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Bipod- Pivot or not to Pivot- What Brand?

Started by Teamroper, January 25, 2010, 10:40:42 AM

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Looking for a little feedback. Plan on getting a bipod to put on my Model 70 .243. Wondering if I should get a pivoting bipod or a fixed bipod. And second, what brand? :shrug:
When you stop learning from everybody else you are going backwards.

There's nothing like roping, riding and shooting, but boy, my horse hates it!-Teamroper


If I use a bi-pod, most of the time I use this.


Lots of others use a mono-pod because it is more maneuverable.


Quote from: Semp on January 25, 2010, 12:04:53 PM
If I use a bi-pod, most of the time I use this.


Lots of others use a mono-pod because it is more maneuverable.

I'm with Semp word for word.  I have a Harris which is good quality and a great product that has set in the floor board of my truck for almost 2 years now not mounted to a thing.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with Him.  Rev 6:8


I tried one of those non pivoting bi-pods on my Mod. 70.  I didn't like it.  Too heavy.  Hard to get the gun level on uneven terrain.  I don't think I would buy another one, even if it was the swiveling model.  I use one of those telescoping monopods now.  It seems more flexible to me.  Easier to move right to left.  Seems the coyotes never show up close to where I expect them to and have my gun pointed???  Here is a photo . . .

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


Believe it or not I have a portable monopod and bipod. I just hate carring it around in my backpack. Thought the mounted bipod would work better since I used to own one years ago. But yes, I have to agree with you about the uneven ground. It is not always the perfect setup. Maybe I'll try the mono next time. Thanks :shrug:
When you stop learning from everybody else you are going backwards.

There's nothing like roping, riding and shooting, but boy, my horse hates it!-Teamroper


I prefer non attached bi pods.  I find it easier to get the gun where I want it using the un attached bipods especially if the ground is hilly or uneven.

I have a set of pole-cat collasible bi-pods that I  like.  I bought them on clearence at an extremely cheap price or I wouldnt have gotten them.

I will make a set like the ones that semp posted. they would be more versital than the ones I have now.
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.


Sometimes I just stick the monopod down the back of my shirt, kind of like an arrow quiver.  Now I have one of those side hanging bags that I carry my Scorpion e-caller in.  My wife sewed a little holster thingy on it that I carry the monopod in.  Works great!

You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!


I have a few different ones that I use but normally a pole cat set gets used.  it is telescoping from sitting to standing level.  I use if for alot more then just predators though also.  muzzy season it comes in handy.  I have a set of the rapid pivot bipods from stoney point and they are nice for fields and even terrain.  you can twist it and move it every direction you want but is hard to cant a gun with that system if the legs are not the same height. 
"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.


I don't like anything mounted to my rifle. For open fields I like my shooting sticks. And in the woods I like my monopod. I carry my monopod in a flashlight holder (ring) that hooks to my belt.


The only time I use a mounted bi-pod is if I'm PD or ground squirrel  hunting.  I made the same sticks that Semp mentioned.
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


Thanks for all the info guys. I am sticking with the portable one that I already had. If it hadn't been for it I wouldn't have gotten a shot this past weekend. I was on uneven ground and the coyote kept changing it's approach. Would have never gotten a shot if I had tried using a fixed bipod.   :yoyo:
When you stop learning from everybody else you are going backwards.

There's nothing like roping, riding and shooting, but boy, my horse hates it!-Teamroper


If your gonna buy one get a Harris, Much better quality and I prefer the one that swivels but with that said I have probably carried one many many mile's and never used it...I do how ever like to us it for a kickstand so to speak If I set the rifle down. I think youll get a lot more use out of some good quality shooting stick's!
"Choot...Choot em Jacob!"



i like the monopods or shooting sticks too there alot easier to move around ive been pinned down a couple of times by coyotes using the bipod mounted to my gun when they come into right or left . if you got alot of ground cover like vines or weeds you have to pick your gun up to high so they wont get hung up way to much movement involved.


I use a telescoping one as well and it will twist if I'm swinging through for a shot. It works just fine for me. i can remember who makes it, I seem to be to lazy today to go look. sorry.


Stony Point has a lot of options from mounted systems to separate mono, bi and tri pods. I have their tripod with 3rd arm assist for very long range shooting but still use a mono pod for most short - 100 yard or less - situations.
Take your kids hunting and you won't have to hunt your kids!


Quote from: shaddragger on February 11, 2010, 08:49:46 PM
Stony Point has a lot of options from mounted systems to separate mono, bi and tri pods. I have their tripod with 3rd arm assist for very long range shooting but still use a mono pod for most short - 100 yard or less - situations.

Have to agree here.  I got a stoneypoint tripod and love it.  It is also pretty easy to pivot too


i got a colplin bipod on my mod 70 223 wssm but i think ill get me one of those trigger stix from primos