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Birds of Prey

Started by Lighterknot, May 06, 2010, 07:21:26 AM

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Anyone have any cool action shots of those flying predators at work?  The below picture was sent to me in an e-mail with random pictures:



There was a guy on here a while back that was big into falconry and he had some awesome pics. I'm thinking their still around if ya do a search. :confused:
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Wow Semp, that was friggin amazing!  Golden Eagles are some scary strong SOB's!


Hawk's Feather was into the bird stuff too.
Were is Jerry anyway? Figured he'd be all over this.


We have a family of Great horned owls that have nested on our property for the past several years.  I will try to get some pictures for you, but since I'm confined to a wheelchair for the next few weeks it may be a while.  Last year we watched them grow and and even got to see them fledge for the first time. In a rather large canyon north of our place a pair of Golden Eagles nest on the cliff side.  Just last year one of the young ones learned how to catch ground squirrels and rabbits at our place.  On the back side of our mountain range is a small lake that normally has a breeding pair of Bald Eagles.

We have an abundance of hawks of all sizes and shapes.  A Peregrine has made her nest on rather steep cliff bank directly above our place and we enjoy watching her snatch dove out of the air. 

When they come for mine they better bring theirs

Jimmie in Ky

Some of the most amazing things in nature too me have been things I have seen birds of prey do. And as usual wind up wishing I had a camera with me. Packing a camera is just not in my habit. But if you get the chance to watch a bald eagle fish , do it. It is truly amazing to watch. They lock the wings , just skimming over teh water , then suddenly drop thier feet. A wing beat or two and they are in hte air with the catch. They may carry off a six to ten pound carp with what seems like no effort at all. Jimmie


Out on the lake one morning no one was catching any fish.  There were about six guys fishing and one boat out on the water.  This Osprey caught about four trout in less than an hour.  Although you can't see it he has about a 20" trout in his grasp.

When they come for mine they better bring theirs


WOW them golden eagles are bad a- - ! did you all see the clips of them dragging the goats off the cliffs!


Yes! That was very cool! Make's ya want one to hunt with.  :eyebrow: