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Byron South seminar

Started by Frogman, January 06, 2008, 10:35:05 PM

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QuoteHey Brent,
I'm confused as to how not being willing to praise South and the ground he walks on could hinder the ability of your business to grow.
Les Johnson dont pat South's booty and he is succeeding. 

A decent relationship with those people is a helluva thing to have to depend on. I'd have to pass.   

I didnt say that not being willing to kiss someones ass was hidering my buisness. And just for the record I dont kiss no ones ass! :nono:

I think this says it all...........
QuoteI was said to me a week or so ago that some of the people I associate myself with is hurting me! Well, maybe! But I don't choose my friends they choose me! I will be friends with anyone until they give me a reason not to. It was also brought to my attention that it has caused me problems in the industry of predator hunting. So be it then. I will not compromise my friends for money or association with someone. If this makes me a bad person then so be it, call me what you will.

What Less Johnson does is his buisness, I dont think he kisses anyones ass either. Thats just here say because I dont know that to be fact, I plead guilty! :doh2:



 :roflmao: @ Bopeye!! Does that mean I still have that "Get out of a BITE ME Free Card"??  :shrug:  :laf:  I don't need to know anything about serene either!!  :pout:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11

Uncle Jay

Issue Resolved
Uncle Jay


Alright.........it's group hug time. Jay........ I LUV U MAN  :eyebrownod:

During this group hug thing.....everyone has to keep their hands above the waist...........agreed?  :huh: :wo: :laf:

You know the thing I like most about this place as opposed to others that I go too? We can fight like crap, smash each others mothers, pee down each others backs and somehow we always seem to find some humor and it blows over. Anyway that's the way I see it and for those of you that don't agree...........

Foxpro Staff Infection Free


QuoteYou know the thing I like most about this place as opposed to others that I go too? We can fight like crap, smash each others mothers, pee down each others backs and somehow we always seem to find some humor and it blows over.

I Agree Bite me Bopeye



I lost my owners manual, can someone tell me what end of the WT to blow in. I am about ready to pass out over here!  :laf: :roflmao:

EDIT: for spelling because I am a DORK!

Obamerica      GOD HELP US!

Rich Higgins

Hi Jay. I've tried to call you a few times in the past six months and sent many emails and received no response. If you were honestly attempting to persuade me to "STOP once and for all" you would do so privately. You chose to display publicly which would suggest another, ulterior  motive which I really don't have to "speculate and gossip" about.
"Rich.  I wish this had died down long ago like most.  Many times I have said to myself, "Let it go. This isn't my dogfight.  It'll all blow over." 

And yet here you are.

"I'm not challenging you to defend anything."

Of course you are, Jay. You know that I'm extremely competitive by nature and will not turn the other cheek after you launch a vituperative personal attack.
"It's no damn fun being on the receiving end is it?
I'll say it twice so maybe it'll sink in.  It's no damn fun being on the receiving end is it? Your defensive/ultimatum response proves that."

Actually the give and take of a good dustup is kinda fun and a defensive/ultimatum?? is a natural response to an attack.

"For the life of me, I cannot fathom a person so arrogant and spiteful that would cause him to go sit in on a seminar, third row center, when he was asked to l e a v e t h e g u y a l o n e."

Sure you can Jay, it's the same arrogance and spite that compelled you to attack me on this forum. Besides I wasn't asked. Byron marched the length of the aisle, with you in tow, entered my space, refused my hand and commenced screaming and spitting on me, DEMANDING that I leave him alone and stay away. Honey and vinegar, Jay. Apparently the honey part didn't occur to either of you.
"You were not present during any "meltdown" in Florida so why in the hell do you think you are any authority at all?  Why bring it up?  You simply weren't there, and your assessment and apparent need to bring up something you never witnessed is laughable.  Anything you would have to say is the epitome of speculation and gossip.  That alone makes anything you say suspect."

Nope, I wasn't there. All I know about it is what Les has told me and what I have been told by others. "Meltdown" is a word that was used on this board previously and it was in my head because it is pretty much descriptive of the occurance as related to me. Certainly of the one that I was subjected to.
Interestingly, you have brought this up and you didn't witness the Florida incident either.

"Here's the point Rich:  This has everything to do with your relentless prodding and poking of others.  It's about YOU.  It's about how you treat others.  It's about how you poke and prod, accuse and point fingers and say anything you want, but when the tides are turned poor Rich is the victim.  It's about your need to fuel the internet.  Predator Masters asked you to cool your jets over there.  Even The New Huntmasters asked that you cool-it just this week."

Be specific Jay. I did vent about Byron on Huntmasters 1 1/2 years ago when he had me, Vic and Cal suspended because it didn't fare well for Byron and Guess. That did go much farther than I would have liked, but people like you kept joining the fray as it was dying and fire it up again just as you are doing here.
A moderator from PM courteously asked me privately, via pm, to avoid future confrontations and I responded in kind, as I always do.
I did poke some fun at Rich Cronk, but tell me Jay, where was your outrage when Cronk made repeated jabs, digs and snide comments about me on PM and HM.  I never did respond to any of them. Where was your outrage when Cronk posted a link to a cartoon and a humiliating caption directed at me on THIS board last May? I did poke fun at Cronk after another snide jab last month. I revived it this month with the help of Leonard. So much for your "speculative and gossipy" conclusion that I was asked to tone it down. I deleted all of my own posts after that thread took an ugly turn and I wanted nothing more to do with it. You thought it was very funny the last time I tweaked Cronk with the Howler field trials.

"There is no need for you to defend, prove or disprove anything.  This is NOT what this is about.  All of this just needs to simply STOP once and for all. "

Very good advice. You and Byron should heed it. I hear often what Byron says about me from magazine writers, editors, call makers. People that I have never met nor spoken to have warned others away from me based on what Byron has told them. LaMarr Game calls warned a young man to watch out for me  2-3 weeks ago. I've never met that gentleman but I was told he is a friend of Byron's.
Jay , it was good speaking with you. Healthy competition builds character. Talk to you again on Sunday.
Your Friend,

Uncle Jay

Issue Resolved
Uncle Jay

Rich Higgins

"It's not who you think you are underneath.
It's what you do that defines who you are."

That is true.

THO Game Calls

Most of the new guys are reading this wondering what the hell is going on?

Most of the old guys are reading this and saying here we go again.

I've now watched two men who I respect and admire greatly take persoanl shots at each other in a public forum.  How sad for all of us.

Quote"It's not who you think you are underneath.
It's what you do that defines who you are."

So true in a perfect world.   But it's not a perfect world.

Perception is reality, and the better one is of making his perception someone elses, the better chances he has of influencing what someone else percieves as reality.

The level we sink to then, to try to influence anothers reality, is what really defines who we are.

I already know what level Byron will stoop too, for he was a part of the PM Adminstration that perpetuated a lie about me there and used it to ban me.  He was a part of the lie, he endorsed it, and he went along with it. 

The point to this is really pretty simple.  I lost all respect for one man because of the level he would stoop to to alter anothers perception of reality.  I would really  hate to see that happen with you two, as I have the upmost respect and admiration for both of you, as I am sure a lot of guys do.  So please take this somewhere else.   There are very few heros left in the world.  Let the guys new to Predator Hunting have you two to look up to.  Don't ruin it for them.


edited for spelling JR.
Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results

Rich Higgins

"Ya'll give me a holler if ever I can be of assistance...ya'll take care and keep the hostility, the negative and unproductive things in life to a minumum....don't be too hard on folks,  say your prayers and wear your seatbelts.
Adios." Joe Bradshaw, Tailgate Forum today.

Those are the words of a man I greatly admire and respect as I do you Al.
Five years ago my son Tyler, then 17 years old, and I were accused of cheating in contests by some members of PVCI. It became a defining and huge ordeal. Two club meetings were devoted to the "cheating problem".
Byron and Jay both played a part in events. At one of the board meetings in which I was defending my son and myself I was blindsided by Byron's accusations to the vice-president and huntchairman. I told those that persisted that I wasn't about to tuck tail and run from them. Most people involved are no longer in the club. Tyler and I are still there. Membership has dropped from close to 500 to half that.  Five years of contending with this has worn on me and made me defensive and confrontational. There have been some very good and
positive things that have resulted from all of this. The leadership of Ray Evridge has turned the negative tone of the club to a fun and positive family friendly club.
You are right Al, enough is enough. I will focus on that mindset and attempt to side step confrontation on the boards. A happy and friendly thought about "what would Joe and Al do?" should make it fairly easy. ;yes;

THO Game Calls

QuoteA happy and friendly thought about "what would Joe and Al do?" should make it fairly easy.

Leave me out of it.  I'd just as soon rip someones lips off and staple them to their chest. 

But then I'm not Rich H or Jay N.   A lot of these new guys look up to you two.  Coyote Gods and all you know?

Timothy 6:10

Look it up.   


Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results



Knowing both these guys for along time I haft to agree. Seeing friends split after years of hunting together and having some good times is a tough deal.

Guys I think you all need to hook up and work all this out! I no mediator for sure, and will probably get some flack for this post but, I can live with that!

Life is to short!


Rich Higgins

" Seeing friends split after years of hunting together and having some good times is a tough deal.

Guys I think you all need to hook up and work all this out! I no mediator for sure, and will probably get some flack for this post but, I can live with that! "

I agree. It is time to put this childish bickering behind us. I've said some things on this board to Jay that I do need to apologize for. Jay I'm going to try your phone tonite.
I hope you pick up.

THO Game Calls

Hell, the guy picks up stray sheep,  What makes you think he wont pick up the phone?   :roflmao:   :roflmao:    :roflmao:   :roflmao:

Become one of 'The Hunted Ones' with a THO Game Call
Handcrafted Collector Quality - Field Proven Results


I gotta agree with Brent here. It would be nice to see you Boy's get through this. Life is to short to spend it bickering at each other.

Plus, it'd be nice to fly back out to Az. and share a stand or two with you guy's again (make it soon the older you two get the more you'll slow Brent and I down)  :eyebrow:  :biggrin: