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What's the craziest thing

Started by FinsnFur, January 03, 2009, 05:20:49 PM

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 ....that ever happen to you when you did not have a gun, or couldn't legally use it?

I'll start off by reminiscing about the time, I'm thinking 2 years ago :confused:  A coyote ran across the road in front of me, soooooo close I had to stand on the brakes to avoid mashing it. It got across the road and took off running down the shoulder  in the same direction I was heading.
I floored it and we traveled side by side for a looooooong ways as I layed on the horn and watched him out the passenger window, his tongue flopping around as he beat foot trying to throw some realestate between us.
Maybe 100 yds or so of that and he darted off down threw the shoulder ditch and up in a field.  :laf:
crazy bastids
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I was hunting coyotes at night and Raccoon season was no longer in...2AM We set up and as soon as I started with the mouth call.......A Coon ran right up my leg and stood up and made a God awful noise!
Scared me so bad that by the time I stood up and fought the urge to throw my gun at him, he was 50yds away.
I still shot him..........BASTID ALMOST GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK!!........... :roflmao: :roflmao:


Quote from: FinsnFur on January 03, 2009, 05:20:49 PM
....that ever happen to you when you did not have a gun, or couldn't legally use it?

A coyote ran across the road in front of me, soooooo close I had to stand on the brakes to avoid mashing it.

had that happen to me once too Jimbo only I didnt stand on the brakes I FLOORED IT nailed the little sucker too course I was in and 18 wheeler at the time after that they called me Watchdog the coyote killer  :eyebrow:
there's something you better understand about me, 'cause it's important and one day your life may depend on it. I am definitely a madman with a box!

Proud member of Bills Custom Calls Pro Staff

nor-cal yote

Christmas day 2006 I was coyote hunting in northern Ca.  I had been on this set for about 30 mins and had not seen any thing, decided to call it quits. I got up from my seat and started to walk towards the decoy (stuffed animal) about 15 yards from the decoy a coyote comes tearing across the opening snatches the decoy and takes off. The gun is back at my chair, I look at the gun then the coyote, started yelling he dropped the decoy and took off. The only I saw all day.
never yell whoa in a horse race


Quote from: alscalls on January 03, 2009, 05:33:14 PM
I still shot him..........BASTID ALMOST GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK!!........... :roflmao: :roflmao:

:roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:
I went out coyote hunting a few years ago, I was walking a access road coming up on a field. As I entered the field I saw a ground hog running across to his hole. Knowing he'd come back out in a little while I got in some brush at the edge of the access road. Sat real quite for about 5 min. across the road coming towards me I heard leaves rustling, so I turned and moved the gun in case  it was something good. :eyebrow: Out from under the bushes comes a baby skunk.... headed straight for me. Thought I'd better stand up so he'll know to leave.....he kept coming. So I start to walk away....still coming....I start to run.....he starts chasing me!  :roflmao: Had to look hilarious me with a rifle running from a baby skunk. I finally stopped and raised my hands and shouted, and he walked off. :whew: dang skunk. Oh yeah I reckon that ground hogs still alive, laughing his butt off.
Yotehntr calls... put something pretty on your lips :wink:


When I was 15 or 16 years old I went squirrel hunting with my Dad's old single shot 12 gauge.  I was walking out this haul road and the urge to take a dump came on me all of a sudden.  Now you have to understand that this urge was for real and it wasn't something that was going to wait til I got back to the house.  So I eased off the trail a little ways, laid the shotgun down beside me, dropped my drawers, squatted down, and relieved that urge.  Before  I could stand back up I saw a big red squirrel jump up on a stump about 15 yards in front of me and start scolding me.  I picked up the shotgun, with my pants still around my legs, and took careful aim and blasted that squirrel.  Now the squatting position is not conducive to good recoil management.  The recoil set me right back in the deposit I had left in the leaves, SQUISH, ughhhh, didn't think that one all the way through did we???  It was after that hunt that I learned to always carry some paper towels with me when I go hunting.   :doh2:   :shrug:

Sorry, no pictures this time, let your imaginations have free rein!!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


 :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
I just spit pop onto my desk.......... :roflmao: :roflmao:

What's the craziest thing???........Hunting with a guy that tells stuff like that!..... :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:


I was laughing pretty good til I read frogman's post...now I'm laughing histerically.

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:



my nephew and I were set up in the top of a downed tree several years ago during fall turkey season we had been there for a little while when suddenly we felt the tree jump a bit turned around and looked back down the tree and there sat a nice big old black bear lookin the other way . my nephew looked and me and whispered I dont think he knows we are here and I shook my head and told him not yet any way. I picked a dead stump down hill from us and told Rusty keep your eyes on him flipped the saftey and WHAMOOO blasted the stump the bear went straight up and took off heck bent for leather my nephew busted out laughin and said I think you scared the **it right outta him

same nephew and I a couple of days later were walking spread out about 60 yards from each other I stepped down into a creek to cross and a huge crow flew up my nephew blasted him with a 20 guage just as I heard the gun go off I felt stuff hitting my back and hat took my hat of and dumped out 6 or 8 shot from his 20 guage thankfully I had just dropped over the bank or I may have taken some damage scared the living bejeebes out of me and rusty both after that he was alot more careful of where he was shootin and I always made sure he was in front of me
there's something you better understand about me, 'cause it's important and one day your life may depend on it. I am definitely a madman with a box!

Proud member of Bills Custom Calls Pro Staff


I had a big gobbler hang up on me cause of a hog wire fence and when he moved downhill from me I moved to the fence and started calling again.......No response.....I called some more......no response...... I started calling real easy with my back to a overgrown field and did so for about a half hour.....nothing....So I waited quietly trying to decide how to move to my next spot When 5-6 yds. to my back I hear GOBBLE GOBBLE!!!!
It scared me so bad I threw down my gun and jumped to my feet! The bird flew so close over my head that the wind from his wings blew my hat crooked..... :laf:
Why do we throw what is in our hand when scared real bad..... :shrug: And not every turkey is hung up......some just go the long way around... :roflmao: :roflmao:


    After reading those two stories I now know why you carry that extra pair of trousers with you when we go hunting.  You have learned about the paper towels too haven't you!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!




This is some good stuff!

I think Frogman should get an award of some sort  :roflmao:  :doh2:  :roflmao:  :doh2:

Bills Custom Calls

A Buddy and I was out coon hunting one night and we turned the dogs into the woods
and we are standing there with our lights on,when I see this deer just walkin up towards us  :confused:

Comes up beside us stops and looks down to where the dogs are then takes off if I wouldn't of side stepped she would have run right over me.
I was standing not 5 feet from me partner and he didn't even see the deer but wanted to know what the hell all the comotion was  :nono:

Home of the Triple Surface Pot Call


Went huntin one night by myself when I was a kid. I got farther and farther from home following the coon dog. I found myself in some woods two farms over and semi lost. The moon was out and had a decent trail to walk on and was having a good time out.

As they say Then all a sudden something made a hell of a noise all around me and loud. I jumped and fell down. When I fell something hit he in the arm as I squirmed it hit me in the face the back and all over. I fought as hard as I could but this thing was puttin a hurtin on me at every turn. I thought I would never get away but after what seemed an eternity I finally manged to get loose and ran at least 100 yards before stopping.I had a knot as big as a gourd in my throat and I could hear my heart beating through my chest.

My advice to anyone of you younger guys is while coon hunting at night make sure you aint walking next to an electric fence because a covey of quail might bust out from under your feet and cause you to fall into it.  :whew: :roflmao: :roflmao:



Quote from: cb223 on January 03, 2009, 08:35:29 PM
This is some good stuff!

I think Frogman should get an award of some sort  :roflmao:  :doh2:  :roflmao:  :doh2:

Ask and ye shall recieve allow me to hummbly present to Frogman the coveted and highly infamos gilded TP on a tree award
there's something you better understand about me, 'cause it's important and one day your life may depend on it. I am definitely a madman with a box!

Proud member of Bills Custom Calls Pro Staff


Ouch, CCP,
    Did you need the paper towels???   :innocentwhistle:

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


On a night time coyote hunt......I used fawn distress and heard the familiar rustle of leaves. I waited until the coyote got real close before turning on my light to find it was in fact a big doe about to kick me! I tried to move to the side so as to minimize the damage to me when she kicked the light right off my gun knocking the gun out of my hands....The light was wired to the battery in such a way as to not come unplugged and the battery was in my pocket. So off we went scrambling around the tree me trying to get my light on and find my gun......The doe kicking me off and on (Glancing blows to my arms flailing like a child not wanting a whippin) I got my gun and realized that two other lights from my friends were shining right on me!
I fired my gun into the ground and off she went......I thought you better howl or something so if any yotes heard that shot they may forget.......Bad Idea.....She came back for round two......shot #2 into the ground ...... The deer ran off a second time......then me bitching at my friend...
"Why did you not shoot or something!" His reply...."Cause that was too Damn funny!!!" :roflmao: :roflmao:
We found her fawn right next to where I had been calling and called it a night.


You guys know that squirrels have very strong jaws and sharp teeth and can cling to life very stubbornly?!  
       Just a few days after the "sudden urge" incident posted above the young Frogman forayed again into the squirrel woods with his trusty 12 gauge single shot and a few paper towels in his pocket.  On his right hip he carried his Boy Scout sheath knife, a Western Cutlery model, sharpened to fine edge that would shave hair off his arm!  (I still have this knife and it is made of the finest steel, and can be sharpened to the sharpest edge I have ever seen on any knife.)  I was walking along the same haul road not 100 yards from the site of the "sudden urge" incident related above.  Hearing a sound above me I looked up and there was a gray squirrel running through the tree tops almost directly above me.  I raised the shotgun, thumbed the hammer back and fired a load of No. # 4s at the gray.    He fell several feet then caught himself on a branch with his front paws for few seconds before tumbling the rest of the way to the ground not 10 feet from me.  I walked up to him and was preparing to pick him up and put him in the game pocket of my hunting vest, when he started wiggling and trying to get his feet under him to take off.  The single shot is now unloaded and I didn't want to shoot him again anyway as I would have blown him to bits at that range.  So with the gun in my right hand I stepped on the squrrel with the heel of my hunting boot and tried to crush the remaining life out of him.  Apparently the soft layer of fallen leaves on the ground made this effort unsuccesful.  Because, when I took my heel off him the squirrel struggled to run off again.  I have since learned not to care too much about a lost squirrel, but in those days a kids status was judged by how many squirrel tails were attached to his car antenna.  So I was not going to let this nearly dead, stubborn squirrel get away from me.  Once again I didn't think things through very well.  I reached down with my left hand and grabbed the nearly dead critter around the throat planning, I guess, to strangle the remaining life out of him.  The little furry tailed rat bastid sob bit me in the fleshy webbed part of my left hand between my thumb and forefinger.   (I still have the scar to this day)  His upper and lower nut cracking teeth went all the way through the webbed part of my hand.  Oouuch, dang that hurt.  Now, when you are in pain like this your (well my) mind doesn't work so well and further mistakes in judgement are likely.  Having dropped the shotgun that was in my right hand, I decided to end this here and now!  I couldn't throw the squirrel away because he would have taken a substantial piece of my flesh with him.  So I drew my very sharp Boy Scout Western Cutlery skinning knife from it's sheath.  I drove the blade through the top of the furry tailed rat bastid sob's head and through two of the fingers on my left hand????  (These scars have since receded and are no longer visible, but the mental scars still remain)  The squirrel finally expired, and I was able to remove him from my hand with no further damage, but where was all that blood coming from??  Fortunately I had some paper towels in my pocket!?  I picked up the shotgun and with my prized trophy squirrel I beat a quick retreat o my Grandmother's nearby house for some medical attention.  I laid the squirrel on the porch roof and went in to attend to my wounds.  After getting the bleeding stopped and all bandaged up I went out on the porch to retrieve the squirrel, instead I saw two tails going under the porch floor, the squirrel's and the cat's!?!?   :madd:   :shck:

Now maybe you guys will understand why it is taking me a while to catch on to this coyote thing??

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


I guess I would have to say the time I kicked a dead tree cause I saw a squirrel run into a hole in it. My Brother had taught me,, when I was 11 or 12 years old,, that when a squirrel runs up a tree in to a nest you can sometimes get them to move if the tree is thin enough & you can get a good boot to it. He saw a squirrel run into a nest one day & told me what he was about to do. He said it's gonna go that way cause thats the way it went it. So I got ready & sure enough it went the way he said it would go. So I promptly rained as much lead as I possibly could up at him with the ol 410 single shot.  :laf: After getting yelled at for missing we went on about our way. Fast forward about 30 years now. I was setting in a hardwoods bottom one AM when I saw 1 grey squirrel run into a hole in a standing dead tree. I thought I would give it a 1/2 hour or so to see if it was coming back out. Within 5 minutes a 2nd grey ran up the tree & into a different hole. So I got the 20ga ready. Nothing happened. I was hoping one would chase the other back out if the holes were connected inside there. I stood there for about 10 minutes when the thought occurred to me that "if I kick this dead spindly tree the squirrels will jump out & I might get a shot".   :eyebrow:  So I got all lined up to where I could get a shot from the side they went in on. I took a couple practice runs on kicking the tree,, but not too hard,, then getting set for a shot.  :eyebrow:  I still remember thinking how much better I like the little greys over the fox squirrels & thought "I'll be taking at least 1 home today.  :biggrin:"  SO now I'm warmed up & ready & I gave that old dead tree a good thump!! It swayed back & forth but nothing jumped out.  :confused:  No problem I thought. I'll just give it a little more.  :wink:  So I gave it a little more & the next thing I know I'm wiping the tears from my eyes!! The tree broke off at the ground & fell away from me in what seemed like slow motion. It hit the ground in slow motion. It even broke into about 6 or 8 pieces!! AND I counted 5 little white & grey tails running up the hill side!! I was laughing so damn hard I never got a shot!!  :laf: :laf:  I remember thinking I just ruined a perfectly good squirrel bed & breakfast AND a damn fine place to set up 1/2 hour before day break.  :rolleye:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


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