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On the subject of marmota monax.

Started by slagmaker, December 12, 2009, 10:12:53 PM

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OK! I guess it would be possible. Shot placement is the key ya know.
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.


Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.


 @ CCP!!

Way to go James!! Why didn't you tell us you were Ruger ProStaff!!  :yoyo: :yoyo:

slag-- Don't worry about a bad shooting Hornet if you reload. They can be made to shoot with todays components.

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11



That's some good shooting!!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Quote from: HaMeR on December 21, 2009, 08:00:50 AM
Way to go James!! Why didn't you tell us you were Ruger ProStaff!!  :yoyo: :yoyo:
Ah, you know me HaMeR, I ain't one to brag ..... much! :innocentwhistle:
Ruger ProStaff That's funny!  :roflmao:

Quote from: HaMeR on December 21, 2009, 08:00:50 AM
slag-- Don't worry about a bad shooting Hornet if you reload. They can be made to shoot with todays components.
I'll Amen that! ;yes;
Only thing to watch out for is the old Hornets had a .223 rather than a standard .224 barrel. Bullets are there for 'em, but they aren't the quality of the .224 bullets.

BTW SLAG????  You started this thread, don't you have any pix or stories? :wo:

Rich! :rolleye:  I wonder what it'll be like here when you retire & have to much time on your hands.  :wo:


ME??? UHH no. I dont have any pictures.

I do have some stories from when I was a kid shooting ground hogs with friends and family down on the farm that my grandparents had. All that happened sooooo long ago that my memory is kind of fuzzy about all the happenings. I do remember going out with my uncle in his old Blazer and looking for ground hogs at one of the pastures. That was when a friend of my uncles brought out his XP100 and I got to find out what center fire varmiting was all about. It wasnt long after that when my family moved and I didnt get a chance to go hunting anymore. Moved from the country to a city and no one I met had any place to hunt or even cared to go hunting. I finally met someone to go hunitng with and when we got there all he wanted to do was shoot at anything that moved. I tried to teach hunting ethics but he lost intrest real quick when he found out that anythign living wasnt a target. So it wasnt till after high school when I got out on my own that i got back into hunting.

I am actively looking for place to hunt such things. it seems like everyitme I find a place to hunt I loose it for one reason or another. last place I lost cause they built a factory there. Place before that someone shot one of the owners cattle with an arrow so he locked the gates to everyone. lost another when the owner died and his kids said no hunting for anyone.

Give me time and I will get pics and stories. My youngest daughter likes going out with me and we are even going crow calling tomorrow if the weather holds and I can find her something to wear that isnt some neon collor.

Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.


Lawdy Slag, you about had me in tears there. :sad3:   That is one sad story. :sad:

If I were you I'd go back to those other farms & ask again about hunting.  Especially the one w/ the skewered cow.  Tell 'em all you want to do is hunt g'hogs & sell the fact that an extra pair of eyes on the place wouldn't hurt either.  Show concern about their property & it's a good chance you'll be back on there. :wink:


That extra set of eyes is how I got a couple places I have now but I seen not hide nor hair of a whistlepig at any of the places I have to hunt. Seen everything else but ground hog. One of them has a long hill side that would be the perfect habitat for them but they just arnt there. I do get my whistlepig fix by sitting in the weeds down by my camp site and trying to snipe chipmunks. Them things are fast so ya got to be quick. A 22short and some patience and its almost as fun. If ya hit one your good to go but if ya miss your done for the day. I have actually entertaind the thought of getting one of them there Gamo air rifles so its a little quieter so maybe I can get more than a couple shots in a day at the mini-bears. Ya got to bait them onto a rock pile with chocolate or mollasses so they will hold still long enought to get the shot.

Growing up we Lived along a rail road that was chock full of them fuzz balls. I have shot several with my old 410 just out walking along those tracks. But it just aint the same as taking a nice long shot across a field and hearing that satisfing thump when ya connect.  I had a track maintenance worker stop me one time and tell me I wasnt supposed to be there and was givng me the 3rd degree when he stopped talking and was looking off behind me. He spotted one comming out form under a tie pile. I turned to see at what he was looking at and he asked can ya hit him form here?. YEP! rolled him real good. Made a friend that day. He would stop by my house every now and then and let me know of the spots where they were damaging the track bed.  Put a  lot of miles on some shoe leather walking those tracks.

Ya know as a side note, If'n ya saw a 13 year old kid walking by himself with a shotgun today someone would call the law and there parents would be put in jail and the kid be put in a foster home.

Before I was allowed to carry the shot gun out by myself I had a good wrist rocket. Store bought not home made. Used money form picking up cans to get it. I use to be able to kill a rabbit from better than 25 yards just as clean as anything ya could ask for using a glass marble. Been many a rabbit taken along that old Conrail line with nothing more than a sling shot. I tried but I was never albe to put down a ground hog with it. AND I TRIED HARD!! Groundhogs head is just way to hard for a marble to bust.

I may just have to get out one of my slingshots and see if'n I can still hit anything. :wo:
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.