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Absurd claims in Feb issue of Outdoor Life magazine!!

Started by canine, March 03, 2010, 09:25:43 PM

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Did anyone notice the recent article in Outdoor life magazine, called "jokers wild" ?  It has a tip section along with the article called "the century club" meaning guy's that kill 100 coyotes a year consistantley. Well, A regional director of prostaffing for Mossy Oak, Steve Reinhold from Ohio, provided a tip for readers about e-callers being better than mouth calls. The moral behind this is....He has never called and killed 10 coyotes in his life! but is a regional manager and goin to a national publication with lies!

I for one will be contacting Mossy Oak about this. I'm sure they would not appreciate there company being embarassed by such outright claims.

I know Steve personally, have listened to his outright lies for to long, he needs to be brought to light!

To make such a claim in Ohio is absurd.

I ask for support in this matter, the predator industry doesn't need guy's like him spreading such outlandish claims!

http://www.zinio.com/reader.jsp?issue=416112717&o=int&prev=si   Link to quote. page 46 Feb issue, bottom left hand corner.



 I will support you JD and send a letter also but if you could  pm me some more info so I aint typing blind to them.

Unfortunately this is coming more and more common in the industry. Seems the guys that have hunted and killed coyotes for many many years are over shadowed by 5 years or less 20 or 30 killed coyote hunters. They draw there conclusions from calling new uncalled ground in today's high coyote population and preach some made up tactic as if it were fact when in fact all they did was set a caller out randomly and shoot the coyote as it came in.




Thanks for the support Rich.  I will try and get a link to the online article posted here for you.



It aint right..... :nofgr:  Dont know how I could help ya JD but I would be glad to any way I can....


Emails and phone calls to Mossy Oak I guess Al, That's what I'm doin.

Mossy Oak=1-866-677-9625


Thanks I am on it......Where can I look up this Steve feller?
I would like to chat with him.



Not hardly........I just am the type I wanna be up front about it and by speaking with him I doubt from the sounds of things it would take long for me to tell him to shut the hell up........ :biggrin:


Thanks for that link, JD.

It says Reinhold routinely bags 100 coyotes a year.   Maybe but not in Ohio me thinks.  :biggrin:     Here is one of his great tips:  "Find a sound that works and stick with it until it doesn't."    :doh2: 


that is what I like to call a no chit awenser.  kinda like here's your sign.   :rolleye:  I read the article and pa has its own version.  although he is not affiliated with anyone as big as mossy oak. 
"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.


"It says Reinhold routinely bags 100 coyotes a year."

Not to pat myself on the back but in my youger days I have killed a lot of coyotes - but I don't think I have ever killed 100 a year on a routine basis!  Do you think it may mean that he drives around looking for road kills and put them in a "bag"?
When they come for mine they better bring theirs


Does it say how he kills them?  I know several guys that have routinely killed a hundred or coyotes a year but they trap or snare most of them.  Got a young fellow in BC that can't call in a coyote but has taken 43 with iron this winter.
I say what I think not think what I say.


I know there is a lot of people getting coyotes with hounds in pa.  the only person I know that legitimately gets 100 coyotes is a fella by the last name of zagger.(not saying there couldn't be more though)  He traps em and I think he caught 100+ this year and that is in new york.  not saying 100 calling isn't possible but it is hard to believe.  
"If you want to know all about a man, go camping with him. Probably you think you know him already, but if you have never camped on the trail with him, you do not". Eldred Nathaniel Woodcock. Fifty Years a Hunter and Trapper.


bigben that would depend where you are and how much land you have to hunt, then how much time you can put into it.  I certainly don't find it unbelievable but then I have something not everyone does.  After being to the LBL, if someone said they shot a hundred coyotes around there regularly I'd have to ask if he had a job or was coyote hunting his passion and he was independently wealthy to afford 363 days a year hunting.  Then chances are I wouldn't buy anything from him if he told me it was a good deal :wink:.
I say what I think not think what I say.


the crew my boy hunts with topped 50 one year with the hounds and I think that was their best outstanding year.    :shrug:  100 calling in the east ???  very hard to believe.


Here is the guy to contact if interested.

I found that Tim Anderson handles all Prostaff managers for Mossy Oak his e-mail is tanderson@mossyoak.com


Anybody who claims to "Routinely" call and kill 100 coyotes a year around this part of the country, with any kind of calls or ecallers, is full of bull. 
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff


I know him myself and I can tell you right now he dont kill no 100 coyotes a year! First hand! I didnt know that he had ever called in and killed a coyote at all? I never seen no footage when he was filming, or even remember him saying he had called any in better alone shot them? I do remember him saying he called a few fox one time while trying to call coyotes.

You got me on board JD, I will call and email them!  :biggrin:


I got a response from Mossy Oak..

Steve is a good man and we stand behind what he say's...... :doh2:

I'm floored, Oh well!

Thanks Brent!!



J. D., that really surprises me about Mossy Oak.  I have always thought they were about as straight as anyone you could find, but evidently not.
Al Prather
Foxpro Field Staff