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All packed and am gone at 6am.

Started by pitw, January 28, 2010, 08:06:56 PM

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Hawks Feather

Would that be the bridge or the elephant that they wanted you to buy?





Well I'm in Misery now and headed home[kinda/sorta] :innocentwhistle:.  If'n anybody cares I'll be making my first Pro staff statement now, "If you want to have a great vacation and meet some really strange, interesting, informative, very funny, polite, knowledgeable, helpful, long winded, excellent people, then go to the LBL as it's worth the price of admission[x1,000,000]". 
I say what I think not think what I say.


Stay safe Barry and let us know when you arrive. :wink:


Stay safe, It was great meeting and talking with you. I look forward to reading your posts after this trip. This will be fun :hahaha:
Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, and thats why it's called the present.



It was great meeting you and Art!!  Neither of you were anything like I had imagined??  Have a safe trip home!  Say, "Hi!!" to Bob for me when you get there!


You can't kill 'em from the recliner!!

Jimmie in Ky

Barry , I wish you could have stayed a lot longer. I really enjoyed our time together and wish we could have had more of it. Its not often I meet folks with a like mind about keeping history alive and teaching as much a possible to the next generation. Be careful on the way home my friend and don't let Art graze to much on the way home. Some of that grass can gas him up pretty bad  :nono: Jimmie



You guys have a safe trip. In the mean time, I'll save up a few more farm rags and send them your way. Tell Bob Big Dawg said hi. Don't pick up any blue paper towels.



I've been trying to think of what to say about Barry. And I can't come up with much more than I'm glad you made it to the LBL. I enjoyed all of the conversation & joking around & I truly hope you decide to come to another LBL hunt. Thank You & meeting up with you was all my pleasure.  :biggrin:

RIP Russ,Blaine,Darrell


2014-15 TBC-- 11


I'm real happy to read that it sounds like everyone got home safely :biggrin: :biggrin:.  I'm still plugging along and enjoying this Fncountry :wink:.  Yesterday I saw something that made me say it again :doh2:

I mean what useful purpose does it serve, except to warn me of what was to come.  I later saw one of these.

Not knowing that I probably shouldn't have started driving after seeing the "sign" from the first two I managed kill a couple hours driving around and around.

On this coaster.

Art got a mite sick of it on the 73rd ride around  :doh2:[FnCountry].  I did manage to do something better than the people in the other cars on the track though.

Then I got into some country where I could relax and look around a mite :sleep:

I say what I think not think what I say.


That is a beautifull picture of the St Louis arch. The gate way to the west. It is a memorial to the pioneers that first settled the lands west of the Mississippi.

A few facts about the arch
The Arch is the tallest national monument in the United States at 630 feet; it is the city's best known landmark and a popular tourist attraction.

Construction began February 12, 1963 and the last section of the Arch was put into place on October 28, 1965.

The Arch is a structure known as a catenary curve, the shape a free-hanging chain takes when held at both ends, and considered the most structurally-sound arch shape. The span of the Arch legs at ground level is 630 feet, the same as its height.

Each year, approximately a million visitors ride the trams to the top of the Arch. The trams have been in operation for over 30 years, traveling a total of 250,000 miles and carrying over 25 million passengers.

The Arch weighs 17,246 tons. Nine hundred tons of stainless steel was used to build the Arch, more than any other project in history.

The Arch was built at a cost of $13 million. The transportation system was built at a cost of $3,500,000.

In order to ensure that the constructed legs would meet, the margin of error for failure was 1/64th of an inch. All survey work was done at night to eliminate distortion caused by the sun's rays. Since the Arch was constructed before the advent of computer technology, relatively crude instruments were used for these measurements.

The Arch sways a maximum of 18" (9" each way) in a 150 mph wind. The usual sway is 1/2".

I was born not far from there.

It is neat in your arch pic you can see the storm front movnig in at the bottom of the pic.
Don't bring shame to our sport.

He died for dipshits too.

Jimmie in Ky

Barry, Stlouis is one of hte places I wouldn't mind the terrorist getting. Those highways up there give me fits too. I once spent 3 hours downtown trying to find a blasted museum. Never did find the blamed thing either. Signs kept saying it was there somewhere  :confused: Did I say I hate STlouie ?

I was hoping you would miss the storm. Be careful and be safe. Jimmie


Well we are making headway today as we got another 786km[some of them in the right direction :eyebrow:].  We saw 20 vehicles in the ditch this morning in different states of disrepair :doh2:.

  Had my 12th sausage and egg McMuffin and I can now tell you that they certainly don't cost the same anywhere :confused: and don't have the same ingredients[didn't get a sausage twice :argh:].  We crept across some state.

Then I knew I shouldn't have let Art use his new fandangled Ewhiztoy he got at the drawing :doh2:.

Then we got to see stuff again as it kinda opened up out here[man it felt good to see again :whew:] and there are animals not hiding in trees.

We saw 2 coyotes, two coveys of grey partridge, 170+ antelope, lots of geese, maybe 500 deer, pheasants uncountable and one Hooter. :shock2:

Then we decided to go back to Kentucky cause of all the snow :puke:.

Then we crossed a river.


on this bridge.

and the terrain changed.

I say what I think not think what I say.


Well the last two days were interesting as well and I got a few more pics and stories to tell yet. :wink:  Driving through Montana we came upon this guy.[Man they are huge].

Then I thought Art got lost again.

Then I wanted to catch one of these but Art said,"NO the police here don't like me :sad3:".

Some Mt scenery.

Then I came to a place I learned to hate in a hurry :argh:.

Got up this morning and had to drive for 5 hours in this stuff :sad: :pout: :puke:

Got 70 miles from home and this was in the ditch.  I saw a lot down in your country but none like this.

From over the deer.

after 7,354km x.62 =4559.5 miles and I am Home :yoyo: :yoyo:.

I say what I think not think what I say.


Glad to hear you made it home! Sorry to hear about the  :madd:  :argh: .
sometimes I wonder....is that getting closer..... then it hits me

I had a personal conflict the other day, now I'm not speaking to myself.... I'm getting lonesome

I met the girl of my dreams, I was the man of her dreams too.....she used the term "nightmares" though.


Glad you made it safely home Barry. Hope you had as great a time as the rest of us did. It was great meeting you and Art. Thanks for coming.

NRA Life Member

"On the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at the dawn of decision, sat down to wait, and waiting died." - Sam Ewing


Glad yer home safe..... :wink:   Now take the kids hunting EH!!!!    :eyebrow:


 :thumb2:  Good travels Barry, Thanks for takin us with !  :congrats:





Quote from: alscalls on February 11, 2010, 08:27:25 PM
Glad yer home safe..... :wink:   Now take the kids hunting EH!!!!    :eyebrow:

Going skiing with the boys for a couple days come Saturday.
I say what I think not think what I say.