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Started by pitw, November 04, 2009, 09:47:48 AM

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Tories have gun registry in their sights

Don Martin, National Post  Published: Wednesday, November 04, 2009

It's a good time for the federal gun registry to die. After 11 years of low-calibre crime-fighting -- shooting blanks at bad guys, backfiring financially or taking aim at all the wrong targets -- the billion-dollar boondoggle uncovered in 2002 by the Auditor General will likely be placed on the de-registration block this afternoon.

The magic number to send the gun registry bill off for committee scrutiny and sober Senate thought is 10 opposition MPs.

Under intense pressure from an attack ad campaign against MPs in ridings the Conservatives don't hold, and where local opposition to the registry is strong, at least five Liberals and six New Democrats will likely be spooked enough to vote with the government or abstain on Manitoba MP Candice Hoeppner's private member's bill.

Unless the two opposition party leaders successfully plead for unity at caucus meetings this morning, that count should stick, lifting the bill over its highest hurdle and putting it on track to unplug the registry and shred its records.

The beauty of using the private-member process is how it allows the Conservatives to scrap a registry they have demonized for a decade without tarnishing their law-and-order credentials.

As a free vote, the bill's passage will allow Prime Minister Stephen Harper to tell police organizations and urban voters who support the registry that a three-party, um, coalition of MPs actually put it out of its misery, not government ideology.

That's just optics, of course.

The Conservatives have tried three times to legislate the firearms registry into oblivion, only to watch the bills die on the order paper or languish in the Senate. The private-member bill route at least offers them some political cover.

The premise behind registering long guns (handguns will remain subject to a registration requirement that began in 1934) was always suspect. The greater the owner's propensity for illegal gun activity, the less likely they'd be to register their weapon.

"We do have a problem in Canada with gun crime, but it's handguns mixed with drugs and gangs," says Ms. Hoeppner. "It's not the law-abiding long gun owners."

The better approach, she argues, would be to track those who are prohibited from owning firearms, most of them living without any form of weapons surveillance, and leave hunters and sport shooters subject only to obtaining a licence when they purchase unrestricted firearms.

It's the right move, but it doesn't mean they will be shuttering any time soon that unmarked brown box of an office building that houses registry computers in Miramichi, N.B. Opposition MPs supporting the move could get cold feet when the final roll is called or the Liberal-controlled Senate could stonewall the bill until the next election kills it yet again.

But that would really prolong the inevitable. Despite the 7.3-million firearms on file now, the vast majority being hunting rifles or unmodified shotguns, the registry has become outdated and thus unreliable after three years of reporting amnesties.

Besides, it just doesn't seem to work.

While proponents point to the falling crime rate as proof it has merit, serious crime rates are falling much faster in the United States where the right to bear arms is constitutionally guaranteed.

Police have warped its merits by recently showcasing a weapon seizure and wrongly boasting their haul was helped by the registry. They also exaggerate law enforcement reliance on the registry by insisting police access it about 5,000 times a day, knowing full well every search of the Canadian Police Information Centre for any reason generates an automatic search of the firearms registry.

There's lingering political sensitivity to axing the registry. Prime Minister Harper, for example, has promised to preserve the 290 Miramichi and Ottawa headquarters jobs at risk from the closure. How? Why? The last thing this bloated, deficit-ridden government needs to do is preserve employees for eliminated jobs, particularly ones of dubious merit.

Later today, if the bill passes second reading, a billion-dollar loss for taxpayers and inconvenience for honest gunowners will finally move up the Parliament Hill it should die on.

Now if politics would work right this will be great. :yoyo:
I say what I think not think what I say.


Best of Luck to you up there Barry!!!! I can't help but think we can win from this too!!  :yoyo: :yoyo:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11



OTTAWA â€" MPs voted Wednesday to repeal the federal long-gun registry, signalling for the first time since the program was adopted 14 years ago that it is headed for the scrap heap, despite police assertions that it saves lives.

A private member's bill, sponsored by Conservative backbencher Candice Hoeppner, had the backing of all the Tories, from Prime Minister Stephen Harper down, and enough Liberals and New Democrats to clear its first major hurdle of winning support in principle.

The vote tally was 164 to 137.

There has been an intense lobby campaign on both sides of the issue in the days and weeks leading up to the early-evening vote.

The bill will still have to go to an all-party committee for public hearings and then return to the House of Commons for a final vote before heading to the Senate.

The 14-year-old registry was introduced by the former Liberal government as part of a wider gun-control package, largely after lobbying from the families of victims of the 1989 Montreal massacre, when Marc Lepine used a semi-automatic rifle to kill 14 women at Ecole Polytechnique.

The Conservative government has made three legislative attempts to repeal the long-gun registry, but the first two bills died on the order paper amid Parliamentary neglect and the third effort, introduced last spring in the Senate, is languishing in the upper chamber.

Police, who normally side with the Harper government on law-and-order initiatives, are supporters of the registry, maintaining that they check it often when investigating gun-related crimes.

The bill would only dismantle the long-gun portion of the registry, eliminating the need to register rifles and shotguns. The requirement to register handguns would remain in place.
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I say what I think not think what I say.