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What's the craziest thing

Started by FinsnFur, January 03, 2009, 05:20:49 PM

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not mine but my older brothers and mentor most of the time anyway. It was fall 1979 my brother and I were spending a nice October saturday hunting squirels he would shoot and I would catch em once they hit the ground. we were walking along when he sees a grey sittin up on a branch and blasts it I run grab the sqwack and he sticks it in his pocket on the back of his coat one of the built in game pouches ya know. so we start off again and suddenly here a thump and look and see a nother grey boundin for the trees whamoo i go grab it he puts it in the pocket and we continue on. just a bit later we hear a thump again and here goes a grey bouncin away whamoo I just happend to catch it this time it was the same squirel jumped out of the game bag and was runnin for freedom sure enough he had shot the same squack 3 times after that we always carried plastic bread bags to put them into that way if we saw one runnin with a bag over its head we would know we had already shot him once before
there's something you better understand about me, 'cause it's important and one day your life may depend on it. I am definitely a madman with a box!

Proud member of Bills Custom Calls Pro Staff


 :nono: :nono: Jeeeeeeeez ohhhhh peet people :laf:
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Back in the 80's when I first started turkey hunting, it was a trial and error learning experience.    I knew not to move while turkey hunting but I took it to an extreme back then.  If I heard no gobbling I would just sit for hours dead still.   Anyways, I was sitting by this big 'ol tree one morning.  The air was dead calm and very quiet.  Every once in a while I could hear a leaf turn.  Just a very subtle sound and almost imperceptible.  The leaf sounds got a little louder.  I glanced down at my left boot and saw the biggest copperhead snake in my entire life!   :shck:   My heart started pounding in my chest but I sat still.  The dayum snake slithered within 2 or 3 inches of my foot and kept going.  After he was out of sight I got up, stiff from sitting so long, and hobbled off in the opposite direction.

And, yes, I always carry a few paper towels with me which came in real handy that day.   :biggrin:


You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Yeah I think my scent cone would have been packing quite a punch, had that been me. :sad:
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Saw a big buck one time across the river on a power-line and wanted to shoot him so bad, but I did'nt. Wish I had though. If I had it to do over again, I would have swam that river for that buck. He just stood there knowing he was safe while I watched him. I know he saw me I was standing there in the open The river was only about twenty yards wide, but rushing.
If I had it to do over I would have found a way.


Back when I was about 14 years old, my uncles father in law had a dog named Bounce. Bounce was named so because he weighed about 30 pounds and his legs were inproportionally short for his body, therefore he bounced wherever he went. Bounce liked to hunt. As a matter of fact, if you were taget practicing, he would go to the target looking for the groundhog you just shot. Trouble was, Bounce like to hunt EVERYTHING, so we never took him...on purpose. One day during our Bucks only season, we all left my uncle's house and headed for the woods. Evidently Bounce noticed guys carrying guns into the woods and followed unnoticed. My cousin, about 13 at the time topped a ridge into a hay field right next to a pine woods. At this time Bounce opened up on some sort of game. Any normal person would get ready as deer are probably going to be on the move. Not him, he thinks the hunt's over for a while, sticks a hard tack butterscotch in his mouth, leans his Winchester 94 against a fence post, and pulls his wally out for draining. About the time he gets a good stream going, a scraggly ol ten point jumps the fence behind him and enters the field with afterburners on. It was at that time I realized Winchester had indeed built a 94 30/30 with a six round burst. After a reload and a couple more shots, the buck was down and out, my cousing was missing a butterscotch candy, had pee on his shoe, and his horse was still out.



 :roflmao: his horse was still out
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 :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

Thanks for not posting pics!!!
Yotehntr calls... put something pretty on your lips :wink:


I work midnights and one night on my way to work I meet a coyote coming the opposite direction in the other lane. Yhe coyote passed and as I watched him he turned onto another road and was headed toward our wharehouse :roflmao: I got to work and asked '" When did we start sending yotes to the wharehouse to get supplies? :roflmao: I was on my way turkey hunting one time and seen a yote cross the 4lane stand in the turning lane wait for traffic and then cross the hwy. I thought he definetly knows the rules of the road! 


Wait til Bounce  :doh2: Bop reads that one!!!!  :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


    I hope everything got put away before he started field dressing!!  That's funny!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Some good stories you all got there  :congrats: :roflmao:

Some of you may remember this photo...
what's left after "someone" shoots a coyote with a 10 gauge? 

Not the craziest thing I've ever seen but real close, me thinks  :laf:
Please visit our ol' buddies over at: http://www.easterncoyotes.com

Born and raised in the southern highlands of Appalachia, I'm just an ol' country boy who enjoys calling coyotes... nothing more, nothing less.

Jerry Hunsley

Ok, It's my turn to tell a story. I have lots of em. Yrs. ago I was hunting with a preacher and radio advertizeing saleman. He worked for the local radio station and a part time preacher . Real nice guy. He would get the calling spots lined up and I would do the calling. This one day we were out and there was spots of snow. I had a White hat on. I started calling and pretty soon here come a coyote. We were off a little side draw off a main draw. The coyote dropped down in the big draw and headed downwind from us. Thiinking that the  only shot I was going to have is as he was running downwind in the bottom of the draw. I got up and took off. Instead of running away he came from downwind and we met head on as we topped a little knoll at the same time.  I will never forget the look on that coyotes face. With his teeth showing  llunged at me and I shot him at point blank range, just like in the John Wayne movies. The preacher said: " From now on , let's take em a little farther out."  From what I figured after all this, I think he saw my white hat and thought I was a jackrabbit. I shot him as I was trying to get out of the way. It had my heart a pumping pretty good. True story.


a few years ago I was trapping and my lil brother was riding along.  he had this set of old knee high boots that were made out of a set of rubber waders.  we were checking rat traps and as we were walking up to the pond I noticed the high grass moving.  I told my brother I think we caught something.  it was a rat set that was a drowner.  but the rat never drowned.  he got caught up in the high grass.  my brother says wow he is all fluffy aint he.  allmost cute like a teddy bear.  I said yeah well he will still make a good tanned pelt.  so I put my trap basket down and grab my trowel and was about ready to pop this thing between the eyes.  well the rat that was just pulling to get back in the water decided that he can turn around and fight.  he came at me first with 2 foot of chain and A hind leg catch this thing came at me chatterin and squallin.  I jumped back flat on my ass.  then the dang thing turned on my brother. I was trying to put this thing out of its misery and I told my brother to draw attention from me to him.  next thing I knew this deranged rat had ahold of my brothers toe on his boot.  all the time my brother yellin gettem off gettem off.  I stepped on top and his eyes popped out his head.  he then went from screamin for help to laughin so hard. 

"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.


Revenge of the killer rat.
Seen a movie like that once :laf:
Actually that woulda been good video :eyebrownod:
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Them critters can bite hard can't they!!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


he went through the rubber on both sides.  luckily the boots were big and my lil bro had to wear two pairs of heavy socks to fill em out he did not get hurt. 

speaking of the squirrel biting someone I had the same thing happen only I had my index finger bit.  lil bastid. 
"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.