country is. I do have to admit I only started doing a lot of howling after meeting ilcoyote and stan the man at LBL 5 years ago. Before then I usually only howled for locating.




I like the last few stands before dark the best because they seem to be the most productive. The last stand is the greatest, when it gets too dark to see, and the terrain fades into black, the coyotes that are smarter than me start to sound off, it's a beautiful thing. I guess if I got out of bed earlier I would like the first light just as much though. Maybe I should try it on a day I don't have to work :innocentwhistle:
sometimes I wonder....is that getting closer..... then it hits me

I had a personal conflict the other day, now I'm not speaking to myself.... I'm getting lonesome

I met the girl of my dreams, I was the man of her dreams too.....she used the term "nightmares" though.


CCP :bowingsmilie:

    What state are you out of?

     I voted evening with mass. in mind  because the whole pack would make a racket at the edge of a marsh/cedar swamp/hay field on my family's property a few times a week, right around sunset.  But now that i'm in cacalacky (NC), i just don't know.  Any one familiar with the piedmont region please, give me a shout or shoot me an email.  :confused:
"Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it." -PSALM 34--14

Integrity of character and clarity of thought are vital to quality of life.


Where is Cacalacky Bushmaster? I'm in Midland, NC..... just a bit east of Charlotte. I've only been trying to call yotes for the last year or so. The few I have seen come in were at different times. I don't think I have ever heard a vocal response, but some of the places I hunt I do hear what I think are domestic dogs...... but then the first turkey I called in sounded like a domestic dog to me initially  :doh2:

There are a few boys around that call, but mostly I hear of ones taken from deer stands or trapped.
"If your argument can only be made or expressed by putting someone else down, then it probably ain't worth spit." -- MicheGoodStone SA Pro Staff



              No shit!!!  Cacalacky is my nickname for carolina.  I live on the concord/Midland line, right off of 601.  I'd love to meet up with someone after coyotes in this area.  I don't know many people here, let alone predator hunters. 
"Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it." -PSALM 34--14

Integrity of character and clarity of thought are vital to quality of life.