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Siren Locator

Started by JohnP, September 09, 2009, 08:24:48 PM

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Cows located and returned home.  Not the result of illegals, daughter left gate open.

Just recently a federal case came to a close.  A local rancher detained several illegals on his ranch after they cut his fence to gain entry.  He detained them and tied them, in the process one tried to get away and a "tussle" ensued.  The illegal was then tied and herded back to the rest of his fellow illegals.  Rancher then call the BP to come get them.  They filed charges very similar to the ones against my boy, unlawful detention, detention using a firearm, violence while being detained and a new twist - denial of their civil liberties.  The case lasted about a year, maybe more, the results - rancher is to pay over $100,000 in fines and penalties. 

In a similar case several years ago the judge awarded the ranch to the illegals!  Keep in mind that these are not local judges and juries.  The feds get involved in this and then the case is tried in a big city either Tucson or Phoenix and like any other big city it is full of liberals. 

As far as the Border Patrol - God Bless them, most are just youngsters trying to do a good job but hampered by politics.  I know some of you folks probably fish in "catch and release" streams.  Here on the border we also practice "catch and release" if caught crossing the border and you are OTM (Other Than Mexican) you are finger printed, photo taken and then given a slip of paper telling you when and where to report for your deportation hearing, how many do you think show up???   Mexicans are taken back to the station, finger printed, photo taken, feed, asked if they need medical attention, then released at the border to return home --- so they can try again.  Walk into any emergency room and I'll bet more than 75% are illegals as federal law requires that any person going to the ER must be seen regardless.  I have a good friend who is a BP Agent, coming off duty one evening he took his daughter to the ER after being bitten by a scorpion.  When he walked into the ER in uniform he said about 10 people got up and walked out. 
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


Jim just like they show in the video the Mexican Gov wants as many of their people to come here so that they can take over through the use of Migratory tactics once enough of them are here and we become the minority then they will be in control. That is whats going on I mean just look at some of what John wrote
Later that same day two county deputies showed up and told my boy that the Mexican Consulate notified the Sheriff that he detained Mexican citizen with a weapon and threatened to shoot them and that they (Mexican government) would consider filing charges against my boy.  .[/quote]

honestly the Consulate bringing charges against an American Citizen for protecting his own land and something dont seem fishy there they honestly believe that they should be allowed to go where they want do what they want and OUR Laws mean nothing. I had better stop now before I really get off on a rant here and If anyone wants to borrow my copy of the video The line in the Sand I will be happy to pass it around like we all did with the book and dvd of Alaska a while back
there's something you better understand about me, 'cause it's important and one day your life may depend on it. I am definitely a madman with a box!

Proud member of Bills Custom Calls Pro Staff


These signs are located throughout the National Forest here on the border:

Our hunting regulation now includes this statement:

"Homeland security issues along the international border may affect the quality of a person's hunt"

LORDDAL is 100% correct they plan on re-taking the entire southwest through illegal immigration.  Additionally illegals will be counted in the next census.  That will only add to what is already a very bad situation. 

When they come for mine they better bring theirs


But why is the US government playing along with it? Thats what I dont get.
Why dont they care if the illegals take over?

Again not trying to be difficult, or argumentive, it's just very interesting to actually hear about this stuff from someone right there. I would bet over 60% of the American people don't even realize the severity of this as it happens or down the road. And you could include me in that 60% up until a few days ago.
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Its a new world order trying to take over.

first the European uninon and then the North american union followed my the Asian union. I tell you it just part of a one world goverment plot to weaken America. Get her set up for a fall. NAFTA was just one of the first steps
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.


Quote from: FinsnFur on September 11, 2009, 09:28:26 PM
But why is the US government playing along with it? Thats what I dont get.
Why dont they care if the illegals take over?

Again not trying to be difficult, or argumentive, it's just very interesting to actually hear about this stuff from someone right there. I would bet over 60% of the American people don't even realize the severity of this as it happens or down the road. And you could include me in that 60% up until a few days ago.

I have no answer to your question about the government but as in all things political "follow the money".  Somebody is making tons of money on both sides of the border and we the tax payers are getting screwed - as always.  I'm going to add a link to an Op Ed from the Wall Street Journal, it's a few years old but it talks about a similar incident with the choppers and agents.  The lady in the story is our next door neighbor Mercedes Maharis who is also a film maker who moved here from Hollywood and has her own movie studio.  She made a documentary called "Cries From The Border" which is out in DVD and worth watching.   My boy plays a part in the documentary, he is the good looking guy and always has a pistol or rifle with him, he is also pictured on the back cover of the DVD.  If you want I can send you our address and you can goggle earth and see how close we are to the border.  As she stated the drug trail that the mules used ran right past her place and on to ours.  We shared a cold brew this afternoon on our back patio and she told us that she is going to put her place up for sale as she can no longer take it.  Such a shame that our government allows this to persist.  By the way if your old enough to recognize the name Maharis - George is her brother-in-law.  Here's the WSJ Op Ed:  http://www.opinionjournal.com/cc/?id=110008424
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


Wow!  What an eye opener!    :rolleye:


Quote from: FinsnFur on September 11, 2009, 09:28:26 PM
But why is the US government playing along with it? Thats what I dont get.
Why dont they care if the illegals take over?
They want to make Democrats out of them. :argh:


I wish you guy's all the best of luck but I'm like the guy on the video it going to come down to a blood bath/ terrorist before the gov. steps in..
Stay safe folks.